January 17, 2024
Money & Affirmations

More money is something that is easily one of the desires that most people have. When it comes easy it goes easy. It is a necessary tool with which we can function well. We needed but we shouldn’t get lost chasing it.

Money shouldn’t be the end goal that you can have, but rather a tool from which you can attain those material or situational achievements. Whether is an early pension, escaping the rat race, or getting your company bigger you have to determine what should you be doing with extra money.

Money affirmation will help you in achieving the mindset that will get you to your financial goals. Reciting positive affirmations about your money will get you focused on achieving that goal. Your brain will also be wired towards that goal and will create a mental pathway on how you can do that.

By declaring your affirmations out loud you are setting the tone for your upcoming objective. So it has to be very clear to you what you need, and what your goal is about. The clearer the goal the easier path will be.

Money affirmation is a helpful tool but not the only tool that you should use when achieving your financial goal. They will keep you focused and prepare you mentally to get the job done. Your mindset will push you out of your current comfort zone and you will be able to reach new potentials and heights.

Taking action is a necessary step too. A combination of action and affirmations is a great way to achieve any need and desire you want. You are putting your focus, mind, and every bit of energy towards that goal. So you will be overall dedicated to that.

money affirmation

How Can Money Affirmation attract more Money?

When you are practicing affirmation for an extended period of time you are tapping into the subconscious part of your mind. Affirmation will help you grind your mindset and transform you to be laser-focused and determined. Your goal will be clear and all you need to do is to get to that goal.

Whatever your current situation is, being prosperous is a common desire we all have. Have that desire create your goal. For that goal, the action will take place. Arm yourself with patience and persistence to strive and finally achieve that goal. That is the golden formula.

Your decision-making will benefit this mindset. Your mind and thoughts will be more clear from worrying so much about money. It will not be in your vocabulary anymore. You are going to believe that you will make it and will take every necessary step toward that goal.

Believing is a great fuel that will keep your engine going. With all of this combined -> goal, affirmations, mindset, taking action, patience, persistence, and belief in your success any blockade that will come in your way will be obliterated.

Affirmations can bring you up, focus you and keep you focused. That is their power.

Getting the right affirmations is also an important step. It needs to be perfect just for you and your goal. We have already written about creating the best affirmations for your situation in our previous post, but here is a short guideline.

Write them down, choose words and phrases, and filter them by reciting them out loud so you can feel if it is right for you. Make them clear, short, positive, and in the present tense. Now recite them over and over. If you need a detailed explanation of how, why, and some more tips when it comes to creating your own affirmations, click here.

Managing your Money + Example List of Affirmations

If you have always had slippery hands when it comes to money, meaning it goes pretty quickly and easily out of your pocket and wallet then it will be great to dedicate your time to learning and managing the money and your budget.

Managing your money is quite important especially if you are struggling with your finances at the moment. When it comes to managing you really don’t need to overthink this part at all. The simpler approach you imply the easier it will be to track it all down.

A simple plan should consider a couple of questions -> how much money do you have, where is it going, why is it going there, and when is it going.

This may look like an oversimplification of budgeting but if you didn’t manage your money before it is as simple as it gets. You don’t need to focus now on budgeting, financing, re-financing, etc. Just simple where are you spending money.

Just keeping track of your expenses will get you another picture of wtf did I spent my money to? Since you are going to attract and earn more money with a helpful guide of affirmations it is advisable to manage that money a little bit.

Since we really like each individual to write their own affirmations, we have created an example list of how it should look so you can take bits of it and a practical guideline on what to focus on.

  • Money is pouring into my life
  • I am a magnet that can attract money
  • I am on my way to becoming wealthy
  • Money is being drawn to me
  • I allow prosperity to flow into my life
  • I am a capable person
  • I have a successful financial future
  • I am in control of my financial life
  • My life is rich
  • I am close towards my financial goal

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care

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