December 30, 2023

Affirmations for kids are very much similar to affirmations for adults. The concept of affirmation is that it is the repetition of thoughts and words that will be transformed into beliefs and then eventually will become truths in our minds and lives. As part of this simple definition, it could also be said that the most transformational stage in our lives begins when we are children. As a result, having the ability to turn negative thoughts into positive affirmations may be one of the most helpful tools your child can have.

By using this tool the child can have many benefits later in life. As an individual, he can be more self assured, more self aware, and he can have a better sense of who is truly thinking good for him and who is not. Our adult existence is a reflection of much of our youth and what we are thought to be as kids. If you had someone telling you negative things throughout your childhood, and belittling you all the time, how much of it would cause you to have negative thoughts of yourself now?


Common Mistakes

There is a risk of overachieving with children when it comes to preparing them with as many tools as possible. However, essentials are always necessary if you want them to develop into great individuals and even better members of our society. No matter how much we try to ignore them, words can harm us, but turning them into something positive can change everything.

Negative thinking patterns will define an adult whose self-esteem is continuously discouraged, defended, and criticized. Rather than just telling you what you should not do, it would be better to demonstrate it. Since children learn from their environment, this will be a good way to teach them to think positively and to be encouraged.

Parenting offers us a unique opportunity to develop healthy thinking habits for our children from a young age. Giving affirmations for kids is one small change that can have a huge, life-long impact. Give them the tools so they can become better than we are. The perfect parent doesn’t exist, nor should there be one, but a good parent strives to be one.

How to Introduce Affirmations for Kids?

Children do not pay as much attention if something is boring or explained in a very serious and word confusing way. Think of it like this, if they are bored with your stories they certainly will not hear them at all and all the effort will go to waste. What children do most of the time – they play. Playing is their world, play is their job as kids, and you can include affirmations for kids while playing with them.

Make sure the child understands the words you are using, and that it can help them. Play a game with the child by having him create his own positive affirmations. As a result, the child will be able to understand the depth of these statements and achieve better results by focusing on the customized statements.


Engage them from beginning to end. Those affirmations the child creates will be attributed to them if they are involved from the beginning to the end of the game. Due to the fact that they are his statements, they will believe them and appreciate them. He can rely on them whenever he needs them, and they stay with him all the time.

To introduce your children to affirmations, play with them without commanding them or asking how they play. Playing is relaxing and joyful for them so do not make it as a job, otherwise, they will hate it. Encourage them to draw something and congratulate them on how well they did. Allow them also to comment on the drawing so they are more involved in it.

Steps in Making Affirmations for Kids – and Examples of Bad and Good Affirmations

It is important that you choose your affirmations carefully because they will act as the basis for future thought patterns. Introducing them to positive thinking early will enable them to cherish this gift for a lifetime. Avoid negatives, use only positive words. Make sure that they have healthy self-esteem.

When dealing with problems in life their image of self worth will not shake because of your teaching. Individuals who will try to bring them down and make them feel inferior will face a difficult time doing that.

Your child will benefit from healthy self-esteem along with positive thinking and affirmations. This will be even more effective if they are able to associate their affirmation with their favorite music. They can dance when they hear the melody, and that will make them feel more self-worth and give them more confidence in their eyes.

Here are some bad examples of thoughts that many kids typically experience when they are down:

Nobody likes me.

I’m stupid.

I’m weak.

Nobody can understand me.

In order to be cool, I have to…

I don’t belong here, I’m an outsider.

These are also affirmations. We might also have them as adults, but they are not beneficial for us. If you do not want your kid to have these kinds of thoughts you must give him the tools to fight it. It is important to give the child love and understanding for who he is and what he thinks. Take good care of him.

Here is an example list on what will be good affirmation for kids

You are very sweet and kind.

You are so clever.

You are creative.

You are a very good heart.

You are good at finding solutions to problems.

I love you.

Creating Affirmations and Final Thoughts

The difference is significant between those two kinds of thought. We should never forget that all of our thoughts will come to fruition one day. The same rule applies to children as well. It is important to make sure that they have a positive attitude towards our world, regardless of how ugly it is.


There are plenty of rules to follow, but in summary you will only need to keep in mind a couple of easy rules.

– Always use an affirmation with positive words

– Use it whenever you can

– Say it out loud

– Always use the present tense

– Write notes or journal to keep them with you at all times.

When children practice positive affirmations it resonates within. They will be able to knock any negative thoughts they have or have a habit of thinking negatively about themselves. It would be in an instant, however, if they do not make a job out of it but are playful and motivated about it it will come easily.

Children are very precious to our world and we must protect and teach them as best as we could. Their playful and unspoiled brain can make much more from affirmations than adults. Since they are still discovering the world around them they can use stronger imagination to associate with their affirmations. Thus making them stronger.

The more positive and closer the affirmation is to the kid, the more powerful it will become. They become better at it with extra practice, so the more they do it, the better they get. Since they will get much out of it, why not you try some affirmations for yourself?

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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