January 1, 2024
can self love be taught

Self love is a lifetime development of believing in your capabilities and accepting your strengths and flaws. It is not done overnight, think of it as a constant trend that can go up and down and stay flat. In the nutshell, it is finding and accepting your own true self and nurturing your growth as a person.

It is essential for your well-being as well as your mental and physical health. As with everything this can be learned, and practiced but in order to be perfected it needs time, patience, and persistence.

Honoring your needs and yourself is an essential part of evergrowing as a person and developing healthy habits, and ultimately living life to its fullest. Putting yourself first will help you in times of need and will give you the necessary boost when things are getting heavy.

Ultimately when you learn how to practice self love you will be happy with yourself and with your life choices.

Learning self love has many benefits and great results for your well-being. When practicing you can see some immediate results like calming down and being less stressed. In long term, you can be at peace with yourself and accept yourself.

We have created a list of 15 things that you can do to enrich your self love development, if you want to check it out click here.

If you are still unsure what is self love, or if you are doing it correctly we have written real-life examples that can give you a general idea about that. You can click here to check it out.

When you think about it, self love can be learned but you can also teach anybody else. It is a great skill to learn, experiment with, and enjoy. When you share your skill for good purposes that will only get you great and positive feedback in one way or another.

If you are unsure where to start, you can always tend to a mentorship program in self love, or simply join a group with a similar objective.

Why is Self Love Important in our Lives?

Our inner voice is always chasing us to be better and to achieve more. Most of the time people tend to realize that our desire to be better and to do better comes from within including that voice of ours. Self criticism often tends to bring us down and beat us to it until we do better. When you try to become a perfectionist everything can bother you and you will flip on the smallest things and occasions.

That is really not a good picture nor it is a great position to be in. It can affect your mental and physical health overall. Don’t be a bully to yourself, instead, try to be your best and most reliable friend. Giving yourself a hard time all the time your life will eventually become hard as well.

Accepting yourself will escalate you into another realm of possibilities. When you have compassion for who you are, your whole being will be on your side and your inner voice will push you in the right direction at the pace that you need. Being kind to yourself is the best gift that you can have.

Enjoying your life in the present moment is a rare gift that keeps on giving. There are a lot of activities you can engage to improve your self love routine. We have created a list of some activities that can help you, to check them out click here.

Listening to yourself and your inner being will give you a great direction in a positive way. It will also protect you from terrible inner dialogs that you might have. So no more self damaging.

Why is Self Love Not Taught at All?

That is a really difficult question to be answered shortly and precisely. It can’t be answered precisely mainly because it is a broad problem and topic and it depends on a lot of factors.

Everybody is different, and their paths are entirely individual to another person. Starting from upbringing, childhood, teenage years, and throughout adulthood when we are formed as individuals.

Everybody is unique in their own way, but what is universally true is that self compassion is detrimental and necessary for a healthy attitude. That is also stated by a study from the University of Texas. A positive attitude and self-compassion are great protectors against self-judgment, isolation, and depression.

This is why self love is really important to be practiced. Essentially we all do it in some form or another. But when you know what you are doing and by experimenting know how to do it properly you are in the right direction.

Engage yourself in self love habits and make your life more comfortable and happier. We have also written about those habits that are improving your self image. If you want to check it out, click here.

Why are People Lacking It?

This is a really wide topic and can be a totally separate post, however, we can establish some ground works as an overview.

Lacking Self Respect – Chances are that if you are always hard on yourself, and involve yourself in self-deprecating behavior probably you are having a lack of self respect. With self love you will learn to accept yourself for who you really are and will be able to continue growing as a person

Resentment towards their life and choices – When you are having a hard time in your life it often gets really ugly and very hard quickly. Not only that but the burden of insecurity can have its mental toll on a person’s mind.

In a situation like that, you may gradually develop resentment towards the situation when it is more of a rule rather than an exception. Your mindset is in that place and the worst thing that can be is that you don’t see an exit out of it.

Tapping in One Spot – When you lost a track of time in your life it seems like you are tapping in one spot. When your life revolves only around your work or the thing that you are not existed to do then it is not really a great place to be. It is sort of a backwater where there is not progress and no light at the end of the tunnel.

You forgot about your dreams, however, you are not too far of from them you just need to remember who you are and what you want from life.

Bad Habits – When you are not tapping into your desires and what you need then your body and mind need more time for themselves. Often times you don’t feel energized, or motivated enough to do pretty much anything than the bare minimum. The bad thing is that you really don’t know why is that.

When you have goals for your self love practice you know where to go, how far, and what needs to be done. We have written something about clearing your objectives to stay on the right track, you can check it here.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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