December 30, 2023
affirmations & Love

The dating game is stressful enough let alone being in a bad relationship. Toxic relationships are easy to come by but hard to get rid of when you are stuck in one. If you have noticed that there is a pattern that you go into a bad relationship after a bad relationship then the pattern is you.

It is not easy to have this elf realization mostly because it is easier to blame others for our mistakes and failures. But that mindset doesn’t lead to anywhere good. You simply can’t progress further as a person if you are unwilling to admit your own mistake when even you realize you have made them.

To combat this you have to position yourself in a better mental place so you don’t have any occurrences of bad relationships. If you protect yourself and love yourself enough the toxic relationships will be no more in your life.

Affirmations can give you the necessary comfort or a cushion when you are in a chaos zone. Affirmations are there to get you thinking straight and being better to yourself overall. Being directed in your mindfulness can be very fruitful even in the short run. Just being positive about your love life is a simple yet powerful way to attract what you want and need.

When you are purposefully setting your goal to have a healthy and quality relationship, your mind will create a pathway inside of it to make you think it is already happening. Study further suggests not only it will be beneficial and achievable in the long run, but in the short run can give you a sense of relaxation, and comfort, and shake you out of your current comfort zone. Giving you the necessary push to be active more.

The beauty of it you don’t have to have an endless list of affirmations a few will do the job quite well. Over time the statement will be imprinted in your mind and it will be your reality. Loving yourself first is crucial to have a healthy and stable self-being and similar relationships will follow that pace.

If you are at the moment going through a breakup, affirmations can help your situation, we have written an article about that too, click here to read more.

Can Affirmation Make Someone Love You?

You heard the bedtime stories about a princess and her charming prince, love potions and magic spells, and somehow still get that same childish feeling that it may be possible to have a love from a fairytale. Love is a magical thing but it simply can’t be forced or summoned with a magic wand. It takes two to tango same goes for love.

The same goes for affirmations, they are not the magical wand, that doesn’t exist. Affirmations are working on you to become that magic wand (pun intended). With them, you are more willing to give and receive love. With affirmations, you are becoming a better person, self acceptive, calmer, and confident thus a better and more attractive partner.

There is a space to put a certain person in your affirmations but chances are that is not going to work. The main reason behind it is that affirmations are intended for personal use only. You can change yourself to be a better person, but that doesn’t itself provide enough evidence that the person of your interest will be interested in you.

It will be also questionable if that kind of affirmation will work since your focus will be on that person. Rather than focusing on yourself, you are giving attention and your energy to others, and that can lead to a very unhealthy zone. Focus on yourself, practice self-love, and use affirmations to kickstart your love life and positive changes will follow.

Great ideas will pop into your head when you are in love and you will have a sense of how to approach your partner over and over again. Tenderness and compassion are built and learned not owned or inherited. Affirmations will help you be more open about yourself and willing to communicate better. When you are open about your feelings your partner will cherish that trait.

Do Affirmations Work when you are in a Relationship?

Let us answer that question in this manner.

Practicing affirmations will improve your sense of self worth and self-achievement. You will accept yourself for who you are, and embrace your strengths and weaknesses. Your perspective will be clear in terms of your capabilities and what you can improve in yourself.

With that, you will be able to encourage your partner when they are down. Since you will be calmer you are more willing to encourage your partner and give them a word of calmness when necessary. Over time you will be the backbone, and the person you can count on and that is very important in a partner.

Words actually matter so put them to good use. Bringing positivity to your relationship shouldn’t be very stressful for you. Talking about your feelings and respecting each other space can have mutual benefits. You will build respect for each other, and be able to grow as partners and as individuals.

Even though you might think you are not doing much, you are doing something that matters to your partner. Be the support and foundation of encouragement to yourself and to others. You are a team that is in this life together if that is ok with you both.

Self love language is paramount to have. You have to be able to give yourself the necessary rise up when you are feeling down. It will make you more resilient to any stressful situation that can come your way. To learn more about it, click here.

So in short affirmation can help you even while you are in a relationship. They can encourage you enough to improve yourself to become a better version of yourself. If they bring you up your partner will benefit too. Practice affirmations and self love for a truly loving relationship with yourself and with your partner.

How Affirmations can Make me a Better Partner?

Constantly thinking negatively, or expecting only bad things to happen to you is not a good way of life. Low self esteem and suffering from depression is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by professionals, so don’t be shy or unwilling to check yourself if you need help. Thinking you are not worthy of love is another issue that pops up if you are struggling with that.

Now imagine what the other side has to deal with, it is literally a burden to take care of yourself and to the other person no matter how hard you try, how hard you are helping it is a little to no use. Even though love is there you are getting no help or support from the other side. So to be in a healthy relationship you have to first be healthy yourself.

affirmations for believing

You can truly become a wizard in creating affirmations for improving yourself. You are affirming that you have already improved, you stated your goal now you are working on achieving it. When you clear your mind of negative thinking with what you are replacing it?

When you are bringing positivity into your life you are quite literally bringing yourself up. By practicing affirmations every day you are affirming positivity and change to better your life. It will make you more open about who you are so you can share your life and experience with the world.

Surround yourself with support, patience, and persistence, and be open about your want and your needs. Find what needs to be improved and focus on yourself. You will attract what you need just stay focused on yourself.

State your goals and how you can achieve them in a clear manner. Make affirmations around them and start practicing them. Make it a healthy habit that you are achieving your dreams, aspirations, and ultimately your happiness.

To know more about why self love has to come first, read here.

Don’t focus on becoming a great partner for somebody else, focus on being a better partner to yourself.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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