January 13, 2024
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Movies are great and entertaining part of our relaxing time. Studies show that watching movies can have a beneficial impact on our behavior and perspective around the subject the movie is portraying. Great movies are provoking our mindset, challenging our beliefs and making us curious to expand our knowledge about the topics.

There is also a study that has found a direct correlation between watching a movie and its impact on our, social connections, productivity, and creativity. It also promotes focusing our attention on a single thing. Taking into account that we multitask all day every day that sole activity has long-term benefits for our well-being.

When feeling down movies can cheer you up and lift you up. When lacking self confidence and start practicing self love it is also a good idea to be exposed to an audiovisual experience that can inspire your journey of self development, and watching a movie will do just that. If you want to learn more about improving your confidence, click here.

The movies that we choose for our list that are currently on Netflix are as follows: Eternity and a Day (1998), Bucket List (2007), Wild (2014), The Devil Wears Prada (2006), The Truman Show (1998), A Beautiful Mind (2001), Slumdog Millionaire (2008), August Rush (2007)

Eternity and a Day (1998)

An emotional journey with Alexandros and his close-to-end life. This movie portrays how life is a short span of our memories that we assemble. How one small change can lead us to fulfillment and ultimately we yearn for a better tomorrow. Where there is a tomorrow there is hope.

A journey with this masterpiece is something you shouldn`t miss.

Bucket List (2007)

Two terminally ill patients get out of the hospitals to do all the things that they wanted to before they die. Hilarious, emotional, and inspirational movie about friendship, love, and sacrifices. If that doesn’t convince you enough maybe the fact that Jack Nicolson and Morgan Freeman are in it will make you think twice about it.

Wild (2014)

With her marriage busted, death of her mother our protagonist lost all hope. After years of reckless, destructive behavior, she makes a sudden and rash decision. With only a determination in her backpack she hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone. WILD powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthens, and ultimately heals her.

We don’t get to see Reese Witherspoon in these kinds of movies so it is an absolute delight to watch it.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

There is no need to describe this movie. You probably heard of it or watch it countless times. But it emphasizes the struggle within ourselves to choose our lives and to make good decisions. This is the reason Meryl Streep is my fav actress, she’s a natural. That’s all.

The Truman Show (1998)

One of the most, if not the most, psychological thriller films ever produced. A cleverly disguised tragedy of a man whose whole life is a lie. This is definitely one of Jim Carry’s best roles.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

When brilliant mathematician John Nash is on the brink of international recognition, he becomes involved in a mysterious conspiracy. His devoted wife is the only one who can help him in this impressive tale of courage, passion and victory.

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind. But an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

This movie is really a rollercoaster of a story, emotions, and experiences. Great told story about an orphan growing up in the streets of Mumbai. With vibrant scenery and fantastic shots, it is a masterpiece that will uplift you in the most wonderful of ways.

This movie explains to us that every experience teaches a lesson in life.

August Rush (2007)

An incredible journey moving at the speed of sound is the motto of this movie. A warm and wonderful tale about a child exploring the world with his music in search of his parents.

Enjoy the movies from this list. Explore and relax with them for a bit, you have earned it.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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