January 17, 2024

Growing up we are given a set of rules and characteristics that will define us and guide us throughout life. Some are going to be left out along the way and others will be embedded. When we are grown up we can set new rules and characteristics based on our life experiences and how they affect us.

Establishing a healthy relationship with yourself is all about loving yourself as a man. Take care of yourself and your needs. It is a neverending process of having a deeper understanding of who you are and where are you going.

A man’s self love consists of taking care of you and your feelings, taking responsibility, and doing the right thing for you. Establishing yourself as the man you a striving to take effort and time. Be truthful to yourself and reach deep within you what is bothering you and why are you not solving your problems. Have the courage to stand up for yourself and make some changes in your life to make it better.

Improving yourself as a man has to be conscious and hard work. Getting to know yourself better is a necessary step in order to do so. Self loving also means that you will establish a great relationship with yourself and that you will take good care of it.

You will be able to achieve great things and eliminate your fears. Also, you will face your problems head-on and be able to solve them. The power is within you so you have to nurture it. If you want to become a better version of yourself and be confident you need to work towards that goal. Self loving will do that for you.

If you want to find out how to practice self love at your home in comfort, click here.

Do Men Need Self Love?

Every living thing needs love in order to be and grow. Men are definitely no exception. It is often irrational but it is a force that keeps on going no matter what.

Self love for man sounds a little odd and strange. It is simply because the focus is more on the women and their explorations into self loving journeys. However, men are also capable of developing self love.

Self love is not being narcissistic or being above everybody else. It is not being unreasonable confident, cocky, etc. Having self love means that you are accepting who you are, knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Learning from your mistakes and letting them go is about self love. Taking care of your body and your mind is a form of self love.

men self love

Being good to yourself and prioritizing yourself first is also a healthy way to have a growing relationship with yourself. The key here is to adapt to your needs, desires and to act on your gut feelings. Your feelings are real, especially the gut ones, so acknowledge them. Be honest with yourself about what is bugging you and just be in that moment of honesty and clarity.

Knowing yourself better is a neverending process. You have hidden talents so you need to experiment and try various activities in order to figure them out. The same thing is with knowing thyself. It is paramount to establish yourself as a confident man. Learn about yourself and know what you are capable of. It will further help you grow as a person.

Self loving is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. Knowing, accepting, learning, and improving are all the ingredients for you to rise up, be confident, and become successful in your life.

Do Men Struggle with Self Love?

The most likely challenge the men could face is that they generally lack of understanding what self love is and what it represents. Given that majority of people are simply ignoring some parts of themselves, we can also deduct the same about men when dealing with self love.

Now we are going to dive in what are the most common things men struggle with self love.

Too judgmental – Criticing others is bad, constant self criticism is the worst. Especially if you do not follow up with positive sides you only are left with negativity. Charging yourself with negativity can in the end bring you down.

Try to focus on your positives by simply creating a list of positive characteristics that you have and achievements that you made. Odds are that you forget some great achievements by constantly belittling yourself.

Focusing on what others think – Only listening to others and not at all yourself is a very bad thing. You have to have your inner voice and listen to yourself. No matter how down you are your best friend and worst enemy. Listening to others’ opinions and doing as they please can have consequences.

You are not obligated to listen to anybody but yourself. If the people that surround you have respect and good intentions for you ask them to let you go for a while because you need to prioritize your state now. You cant be good to others if you are not good to yourself.

Prioritizing others – You cant take the burden of helping someone by giving your 100% to them if you are not well. It is an honorable thing to help others, but you cant be of much help if you also need help.

Thinking only on negative sides – This one is quite similar to being too judgmental. However, if you are only thinking not only about your negative sides, that you are not good enough but also about the negative future outcomes of your actions then it is a problem that you need to address.

You must stop yourself from making the first move because you already decided that you cant do it in your head. Take a deep breath because you need to do some cleaning of those thoughts in your head.

Always on the edge – If you are an anxious or depressed person chances are that your motivation is down, and you as a person is down too. Always consult professionals before taking any actions or any prescriptions.

What you can do in an instant is simply to take the edge off by having time for yourself only. Be in silence, be calm, and relax in one position. You can close your eyes if you want and don’t think about anything. Just let yourself rest for a couple of moments. Take a brief break from everyday stress.

How to Practice Self Love as a Man?

As with every beginning you need to start small and make additional changes as you progress. The great thing about getting involved with self love practice is that you are determining your goals, your timeline and your activities. This is due that not everyone is in the same state. Not everyone has the same goals or desires.

Make a list of things that you are confident enough to state that needs to be improved, while also writing the ones that are good at the moment. You are not aiming to be perfect, you are getting there by being involved with your body and soul to improve yourself to better.

Look and work on your positive – Embrace your strengths and learn from your mistakes and weaknesses. You are as strong as your weakest trait so you have to work on your whole being. motivate yourself and work on yourself. In the long run you are reaping the ongoing benefits.

Have a self respect – You are enough to be loved and to be respected. Love yourself and be respectful to yourself first. Your life is the most valuable thing that you have. Treat it well, and it will treat you well.

Do not look down or talk down to yourself or anybody. Respect is earned and treated. You are worthy enough to have a great life.

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Accept your mistakes – You can’t change your past. Mistakes that you made and experiences that you gained are what make you unique. It is not what has happened it is about what you did about it that matters.

Mistakes are great and hard lessons to swallow. Observe them as your friend who is making them or did them. Accept them for what they wanted to teach you. Learned from your experience and let them go. They are not yours to keep. Your lesson is done now move on to the next.

Whatever activity, or routine you start with self loving always remember to be persistent and persevering. Your motivation and dreams can get you to a certain point but determination, persistence and just keep going is what will make the results that you want. Keep your heads up and start doing it. Do not fear the journey, the fear doesn’t belong in it.

If you need more assistance in practicing self love as a man, click here.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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