January 8, 2024

In times when you think that you are not loving yourself enough or at all, you are probably right. You fell out of love with yourself and want to go back, yet you struggle with how to start and what really happened in those two time periods.

Loving can’t be undone, it can be only less of it or too much of it. Loving yourself is very similar, it is a never-ending cycle of taking care of yourself. If you noticed that you are not considering yourself as much, then when you were in the previous period, maybe now is a good chance to reflect on what happened so you can bring yourself up from this point.

Most of the time this is the result of putting other people’s needs before your own and now there are consequences to them. The good thing is that you have noticed on time. You have noticed that you are not living a fulfilling life and now you want to change that. Great for you, change is always good, that is how you will discover yourself best.

What will be the consequences if you don’t love yourself?

If you lack confidence, then you will always question yourself. When you are constantly thinking little of yourself you will only deepen the wound. This vicious cycle can bring you into a state of depression and anxiety.

It is always a must to seek professional help when dealing with depression. But you realize that belittling can always lead down a negative path. That is why you must always be in tune with your own gut feelings. Trust your gut, and you will remove the unnecessary damage to yourself.

Your relationship with other people will be affected. Whatever it is with your partner or your friend it will go downhill from there. If you don’t trust yourself it will be mirrored behavior to others as well. You will feel like being attacked by the same people who are probably only want to help you and be there for you.

Lacking trust in other people could only get worse in time. You will first feel and then really be isolated from others. Good friends and good partners are always there to help you in whatever way they think they can.

Lack of self care can only lead to further lack of self care. You will be more anxious, more depressed, moodier, and more negative. You will feed yourself on those emotions and they will become primary in your thoughts. Once they get a firm grip on you you will reflect those emotions into the outside world. This could only lead to harm.

Pay close attention to changes that you imprint in your life, be in tune with yourself. Don’t receive and accept anything that comes your way. Accept what you like and let go of what you don’t.

To find out and read more on why self love is necessary to have a better life click here.

What not to do when dealing with self love?

Most likely putting others’ needs and thoughts first is the first thing you shouldn’t be doing. Respect others but respect also yourself. You can`t function on being a genie from the lamp to others. Taking care of yourself first is paramount. Stop caring what other people think of you. If you stop and look behind on what everyone talks and thinks of you you will not go very far.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Everybody is on a different plane of their path and voyage at present time. The only way when comparing yourself to others is good is when you want to improve yourself in some skills that others have and you lack. Anything else is harmful.

Thinking that you are not good enough, and thinking negatively while the day. Even writing this sentence gave me the chills. Being negative for what purpose? What is the end game in that kind of thinking? You will lack the beauty that life is bringing to you if you shut down on everything that is out there. Whoever told you that you are not good enough is either trying to manipulate you in some way or want to bring you down.

Having neverending regrets and always looking into past events. The past is past. The worrying of the past is time wasted. The worrying of the future is present wasted. You do not have to erase the memory of your mistakes to get over them. Learn from the, extract the knowledge that you acquired from that experience.

Stop blaming yourself for every failure. You are not perfect, nor superhuman. We are prone to mistakes. That is our way to learn the hard lessons. There is no need to blame yourself for the mistakes in the past. You will stop mistakes in the future if you simply figure out what your mistake was, learn from it and let it go.

What you should be doing to regain Loving Yourself

If you find yourself that you lack self loving, and self caring then you should do just that. Take care of yourself. The best way to approach this is to make a list of what you enjoy. Take a good look at it and find out what you really haven’t done in a long time. Start appreciating yourself more by starting taking self care more.

Think positively about yourself. What are your strengths and uniqueness? What are you good at? Again it is best to have a list, write it down without any pause. After you are done take a look at your accomplishment. You will definitely start to feel better about yourself since we tend to often forget what are we capable of.

self loving step by step

Find out who you really are. Have a self-discovering journey to be more in tune with yourself. Meditate on what type of person you are. How would you describe yourself to others if you are introducing yourself as a friend? Do others perceive you as such? The best way to do this is to meditate on it, without any feelings involved. Dive deep into yourself and just let it all go. When you are completely calm and still try to invoke on your persona.

This will sound weird but your experience will be similar when going to movies, only without popcorn. Your whole life can be reproduced in front of your eyes. Enjoy the show. See what and who you are from a different perspective. Once you are done be grateful for the experience that you received.

Search your feelings all the time. Be in tune with them and recognize them. Feelings are the real part of you. Don’t deny them, let them flow.

If you want to know more about what other activities you can do for improving yourself love click here.

How to Start Loving Myself Again?

Self love is not a destination, nor an achievement. It is a constantly evolving practice of taking care of yourself. When you feel slightly out of tune with yourself and your desires you have to act on them. Make a conscious effort to put your needs first in the next period so you can bring yourself up.

A good amount of self love is the desired point where you have to put less effort into your core needs because they are already taken care of. That is when you know you are doing a good job and you have a good foundation to build more improvements on yourself.

Know yourself and you will know your way. The best companion that you will ever have and that is always with you is you. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will identify what you are satisfied with and not in your life. We as human beings are always looking for improvement in our technology surroundings, but also for ourselves. Make your life easier by finding your own path and following it.

You will feel much more appreciated since you have done it yourself, but if you involve your close ones even better. Either way never stop making efforts.

Thanks for reading, take care and have a good day.

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