January 17, 2024
Do you lack self love

Taking care of yourself and self love is not an upward spiral only. It got ups and downs. Self care is a continuous and never ending process. You are a living being and your needs are constantly evolving and changing, so you are changing filling them too.

Throughout the day you are taking actions that are beneficial or not so helpful to yourself. Every decision, every thought every word spoken is measured. It may sound too strict, but you must realize that all our thoughts are products of our lives and habits.

You can`t know all the time if you lack a bit of self love if you didn’t practice it or what does it imply. Nevertheless, if you thought about it you probably already have an idea of what you are missing from your self care routine. Following your first instincts and your feelings is a good way to determine if you are on the right track.

But if you have imprinted what taking care of yourself you are as well good to determine whenever you need some boosting in self love or not. If you have already developed a healthy habit of taking care of your needs you might skip over some also critical parts of yourself. It is always good to go back to basics and to have an overview of all things you need to take care of.

One thing to remember is not to take it hard on yourself if you neglect something. It is quite normal and often to skip some parts, just make sure you enjoy your routine and to persist with it. The effort itself will pay off in the long run.

self love question

Are you Feeling You Are Not Good Enough?

Oftentimes you are feeling that you are not doing the best you can or that you are not putting as much effort as you wanted. That is perfectly fine. Nobody can give 100% of their best effort all the time.

To tackle this habit you need to start looking at this point more objectively. Is it all your fault, are you only involved, what can be done differently, and do you need some help with it.

If those stressful situations can’t be helped then you need to take your time to prepare mentally for them. Take your time with it as much as you can. Nobody can force you into anything and just relax. Feeling anxious by just thinking about it is a good sign that you need to work on it.

Lack of self respect doesn’t come overnight. It takes time and effort to create low self esteem. Deflating and improving your self-esteem both take time, effort, and patience. Despite the fact that you might currently lack it, you must keep in mind that it does not need to be permanent.   

You can always start slowly to gain the momentum of feeling that you are good after all. Completing simple achievements will be beneficial in the long run when you are back on the track. The goal is to feel comfortable in your own skin. Worrying and self doubt shouldn’t be in your vocabulary.

Being yourself is the most valuable and most liberal thing you can achieve. When you are expressing yourself freely that is when your dream is becoming a reality. Following your dream is not a fool’s errand, but a valuable adventure that you should take yourself upon.

Regularly putting yourself at the top of your priorities is a great way to turn all your negative voices into a positive one. Developing a trait when your first reaction is a positive one, or at least turning it into looking at it in a positive way is a great habit to have. That habit will protect you throughout your life with a smile on your face, and confidence on your shoulders.

Feeling confident takes time and persistence. Beliving in yourself comes with effort and objective achievements. Starting and planning your way back is an admirable step you can take right now. If you need additional help with it you can always rely on creating affirmations.

Is Your Past Haunting You?

Whatever happened in the past it happened for a reason. The best way to deal with your past is to look at it as a form of lesson. Nothing is happening to you that you couldn’t bear but obstacles are thrown in your path by the life so you can learn from those experiences.

You are already reached and enlightened by those experiences so try to make the effort to learn from them as much as possible. You are brave enough to try it. Letting go of it will be easier if you accept what happened, learned to form it, and simply move on.

This way you can accept yourself for what you have been and for what you have become after it. Once you can really accept yourself you are already an enriched, individual. Know your strengths but also your weaknesses. Knowing and accepting who you are for what you are can be a great addition to your self love development.

You shouldn’t be overwhelmed by worrying so much about what has happened. It is already done. Try to figure out what you can do with the development of the situation, and position yourself in the best possible way.

Taking care of yourself and putting yourself as the top priority is paramount for your self development journey. In order to take charge of your future, you have to learn from your past and be willing to take action in the present.

You have to realize that you are not perfect. Nobody is. Accepting yourself will untimely give you control over your life and you can steer it in any direction that you want. So make sure your needs are taken care of, so you can focus on your healing and improvement.

Whenever you are prepared or not to shift your mindset from past to present, you can always boost yourself with this.

Are you Comparing yourself to Others?

It is almost impossible not to compare yourself to others at all. However when that trait becomes a habit then it can be really exhausting, and ultimately very dangerous for your self esteem.

Why in the end comparing is not so great a trait to have. When you compare yourself and your situation to others you are not comparing the same things. You are a unique individual who has a unique background, different life stories, and experiences, etc. There are much more differences than comparables most of the time. Even though there are similarities they are just that – similarities and nothing more than that.

When you know yourself, and feel comfortable in your own skin then you are not looking at others as comparables, but as unique persons that can share their experiences, and stories with you, and become your friends if you want to. You will be more approachable, friendlier, and easy to talk to.

You should be grateful for what you have. Your journey is your own, and it is a blessing itself that you are on it.

Criticizing others is also a bad trait that can be easily developed. When goes untreated it will become an escape way to treat everyone badly and find fault in others rather than taking personal responsibility for your actions.

Trying to please everybody is a good way to fall on your face every time. You have to set boundaries and feel free and confident enough to say no when you want to.

When you love yourself fully, and when you regularly practice self love you are promoting a healthy and loving relationship with yourself. Thus making it fuller and getting rid of the toxic traits and bad habits. You are in deep connection with yourself and you are taking care of yourself the way it should.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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