January 4, 2024

Working out will get you fit and healthy no matter your age. It is recommended to work out or to have physical activity as long as you are able and as long as you are alive. Working out is very important to our bodies, but to our minds as well.

People tend to dismiss the huge importance of mind play when it comes to workouts. In essence, everything you do physically you are also doing mentally. You are not a robot to physically move objects or yourself from one position to other, but your mind is focusing as well at that moment.

Doing affirmations before and after a workout can make you more focused, give you a motivational boost to overcome your barrier, and keep you on the right track to achieve your fitness goals. According to research self affirmation not only motivates you to do the workout but also promotes increasing your physical activity.

Mental barriers that you have are quite a significant portion of your lifestyle, which includes your plates when it comes to fitness. You can have all the motivation in the world but if you think that you have reached your maximum in one feature you are currently right.

Mindset is a very powerful engine that can really move you out of the imaginative zone that you are in. Mentally prepare for each individual training and you will be breaking those barriers. Affirmations are there to help you get into the perfect mindset to get to that point.

You will feel powerful before each session, your focus will be laser-sharp. You probably use music all the time when you are practicing, well guess what. Music is a powerful tool to get you into the mindset for exercise. Combine those two and you are golden.

How to combine Affirmations and Workout?

To prepare yourself efficiently for every practice session you have you have to practice affirmations to get in the hang of it. Prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming physical challenge.

The good thing about this added routine is it doesn’t have to be long or time-consuming. Once you are familiar with the routine you can recite your affirmations for a couple of minutes, and start your workout.

To start off you have to choose or create your own affirmations. It really depends on your goal and what you are going to accomplish, but workout affirmations tend to be quite simple, short, and really focused, as all affirmations should be. If you need assistance or want to learn to write your own affirmations, click here.

When you have some affirmations written down, recite them out loud to feel if it sounds good to you. Remember affirmations are a tool that can and will help you, so you have to make them unique to respond to your whole being.

The next part is simply reciting those affirmations out loud and in a very relaxed and calm manner. To get the best effect from them I am recommending doing them in front of the mirror. To get a glimpse of how can you do that, click here.

During reciting you need to relax your mind, and be solely focused on your affirmations. Feel them as they flow from your mouth, connect with those words, and let them reach out to you.

After a couple of minutes, your mind will become clear from those words you are speaking, and you will feel the urge to take action. Your motivation will rise, and you will soon be ready to start your workout.

Get comfortable with affirmations, it will be a great addition to your routine.

When can I See the Results if I use Affirmations with my Workouts?

To be straightforward the process and the results don’t come overnight. You have to be more focused on your conditioning rather than waiting for the results to fall from the sky.

You will be able to feel your body and energy more and what it needs. Over time your mind will shift towards getting in the best shape of your life. Tend to your rest period, and mental preparedness and you will be ready every single time.

The study suggests that over time with affirmations our minds will create efficient pathways toward our desired goal. That means tearing down any mental barriers, getting motivated, and is solely dedicated to that goal that you aim for.

To be able to shift your mindset into that stage you need to dedicate a period of your life just to get in the hang of it. Harvard study suggests that 8 weeks of affirmations and meditation (mindfulness-based training) are more than enough to get you into a better mental place.

That is basically some timeframe that you can count on. Dedicate yourself to practicing affirmations first only, and gradually put them before and after your workouts.

Getting into the perfect mindset to conquer your fears and barriers will gradually develop in you. Be persistent with your affirmations practice and arm yourself with patience. The goal is to have continuity and improvement.

Sticking to your routine is paramount. Affirmations are going to give you a necessary push towards your goal. You will feel more empowerd by your own achievements, and you will be able to defeat any mental barriers that might come your way next time. So not only will enrich your workout it will mentally prepare you for life’s obstacles ahead.

Example list of Affirmations for my workout

Getting started with affirmations doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Do not stress too much about it how to approach it when to do them and what affirmations should you use. Think of it as a self-exploring experience that can help you with your current situation.

The more you are involved in the process the better you will understand it and will be able to benefit from it early on. We have developed a short list of what your affirmations should look like, so feel free to use it, write it, combine it with yours, and ultimately make it work for you.

With everything regarding healthwise, always consult your doctor and your specialist, to get their view of your situation. Stay safe always.

  • I am healthy and fit
  • I am focused and disciplined
  • My body progresses toward my goal
  • Exercising makes me happy and strong
  • I am in tune with myself
  • I am proud of myself
  • I am improving every day
  • I am strong
  • I am powerful
  • I am happy with my results

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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