January 17, 2024

Can your health, self-esteem, or life overall be affected by affirmations? Is it possible to embark on a self-improvement journey relying solely on affirmations and expect tremendous results? Could you imagine what it would be like if you could get the tools that would help you improve your health, confidence, and self esteem, and eventually improve your life experiences?

Although affirmations can help you, they can’t do it all alone, you will need to utilize them as an essential tool in your arsenal of self-improvement and self-esteem.

It takes emotion to have a high level of positivity and abundance in your life, but emotion only lasts for a while; it takes affirmation to imprint emotion in your habit, and we are creatures of habit. Once you have positive energy through the whole day and you are in that zone for a longer period of time that is when abundance in every aspect comes. Affirmations can affect and help you when used correctly.

There is no magic word that can create you into anything you desire, nor do affirmations have the power to change your life instantly. There is no magic wand for you to wave, or a magical pill that you can take, and all of a sudden, and your wish is granted. If you make your affirmations correctly, they can lead you to successfully achieving your goals, and keep you on the right path. They can also serve you as great motivators as well as excellent habit-creator.

Once they are created, executed and mastered you will have great habits that will improve your life tremendously. So the mistake everyone makes when it comes to doing affirmations the right way is just that – creation, execution and mastering.

How can you start healing yourself with Affirmations?

Whenever you are going to use Affirmation in healing, it might be a good idea to first identify what you want to heal. Regardless of what it might be and no matter what is troubling you, you must be honest with yourself. It is important to remember that you are the one who knows yourself the best, so you can be the judge of what needs to be done.

The best way to do identification if you are having difficulties finding it is to do it when you are by yourself in a relatively quiet and comfortable place, but not too relaxed so that you would fall asleep easily. The starting point here is to be comfortable, relaxed but focused.

Try to focus on what is bugging you but without any thinking about it. You just want to revoke the feeling, you already know what you are thinking about, key here is just to bring it up out of yourself. Additionally, it will be good if you can imagine that you are looking at it as a movie in your head, and you are a spectator.

No comment, no pauses to think about the scene, just let it be until it ends. Now think about what you saw. Take the time to think about it, but do not try to find a solution. You need to collect everything you have at this point in time.

Now that the whole story is unfollowed in front of you, you can now come up with a solution. Usually, it will bump up immediately because you were looking at the problem as a spectator and not having a personal attachment to it. Once the solutions are there, just write them down in the order they come up.

The benefit of this is that you will have the opportunity to ask your own opinion about the problem as someone who knows you well, knows the problem in detail, and is able to give you an honest opinion about the solution.

You are doing affirmations already and you didn’t know it.

There is always a bit of nervousness about the outcome of some event. No matter what it is, whether it is a test, a meeting, or any other kind of thing you are unsure about its outcome. The anxiety that you feel intensifies as you fear a negative outcome, so you become more and more anxious.

As more and more time passes, you start to visualize vividly and start thinking that you will fail or embarrass yourself. You start to sweat, your heart rate is increased and your whole body is shaking with fear. In fact, you are very close to having a panic attack. It is the moment before the start of an event that you are highly alert, tense, and on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

The event starts and you are a bit unsure, but you realize that you don’t need to worry after all. The more time you spend in it, the more your fear disappears and the more your anxiety is reduced. After the event is over, you already forget what your body went through before the event, what phases it went through and what changes it experienced. It’s a shame that when you think of it, was there a real purpose to doing that since you have only damaged yourself?

Now in this short example, we represented how powerful affirmation can be in a very short time but in a negative way. We covered anxiety, fear, vivid visualization, and almost panic attack. Eventually, though, once you realize that there is nothing to be afraid of and that you are not in any danger, a lot of the fear began to wear off.

That was the powerful outcome of your negative thoughts wrapped around a short period of time. Now imagine what your negative thoughts can do in the long run. As a result, you may become more depressed, fearful, and anxious, and be more uptight and nervous. In other words, too much negativity will cause your body to break down.

