January 17, 2024

Never-ending bills, car payments, debt, refinancing the loan, always worrying about money and having the feeling of not having enough of it makes you truly believe that you are not having enough of it. You can see a clear picture of your expenses at the end of the month or year when you calculate them, which further increases the feeling of not having enough money. And that feeling is more powerful than your calculation or balance. That feeling will further affirm that money is your great problem.

Finance affirmations are a great tool to help you stay motivated, focused, and in a positive frame of mind. This is important when you make any type of affirmation, as well as when you want to achieve any kind of goal in your life. There are a majority of us who want more wealth, more financial stability, and overall just do not care so much about the money shortage. And there lies the key to it all.

Generally, financial affirmations have the same characteristics as any other type of affirmation. What really makes a difference is what you focus on and what you want to affirm. From the standpoint of affirmation, what you are aiming for is to transfer your conscious thoughts about better finance into your subconscious mind. It is because the conscious mind is what we are aware of, while with the subconscious this is not the case as it is already autonomous (breathing, heart beating etc.).

How are Emotions Unseparated part of Financial Affirmations and Decision

Our minds are constantly working, and we are thinking all the time. Most of us have some emotions and desires about something, but in this article, we will focus on the universal desire for better finances. We already know what emotions are that entail in our finances, and we can see them quite clearly. If you have unpaid bills, you will most likely be anxious.


If you have all your bills paid but not enough money left you might feel a bit depressed. But on the day that we got money at the very least, we got that joy and happy hop for a brink of a second before our mind goes to what bill should I pay first. Getting caught in this vicious circle is what most of us fell into. The truth is that it is relatively easy to know which feelings are productive and which are destructive, and both will influence your financial future too.

You already created the feeling of anxiety about the money. You can congratulate your thoughts and emotions about that situation. But you have a choice to think and feel what you want and not what you don’t want.

Let me repeat that again, You have the ability to think and feel about your finances with joy, stability and abundance rather than concern, depression and anxiety about your financial situation. I will not sugar-coat this but that is not an easy task. Money affects all pores of our society and our lives. It is a necessary evil. You mustn’t be consumed by it or you will lose yourself. So, it is really delicate matter.

Shifting and Controlling Emotions Will Give Needed Boost for Your Confidence

You have to have faith in yourself and control your emotions. Your life is a product of your thoughts and beliefs. The purer the form of emotion the clearer the manifestation can be. Whatever words of affirmation you come by you have to truly believe in what you are saying to entice that powerful feeling within you.

This is the essential factor for changing your mindset into one that is positive. You will be able to make the affirmation work for you as long as you are creating the feeling of excitement, joy, prosperity, and gratitude in your heart.

How did you feel when you received your pay check or money? Let’s just examine how it makes you feel in that moment, as it is, without any added afterthoughts. At the time you were relieved, happy, enthusiastic and comfortable.

I will now ask you to capture those emotions and use them to make a connection so that you will never forget them. As stated emotions are essential when shifting your mindset, so you have to choose the most powerful ones when it comes to your finance affirmations.

By choosing only the positive outcome and only positive words for your affirmation you are taking a great leap forward in doing them right. It is just like the way your never ending negative thought keeps repeating over and over again, but in the opposite direction.

So you have to do your best to encourage only positive financial affirmations into your life. It is always a good idea to remember this whenever you feel a little down or anxious when thinking about your finances.

You have to be relaxed in a stressful situation, take a deep breath and try to clear your mind. Find that spot where you can call your affirmations. As a result you will be able to enforce the positive ones and minimize the negative ones entirely. Just be persistent and you will achieve this.

How can you Benefit from Experimenting with Affirmations?

To overcome the negative thoughts about finance that pop in your mind you have to practice the positive ones.  Spend as much time as possible with your finance affirmations. Practice and persistence pays off. Whether it’s putting them onto some sticky notes, setting up an alarm on your phone, or finding and doing them in a most simplistic way so that you are as exposed as possible in doing them again.

To be able to make those affirmations as efficient as possible, you need to practice throughout the day. It will be better for you in the long run if you can find positivity and gratefulness regarding your financial situation.

During this period of time, the negative ones will not even come to your mind because you will not need them and because you won’t remember them while reciting your affirmations.

The best way to start is just to begin and experiment along the way to see and feel what finance affirmations suit you best. I believe that you will be able to achieve financial abundance, however, it is imperative that you practice your affirmations and stay positive.

Guidelines on Creating Your Finance Affirmations

In order to make them easy to remember, keep them as short as possible. In order to avoid affirmation that is too detailed, you should keep them to the point. Since your mind takes everything literally, you will need to tell him that you are already in a good financial situation.

Therefore, you should always use the present tense. Strive to only have positive affirmations in order for you to refrain from getting confused with negative ones. Repeat them as often as possible, and if you can read them out loud. Make them your own, nobody knows what will reside and what is best for you but you alone.

Example list to help you further in creating your own

  • I am safe
  • I accept my life
  • My finance is abundant
  • My career is skyrocketing

If you need further assistance in creating your money affirmations check my other post here.

What are the Benefits of Finance Affirmations?

There is a power inside you that allows you to create your life or destroy it solely based on what you think. There is no magic to it, but through repetition over time, you can achieve greatness or freefall, depending on what you choose. It is up to you to realize that it is not an external force that can hurt you the most, but it is yourself that can.

As a result of negativity, not only can you suffer from low moods, but negative emotions can also affect your health, and ultimately your life. There is no shame in being down, we have all been there, but you mustn’t stay there for long because it will consume you.

Make yourself a clear goal. One that will trigger your sense of self-worth and your love for yourself. Take for example financial stability and independence so you can have more time for you and your loved ones. That is the goal, so think about what you are good at, and what you will enjoy doing the most. Make a conscious effort to figure out how you are going to accomplish it. Make a plan and start implementing it.

If you want to learn more about self love check my other post here.

Financial affirmations are like the wind in your sails. They will assist you in staying positive, and focused, and will lift your spirits whenever you are down on your new journey. As a result, they will provide you with the necessary boost in staying on your plan as well as being emotionally stable with the tasks ahead. By creating this new habit you will ensure you receive only what you wish for.

Make powerful affirmations, the ones that you can also visually imagine and be filled up with excitement. Take advantage of that feeling and make it your financial affirmation, and keep on going with the wave.

Why taking Action with Affirmation is a must?

Depending on your goals, desires and ability anything can be achievable. By solely repeating your affirmations and not taking action will be insufficient. Other than being positive and focused with them you have to be persistent too.

Motivate yourself in the morning by reciting your affirmation for a couple of minutes before doing anything else. Cultivate this habit and you will reap what you sow.

It can sometimes be the most difficult thing to possess faith in yourself especially if your self-esteem is low. Describe your strengths and your achievements, and how you have accomplished them. It is best not to belittle yourself, others will do it for you for free.

Trying not to be frustrated with your current financial situation may sound to you like an easy task, but what else are you going to do about it?

You can achieve your financial affirmation by perfecting your daily tasks, focusing on your goals, and keeping your head held high. The moment you begin to have more faith and believe in your ability that you can achieve the goal you desire, that process will be stimulated even more. I believe in you so you already have someone on your side.

You can always check my other post in help determine your goals here.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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