December 30, 2023
Connection between money and self worth

Money affects a lot of things in our lives. Our feelings and our emotions are also affected by it or most commonly lack of it. It allows people to be content and do business with each other. When you think of it it is a fundamental part of ourselves and society as a whole.

Our personal feelings can be really tight to our bank account. More often than not our own self worth fluctuates as our bank balance throughout the month. If it is in excellent standing you are feeling great, if it is close to zero you feel down.

It is really slippery slope when it comes to the connection between money and your self worth. Most people are relating self worth to financial standing. Seeing a good standing on your account represents to an increase in self worth. By connecting your worth to your bank balance that is when you are most vulnerable.

Money is important to us and our society, but it isn’t and it shouldn’t be brought up on a pedestal as we tend to do it. It is necessary for functioning but it is a part of our whole life. You simply can’t manage your life solely on one thing.

Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter are some of the most human needs but relying on just one is an impossible task.

With money people often compare their status and how much they are spending on themselves and others. That can lead to a whole lot of negativity in life which you really don’t need when you want to improve as a person.

In short, people are putting too much emphasis on their status, money balance, and their material wealth that they are neglecting the wealth that is inside of them.

Why are People attaching their self worth to their net worth?

Sometimes we are as confident as money goes into our pocket. We are relying on external and social approval from others. In simple words, we have a very emotional and unhealthy attachment to our bank account.

Other effects also affect our well-being, but the most important question is why is this happening. Why are we so susceptible to the influence of money?

There is usually constant fear or discomfort associated with not being able to meet the needs at the end of the month. That fear is a great trigger to our pressure and anxiety.

When all is said and done, we are providing ourselves and our loved ones the shelter, food, water, and comfort of living. It is not just being able to live by the end of the month, but it is really a dreadful feeling of doing it over and over again the next month and indefinitely.

It is rather easy to fall into a neverending cycle of feeling anxiety when just thinking about your financial situation simply because your life depends on it. The reason we are attaching ourselves to our bank account is it gives us stability and comfort almost instant if it is in good standing, and not so good feeling if it is almost empty.

Money is a very sensitive topic to even discuss with anybody. It brings forward our worst characteristics as human beings almost immediately. It is almost like a drug feeling of giving us a boost when we have a lot of it, and giving a beat down when we don’t have it at all.

People usually have the approach of money in terms of just getting it and that is it. And spending it while it lasts. As with ourselves, almost nothing can be accomplished with money unless it is tamed and disciplined.

Once you are in a position of looking at it as a means of strategically getting some material stuff and keeping your standard of living you will have a healthier relationship with it.

Money as a Measure of Self Worth

Money will always cause you to feel pressured and compelled to gain more and to secure more for your safety. That feeling of pressuring yourself is never ending. Not only you will be always hungry but it will be your only preoccupation.

There is a study that clearly shows that people are more vulnerable to negative psychological consequences when they tie their self-worth to the pursuit of financial success.

Your sprint will turn into the marathon and by the time you realize you will be isolated to run that track alone. Always keep yourself in check not to isolate yourself from anything that you do. Organize yourself better to have a relaxing time with your friends and family.

Money both indirectly and directly affects your mental health. Think about it. You are anxious to get the next paycheck, not so comfortable paying all of the bills. Constant uncertain about the job, and living from paycheck to paycheck. Those thoughts alone are enough to screw your head a bit.

The unwritten rule about having a lot of money is that you will feel yourself differently. You will walk and talk with confidence knowing that you can afford that kind of behavior. You will also see yourself differently as well as others.

self worth and money

Your sense of accomplishment and achievement will definitely be in shakes wherever you have a lot or have little money. A sense of accomplishment can be rightfully said to be associated with the acquisition of lots of money.

By achieving financial succsess you are definitely going to increase your sense of capabilities, confidence and overall self worth.

Your relationship with money should be about your financial goals and feeling good about your choices.

Net worth is fluctuating number, but self worth is neverendig fulfilling process.

Relationship of Low Self Esteem and Being Poor

Having very little means for living or barely scaping at all is a very difficult position. When scarcity struct it is pounding on all aspects of our lives, both physically and psychologically.

When you are poor your perception about yourself is very negative, and your overall satisfaction in life is on very low branches. In terms of your finances being poor can give you a scarcity mindset.

When you are in that mindset you are always looking for immediate success, get-rich-quick schemes etc. Always looking short term, and not having any real long term strategy or plan at all. Thus you are in a constant cycle of living and being in scarcity.

There is a great study from Joseph Rowntree Foundation done by the University of Oxford shows exactly that. Being poor doesn’t have to be your fault. Your surroundings come in it as much as your upbringing.

Not only that but you are living in constant fear of losing that little you have. With little to no better looking future ahead, it is a heavy burden to bear.

It is very difficult to come on top of that situation. Most people tend to go to a different place, start new, and begin a new life. Some go to study courses in different branches so they can change their job completely. Whatever your situation may be there is always a way out.

If you are looking simply to self develop on a budget I have written a helpful article about it, so you can check it right here.

What is important to remember is to keep your head up and not to miss your perspective from all the thing that is bringing you down. If you always look down you can’t spot new opportunities on the horizon.

Having a healthy relationship with your money is not only helpful but necessary.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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