What are the steps in creating a successful affirmation?

The process of creation began the moment you decided what your healing goal would be. As previously stated write what you would want to change, and how. You now have a clear picture of what you should be focusing on, and you know how to implement it.

Getting this one right is the first step, so without getting this one right, don’t bother doing the others. You are more likely to be focused and motivated to solve your problem if you have a clear objective. Also, if you write your goals down, you will feel easier to let the problems go if you do so. As hard as the lessons may be for you, you should treat them as such. Do not feel obligated to carry them on down the road. You have a problem to solve, so do not feel obligated to carry it on.

The next step will be writing your affirmation. Keep it as short as possible, as positive, and as precise as possible. You need to nurture them as a new truth you will experience in the future. You must make them yours, meaning you have to believe what you are writing. For example, if you wish to crack a few pounds you won’t believe the affirmation that states “My body is perfect”.

Go baby steps but keep them specific. The key is to have them as a guide to keep you motivated on your journey. A good example would be “I love to train my body”. It is basically the same objective but the road is different. Your body needs to exercise before becoming perfect in your eyes. Remember to keep them positive, because you already are doing the negative ones. In a nutshell, affirmations work by encouraging you to think differently. The more believable the words are, the more likely you are willing to change.  

To know more about what to expect out of your affirmations, check this post.

How to make the most out of your affirmations?

Perfection comes with practice. You have to recite your affirmations daily. I can recommend that you do so every morning, throughout the day, and right before going to sleep.

But it is important that you decide for yourself exactly when you will do them, but be sure to do them without interruption every day with no pauses. Practice them out loud and at your pace. Select a couple of your written affirmations that you feel are suitable for you.

The first couple of days will definitely be a new, challenging experience for you. Take your time with them. Make sure you are comfortable enough in doing them on a regular basis. It does not matter if some didn’t fit quite as well as others, simply change it to a new one. In the end, you have to experiment as nobody can tell you what can be a 100% perfect match for you from the beginning.

Health Affirmations

Make them a regular habit like morning coffee. Quick tip, if you can try to recite them out loud in front of the mirror. In the beginning, you will need to put in a lot of effort but once you get the ball rolling it will be easier. How long will the affirmations become a habit? It entirely depends on you and your dedication.

Look at this as a great opportunity to overcome some obstacles in your life by having chosen affirmations that will help you along the way. As long as you are already positive in your own mind, you will create a positive atmosphere around you. Be persistent and you will be able to bring about change gradually through regular affirmations.

To learn more about how self love can benefit you, read this post that I wrote.

Example list to guide you further when creating your own affirmations

Life is wonderful

I live my life to the fullest

I heal quickly

I am stronger each day

I keep active and mentally alert.

I nourish my mind, body and soul

I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.

How to do you know that Affirmations are working?

Make sure that you choose and write down your affirmations carefully. As soon as you write down your goals and affirmations, you will feel satisfied because you have accomplished something. Of course, that’s just the start, you have to take action as well.

You will know you are on the right track when you are laser-focused, determined and eager to achieve your goals. But that will not be just a brief feeling. Your mind, all of your emotions, and your whole being, will all gradually move in the direction of that goal. By affirming in this way, you can contribute to the wholeness of your well-being in an effective way.

Bring your whole being into crafting them, bring your emotions, your mind, and your heart to create suitable and healthy affirmations for you. Just the act of being able to train oneself to become better is admirable in itself. As time goes on, you will be able to create a better life in many ways, including becoming more confident, healthy, and full of life itself.

You will attract what you think of whatever that might be. The best thing about it is that you will learn a lot about yourself while on your self-improvement journey. Make sure you are focusing on the positive things that are taking place in your life, and be different from the people around you. Look straight ahead and smile. Make a first step and you will not turn back again.

Affirmation will help your life. In the process of changing your mindset and thinking in a positive way, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your life. As a result, your self-esteem will skyrocket and you will feel and be confident that you are able to achieve anything in life. 

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care

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