January 17, 2024

When you are thinking of having a baby or working to get pregnant, fertility affirmations can bring you the boost you need. Since the thought of it is already in your mind you probably are thinking about checking often your menstrual cycle, writing a journal to keep track of everything, tidying up your nutrition, etc. Yet, have you ever thought of working on your mental preparations and spiritual acuity?

It is a really big leap in your life to decide to have a baby. In the moments when you are thinking about it, your mind is really going in all directions. You have different thoughts about this situation from time to time, you are calm and looking forward to it some of the time, but on the other hand, you are not sure whether you are ready or not. The energy you surround yourself with and the energy you have within you are constantly changing and vibrating. That includes your body, your mind, thoughts and emotions. It doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative, your thoughts have an effect on your vibrations and ultimately on you.

It is undoubtedly true that many of our worries and anxious thoughts regarding fertility affirmations are unconscious. You may have something stuck in your head from a previous period, or you may have been constantly bombarded with negative opinions from others regarding the subject. It does not matter however what it is that you are afraid of, you can work on it and eventually change your perspective.

Getting in the fertility affirmations zone

Using affirmations, and more specifically fertility affirmations, can give you a big boost when you are preparing to become pregnant. There is no doubt that you would like to have at your disposal all the tools that can help you or speed up the process, and affirmations are perfect for this. If you look at it as a cog in the machine that is in the process of getting ready, you will see how important it is. It helps you get rid of unnecessary stress, sleepless nights, increase your confidence level, and help to remove your fears.


Stress is a dream killer. When you are stressed, your self-esteem and ultimately your life goals suffer. The body and mind cannot perform well when they are constantly or rapidly subjected to stress. In studies, it has been found that if you are exposed to a high level of stress your chances of becoming pregnant are very low. My brother and I were conceived on a vacation (and he is older than me) and knowing that my mother is always the stressful type of person that studies really resonates on a personal level. Needless to say, you are not able to function at all when under stress and to create another life is beyond challenging. We tend to narrow our minds down when we are tense, which results in us not being able to think clearly.

In order to get pregnant, you need to get yourself into a state of mind that will lead you to conceive more quickly. All you need to do is use fertility affirmations. As a result of them, you can expect to be relieved of stress and anxiety and be placed in a state of peace and security that will make you more likely to conceive. There is no magic spell in this situation, your mind has the sole capacity to help you or to break you.

What to Be Minded of?

The first thing you have to realize is that you already use affirmations in some form in your life. The word ‘affirmation’ refers to a statement, a prayer or a belief that underpins the possibility of things happening in either a positive or a negative way. However, this does not rule out the possibility of reinforcing some beliefs with negative affirmations or statements, such as saying that you are not good enough, or that you are not prepared for the baby yet. In addition to continually saying this to yourself and believing in it, you will also make this affirmation even more destructive for you. If you believe in those negative statements, you will not only believe in them but will also in the future refuse to change or simply cannot see how that can be changed and eventually give up.

The key here is to become aware of the possibilities that fertility affirmation can have for your specific situation. We already gave a negative example of it, but reversing the effect and those beliefs is absolutely possible. In order to make positive thoughts true in your life, you need to condition your mind to accept new positive thoughts. It is not simply repeating out load different phrases it is more than that. In order for affirmations to be powerful and to be efficient, you will need a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with them. It is very important that you have a clear picture of your goal whether it is to become fertile, to recover from miscarriage, or whatever else is bothering you.

In order to achieve any goal that you set for yourself, you will have to have a strong desire to reach that goal, and this will be the fuel you need to change your attitude toward the subject in a more positive manner. Additionally, when you know you are going to achieve that objective, you will be more motivated to work towards it. If you want to start with shift correctly, then this is not a small matter, it is a crucial one. The key elements to your journey are a clear goal, the desire to achieve it and motivation.


Correct use of affirmations leads to the achievement of your goals. You will become more self-aware of the new positive thought that you have. You become more in tune with your desires and wishes, as you repeat them over and over again. If you do your affirmations diligently, you will begin to notice changes occurring. However small they may appear at the beginning, they will appear eventually.

How to Create and Use Positive Affirmations for Fertility

Once you have covered your goals and desires it is time to start creating your affirmations. I said your own because it is necessary that you use YOUR own words in describing the goals and desires that YOU want. If you are going to be remembering your words, you should write them down on a sticky note or piece of paper, wherever you are going to write them down. Give a detailed description of the goal you are trying to achieve as well as the method you plan to use. Write a super short but super precise sentence that describes your goal based on that text. Use only present tense as it is already happening at the moment you are reciting them. Experiment with a few of them as much as you like, but always keep your focus on the goal. Practice them every day at a specific time, usually, the best time is when you wake up to pump you up for the upcoming day, and right before going to sleep.


Make a simple ritual when you are doing them. When you wake up in the morning, for example, go to the mirror and look at yourself in the eyes and repeat the affirmations next to you aloud. Take your time do not rush yourself, and feel every word that you are saying to yourself. You should do this as if you were explaining them to someone else. After you have done a couple of repetitions feel free to meditate in silence on those words. Let them resonate within you before you move on with your day. You can do them as much as you want but 2-3 minutes are enough when you begin them. Additionally, they ought to feel as comfortable as possible, if you are unable to feel them then just change them with something else.

Example list to further give you an idea of how to create your own affirmations

  • I am taking care of my body and mind.
  • I am safe
  • I am strong and healthy
  • My body works well.
  • I let go
  • My partner and I share our feelings of love and appreciation
  • I accept myself as I am
  • I nourish my soul with joyful experiences.
  • I am breathing in life and love
  • I am whole and complete

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, nobody can force you to believe in affirmations. That’s the beauty of it, you have to create them to be yours, and no one else’s. You can’t rely on them only to help you on your way to conceiving and being pregnant. But they can certainly assist you on your way. In fact, they can help you become more relaxed, healthier, and therefore help you to have a greater chance of becoming pregnant. As you become more involved in your affirmations, they become more realistic and more believable. You simply need to stay focused on your goal, experiment with the right affirmations, and practice them regularly.

You will create an environment that is both nice within you and around you. Your partner and you will become more open and loving to each other. By doing this, you will bring positive changes and break the negative cycle of thoughts and feelings. On that note, I want to wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. Don’t give up on your goal, just be persistent and you will be happier than you ever imagined.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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