December 30, 2023
money, marriage and happiness

Marriage is a serious commitment to yourself and to your betrothed. It is definitely going to impact you and your aspirations later on since you are now in a team that needs to work together.

Studies have tested and come up with results showing that marrying the right type of person can significantly improve our health, career success, and overall happiness.

It also shows that people in the marriage are more socially active, better educated, and have better and more engaging jobs. These are all features that are likely to improve your happiness.

Your affection and accomplishments are expressed through money. So you should put a value on yourself and your marriage, not money. Don’t create a relationship with money it can only serve you, don’t make it your primary goal.

Money in some studies is 3rd main cause of unhappiness and arguments in a marriage that leads to divorce. If there are children added to that equation then it can come down to 4th and 5th place in some studies. So in short money truly does affect your happiness in marriage.

The leading causes of divorces are: 1st is basic incompatibility, 2nd is Infidelity and 3rd is money. Other causes were emotional and/or physical abuse, parenting issues, and finally addiction.

In short, money, whether a lack of it or too much to handle, can really affect your happiness in marriage. You should try to communicate as much as possible with your spouse about your approach to your family’s money and budget.

Make money work for you. Make goals and benchmarks for your budget. Educate yourself as much as possible to overcome the money arguments.

Money and Its Importance for Happiness in Marriage

How you strategize and spend your money is important. Not only in marriage but in life overall.

Lack of money can lead to never-ending stress which will in both the short and long run have dire consequences for your health and relationship with your spouse.

Another study shows in the most successful and happy marriages have similar three attributes when it comes to money. First, there is one spouse who is responsible for day-to-day finances, which further improved trust and communication. Second, they had no debt, or a working hard in getting rid of it. Third, these couples lived within their means and were frugal.

When you have great communication with your spouse everything else is a matter of organization.

If you have trouble managing your finance, find a system that works for you, and simply apply it rigorously. Discipline and objectivity are something that you need to consider when it comes to money.

Define the goals that you want to achieve. Communicate your budget, stick with the plan, and move forward.

How you manage your finances will also affect your marriage, there is no way around it. You are likely more disagree with your spouse more if the budget is off or the money is mismanaged.

Try within your ability to cement clear goals for your marriage in terms of finances. This will not only keep you more focused on the road ahead, but also will leave you with fewer emotional decisions when it comes to financial decisions.

If you plan it you can make it work.

Is your Marriage at Risk because you Lack Money?

As stated before, lacking money or money arguments is one of the leading causes that lead to divorce.

It simply creates more void space that you can fill with disagreements and stress over it.

Marriage can be at risk simply by constantly creating arguments over poor managing money, or simply lacking money. Over time, it can create a stressful and distrustful environment. Nobody wants to be in that sort of position.

Not only there is a space to fill your arguments but fear and dread of uncertainty will bubble up too.

There is a link between that lacking finance, and /or bad financial decisions and divorces, that a study by the American Enterprise Institute finished in 2017.

In summary, they stated that people from poor backgrounds and currently in poor financial situations are less married. That follows with the results of a survey where teens are less likely to live with parents, and lower-income households and less educated people are likely to live without partners.

They have also concluded that children are more likely to thrive in terms of their education, their career prospects and be more socially active when they are raised by both biological parents.

When all being said, lack of money can create a downward spiral of bad outcomes statistically not only for you but for your spouse and children.

It can create a serious issue right now, and in the future, so tread it carefully.

It can also cause your self worth to go down too. If you want to read more about the effect of self worth in marriage, click here.

How to Solve Money Problems with your Spouse?

If you want to make it work you have to work with your spouse. Since each marriage is unique along with its difficulties there are grounds on which you can work and the ones that are most common.

Acceptance – You have to acknowledge that you are not perfect, and neither is your spouse. You will have definitely some different opinions and different traits, but you can accept those differences and continue to work together on your life as a married couple.

By accepting the real state you have the ability to move on and to further enjoy your marriage. Money will come and go, and nothing is permanent. However, what you feel for each other and your marriage can never be erased.

Communication – It goes without saying that for great marriage comes great communication and understanding between spouses. When facing financial difficulties you work things out.

Express yourself and your feelings to your spouse and encourage them to do it too. When it comes to money in marriage there should not be any hidden agendas. If you plan to stay together you should work together on a common goal.

Expectations – Live your life within the means you have. When your expectations aren’t met usually you are upset and go on an emotional rollercoaster. That shouldn’t discourage you.

If you are working with your spouse time will come when your expectations on the financial side will come. Be more patient and persistent and the result will follow your expectations.

Have fun – It doesn’t have to all be too grim when it comes to resolving money issues. You need time to work hard on your marriage, and your finances, but also to have a relaxing time.

If you look at marriage as a company, in the company you have vacations, casual Fridays, parties etc.

If you need an idea list for a gift for your loved ones, we have created a short yet unique list of gift ideas, click here to see it.

Don’t forget to enjoy life and dive into the fruits of your hard work. Have fun.

Partnership and Friendship – Connect with your spouse. A recent study shows that the well-being benefits of marriage are on average about twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend.

If your spouse is your best friend you are on a good path. The person that you spend time with the most is definitely on the way to becoming your best friend, partner, and intimate lover.

Thanks for reading have a nice day, and take care.

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