January 4, 2024
HLong Should I Meditate?

Meditation is a great exercise to be mindful and kick-start your day. You feel relaxed, energized and you are getting in touch with your inner self while doing it. Meditation can also help you deal with everyday stress and anxiety issues that might occur in your life.

Knowing how much you should meditate can be a difficult task. Every person is unique and is rather unprecise if you give an exact number for everyone that should do it all the time, however, there are helpful guidelines. If you are new to meditation you really need to explore it and discover what works for you.

Start with a short 5-minute session so your body and mind get to feel. It will take a while to get comfortable to figure out to breathe correctly and find yourself in those meditations. Don’t push it, the goal is to get used to the feeling and to reap benefits from getting into meditation. It will take some time, so be patient and persistent and the result will follow.

Bear in mind that it’s not a competition but a practice to make you feel relaxed energized and stress-free. The best approach will be to get used to short meditations at first. Test out your meditation practice and you will get a sense of how long it will take for your mind to get benefits.

Starting off slow will be ideal even if you are short on schedule, and don’t have much available time. This way meditation will be efficient and still beneficial. Once your schedule is allowing you can also push meditation time a bit more since you are already used to it.

How long should I meditate if I am a Beginner?

When starting out the best approach will be to try meditating for a couple of minutes to try to feel it out. Don’t stress too much about it. Simply make yourself comfortable, have a couple of deep breathing to ease your mind, and simply let yourself go. You are testing the waters at the beginning so enjoy and explore.

Make it a habit by doing it every day for a couple of minutes. As each day passes by you will develop a sense and a good basic feeling of meditation. Your mind and body will respond to the practice that you are exposing them to.

Practicing and starting slow should be only your consideration regarding mediation. The less you stress about it and just dive in into it the easier it will be. Meditation itself after all should be relaxing practice for both mind and body, so don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself.

To start off place a timer next to you just to keep it simple and clean. What this will do is it will not allow you to go for a long meditative session at first, because right now you only want to start with them. Place a timer for a couple of minutes (make it 5-minutes if you need an exact number) and enjoy your meditation.

The point of starting it with only a couple of minutes is not only to get a feel of your mind and body reacting to meditation but also to create it bearable enough to do it tomorrow again. I believe that it is important to establish great and healthy habits first, and not to lose interest and motivation in the new activity in order not to continue it. 

So don’t push it just enjoy it. You are increasing your self love by doing yourself that favor. If you are interested what is the connection between the two, check it out here.

What should you Focus on when Starting with Meditation?

Many people tend to drop out of meditation simply because they don’t feel it was helpful at all. Many also find it boring and challenging to be quiet for a longer period of time. It is actually challenging when you think that every day we are bombarded with all sorts of stimulation throughout the day. When you are doing the meditations you are quiet, alone, and with your eyes closed but with your mind awake.

There are many reasons why people start meditating but most of them will be a better connection with themselves. When meditating you are in peace with yourself and mindful at least for a while.

You should strive to be as efficient as possible, so be patient with yourself give it time, and milk the benefits. Be consistent rather than aim for the longest time you can endure per session. Tap into your needs and feelings and eventually, you will get the idea of what you should look for while meditating.

You should also consider keeping track of your progress and your sessions. Write your experiences down as you will write any other exercise you do, so start a journal. If you miss a day of your session, don’t feel bad just pick up where you left off the next day and keep it a habit.

It is ok to take time off if you need to adjust yourself better. Again, it is not a competition, but an enjoyable and seld developing experience.

To begin meditation, I would focus on picking a time, being patient and consistent with your practice, and enjoying the experience.

When can I see the Results of Meditation?

We have found a study that researched the impact of short meditations on the mind and body and its effects. There is evidence to suggest that meditation reduces negative mood states including mood disturbance, anxiety, and fatigue scores, and increases attention, working, and recognition memory.

To get to the bottom of the approximate period when the result will kick in, we have found a Harvard Study about it. They found that within 8 weeks of doing meditations every day there can be significant changes in our behavior and have a clearer picture of the world around us.

What should you be focused on is not getting the result but simply enjoying the experience and gaining the benefits that you know will come. Be more involved with what you are doing rather than what you will gain. You will stress your practice out and the results will be diminished.

Repetition, healthy habits, and mindfulness are more important rather than thinking about how good the results will be. Don’t stress too much about when will the result be, because your concentration on meditation will be tainted.

In the end, there is no exact number rather than a certain timeframe where most people will fall into. That is why it is paramount for you to test it out on yourself.

Enjoy your self improvement journey. Take your time to experience all the practices about self love, and don’t forget to take time for that very same practice. We recommend these movies to watch to keep you still interested in that journey and on the right track, some of them are going to make you laugh your ass off too.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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