January 4, 2024
Self Worth

Money plays a big role in our lives and society. It is the blood that is keeping the world’s economy. It is involved in every structure and fabric of our lives. On a personal level, it is a very sensitive topic. It has a high and emotional impact on everyone.

When it comes to your personal development and your self worth there is a connection between how you feel about yourself and how much money you got. The relationship itself is a rather complicated one. However, whatever connection you have with your finances, money does not define your self worth.

The connection can be found in terms of a sense of accomplishment and achievement when your finances are in great order. You will value your capabilities more. After all, you have acquired something that is searched for by most people but not everyone can obtain it. When you have an abundance of money you will have a certain sense of security and power.

The abundance of money can also easily corrupt you. So it is a rather delicate connection than a straightforward one.

Although money does not defy your self worth it can really affect it if you are too focused on it rather than developing yourself. You should always work on yourself and working on your financial plan.

By keeping them separate you will be efficient in your journey. By keeping control of your budget and finances you are stopping them from controlling your head and emotions.

Since money in its nature is very volatile you should be too attached to it. It comes and goes it doesn’t stay too long in one place that is nature. Don’t let yourself be defined by something material that is very interchangeable.

Always prioritize your well-being and your happiness. Success and abundance will follow.

How do you Separate Money from your Self Worth

Read and Learn about Finances – If you have a problem controlling your finances you need to learn more about them. There are lots of materials and a lot of information out there. The best way to approach this is if you have some recommendation from a friend or family member who had a similar problem.

Not only you will gain knowledge on how to control your finances but also how money works in general. So over time, your money will work for you not the other way around.

self worth and money

Find Self Development Goal – This is similar to when you want to find a specific financial goal. However, you will focus your energy on getting yourself on a higher self development level.

Self development is a neverending process so it is wise to carefully construct your plan and the goals that you want to reach. Start with smaller steps and move on to bigger ones. The gaining moment is when you know that you are on the right track.

Consistency is the key to any change you want to make.

Define Yourself – This question often pops up in job interviews as well. But ask yourself the same question. The difference now is you don’t have to be shallow or simply lie in order to be likable to the company but be true to yourself.

How is this question related to controlling finance? By simply asking and defying yourself you will come to answers like – I am passionate about… I like to… I am very…

Basically, the question can be formulated as if the money is not the issue at all what would you do?

So defying yourself shouldn’t be related to money because money doesn’t defy who you really are and what you like to do and pursue.

Money shouldn’t be the end goal, happiness and well-being should.

How do you Make Money Work More for You?

People are more susceptible to being corrupted by the abundance of money than by keeping it in line. The focus should be on things that will help us manage our finances rather than our finances dictating our lives

Plan your Finances – There are truly a vast amount of books, lectures, and courses that can teach you how to handle your finances and keep your money in line. Too many rules 20/80, 50/30/20, etc. Too much theory and too much calculating can really confuse you when you just want to keep your finances in check.

A good habit is simply planning your expenses. This is a great first step towards controlling your expenditure and your finances. Just keep it as simple as possible.

You are familiar with your income and most of your expenses on a monthly basis. Keep all of them on some app, or better yet on a piece of paper, and start calculating. Once you have done that you already have a psychological barrier torn down of constant confusion of money always slipping.

Find Financial Goal – Do not chase money. In the long run, you will lose yourself completely because of consuming yourself with just a vague idea of acquiring money. Find an attainable and wishing goal that you want to achieve.

Separate that goal into a couple of smaller step goals. This solely will help you focus your finances on achieving that specific goal so the money will be aimed towards that goal. Its purpose will be to fulfill exactly your desired wish, not just aimlessly wave money over your head.

To have abundance in your life is to have an abundant mindset capable of creating that reality. This study is a great example of how poverty can affect both our physical and mental lives.

If you have just an idea about where you are going and what are you doing you will not arrive nor achieve that idea. But when your goal and purpose are defined crystal clear then you will be able to achieve greatness.

I have written a post about a tool that can help you with your finance, and get your mindset in that direction. You can read about it here.

Why Can’t Money Buy Self Worth?

It would be very convenient right? Since in the name itself there is no mention of money, it can’t be purchased you have to grow it by yourself.

Although money can be a part of that journey, buying books, courses, mentorship, classes, etc. you still have to put in your own effort. Being involved in the whole process is what you need to do.

You have to engage in different activities to increase your own sense of worth. Your sense of accomplishment and confidence will, as a result, be increased over time.

Once you start feeling good about yourself you are on the good and right track. Keep being consistent with your activities and you will be able to overcome any barriers that will come along on your self development voyage.

If you need assistance in getting started with your self worth travel, I have written about a helpful tool. You can read about it here, don’t worry it is free 🙂

Money can bring you happiness but it can also bring you a sense of insecurity and fear so, in the end, it is not an ultimate goal.

It is an essential booster to get to your goal faster efficiently and with a better aim, but you have to do everything else by yourself.

Money isn’t the ultimate solution to everything, so don’t stress too much about it. Focus on yourself and your efforts, and the money will follow.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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