January 16, 2024
affirmation tools

When improving ourselves we have to arm ourselves with the best and most efficient tools that can aid us in that journey. Considering it is never needing stage of our lives self-improvement requires a lot of testing, exploration, and self discovery. One of the greatest helpers in this regard is positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are positive phrases that motivate, boost self esteem, and encourage positive changes in life. This, to some odd ritual, actually has a scientific foundation that helps improve our self image and integrity.

Affirmations can be further reinforced with additional tools. These affirmation tools can be affirmation cards, lists, books, reminder stickers, and apps. The goal is to involve yourself with as much repeating your chosen affirmation as possible. So you always have them on your mind. It is also a great addition to experiment when just starting, to get the necessary feel for the right affirmations.

The power of positive affirmations overcomes self doubt and insecurity. They are also proven to have a great rejuvenating effort in restoring your self competence.

The objective of positive affirmations is to overcome your negative thoughts. Considering that most of us have them in the majority of our minds, positive affirmations are there to clean and relax your mind.

Challenge yourself to remove the negative thoughts by practicing positive affirmations daily. You will make your mindset shift in the desired direction. The key is to be patient and persistent. Just stay on the right track and forget about anything else.

What are the tools that can improve my Affirmations?

Constant practice, reminders, and relaxation time with affirmations are the ways that the following tools help you have a full grasp of your chosen affirmations. Keeping the mind occupied in the beginning is a great start. Mostly because you are doubtful that this will have any effect on you. Following with the when the affirmations are going to take their tool.

By keeping your mind occupied you are more involved in the process of doing rather than thinking about it. The process of practicing affirmations is rather straightforward and quite simple. You recite your affirmations over and over again for the desired amount of time.

When starting it is a good 5 minutes practice that will get you going. Don’t feel rushed, or uncomfortable. Once you get used to reciting you are on the good track.

Affirmation cards – These are plastic or paper cards that can go with you everywhere. Think of it like a cue card when giving a speech. When practicing just take a glimpse if you are stuck in the middle of some sentence. The good thing about them is they work offline too 🙂

List – Similar to cards the list has your chosen affirmations written on it. This is a great helper when just starting out. Experiment and practice to get a feel of what affirmations suits you well. You shouldn’t overwhelm yourself with hundreds of affirmations all at once. Choose 10-15 and keep filtering them until you have only the chosen ones.

Books – It is always good to research and to read more about the process that you are about to being. To get yourself comfortable where are you going and what effects and benefits can be. I am currently in the creation of such a book, but in the meantime, if you want to read more about possible benefits, click here.

Stickers – Wall, fridge, mirror whenever you can take a glimpse of your attention. Stickers are great for boosting your mood. It will keep your mind on your toes while doing your daily chores and rituals. It can also be a self compliment. I personally have a sticker next to my mirror that says – hey cutie – and I wink at it all the time 🙂

How can I improve my Affirmations with these tools?

There are a lot of tools that can help you with your affirmations. However, I am a firm believer that you have to create your own affirmation and your own tools. Brief and key points on why are mainly regarding the affirmations themselves. For an affirmation to really have an effect on you not only do you have to practice it daily, but it also needs to sound good to you.

The list that you can find can be really helpful, but rephrasing those statements into your own words can be a game-changer. They will be more believable to you and thus the effect will be far greater.

To improve your affirmations you have to cover the basics and lay healthy foundations. To improve on an overall basis you have to check what is the weakest link in yourself. The basics foundations before doing any affirmations are – relaxation, letting go of negativity, focusing on yourself only, and to stop comparing to others.

If you need more details on how to create better foundations for your affirmations, click here.

Believing – The key for affirmations to take effect and place in your mind is to be at least an inch believable to you. That is why it is important to make them your own. Focusing on what your goal is, try to describe to yourself how can you achieve it. By doing this you have a basic idea of what your affirmations should be about and what to strike.

affirmations for believing in yourself

Practice – You could have the best affirmations out there, the best books, lists, tools, and overall knowledge of affirmations. However, if you do not use that knowledge and take necessary action to it, then that knowledge is not worth it. Take baby steps if you need to. Don’t be rushed, try to sense every word you recite. Let it be your relaxing and motivating ritual. Consistency and patience will pay off.

Meditate – By relaxing a bit right before your affirmations you are getting ready for them. Think of it as a warm-up for exercising. It doesn’t have to be long meditations, the goal is to relax and be at peace with yourself. Once you get the flow going stay in that state and start with your affirmations.

How to Practice and Perfect Affirmations?

Consistency – Once you start just practicing and believing in the process along with the recited phrases you are on the good track to improve yourself. Practice every day no matter how short time you have for it, you owe to yourself to be involved in this process.

Make it habitual – It takes 2-3 weeks, and sometimes a month for new everyday actions to become a habit. That is why consistency is also important. By doing positive affirmation daily you will create a healthy habit. Let it be a ritual just for you, have a relaxing and calming time while doing it.

Do not think of it as much – When you are in the zone of doing your exercise you have simply focused all the way in it. It is a mental practice but is false physically exhausting. That is why you have to take action and use your knowledge to put it to good use. When you are solely focused you are then in the zone where you can prosper greatly.

Practicing may seem easy and basic, but little details can really make huge differences in your practice. Focus on relaxing and making your mind calm and at peace. You can stand in front of the mirror if you want to further improve your reciting. To find out why to check my other post.

Repeat your affirmations over and over again. Do not count anything, nor a number of repeating or the number of affirmations that you have. Focus on your affirmations and try to feel and sense every word that is coming out of your mouth.

You can place a stopwatch in front of you just to know how much you did in that session. A couple of minutes should be enough for daily practice. Feel free to adjust the time as you wish. When beginning try to reach 5 minutes of reciting your daily affirmations.

Enjoy the process don’t look at it as an obligation, you are doing yourself a favor. Positive change will come in no time.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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