January 17, 2024

Love quest is a never-ending marathon. Everybody wants to be loved and to love back. If you are searching and still find yourself getting lonely and isolated perhaps you haven’t searched for the love within. Love is a foundation for life. Self love is the foundation of our love.

When you are confident and love yourself you are living a fulfilling life. You are will be more happy and more fit, both mentally and physically. Show unconditional love to yourself and you will reap the benefits. It is not easy, but it is achievable and the most rewarding thing you can do for your well-being.

Lacking confidence and self love will eventually bring you down. You will doubt your every action and be anxious all the time. It will affect not only you but your surroundings as well. You will first feel and then actually be more isolated as time goes by. You have to take good care of yourself.

Being confident and having a healthy amount of self love is a constant challenge in becoming a better person. Lacking constant challenge or constant improvement will result in a stalemate. It is a never ending process of carving yourself into the best version of yourself.

You will find your own way to do it, as you are a unique individual. You will find that life will be much easier when you have those attributes. Think of it as a glass of water. If you are filled with love and joy you will spill it onto everybody else. Eventually, you will make yourself enjoy every bit of life.

 The end result will be that you will be happy and you will be able to carry out your daily routines with ease.  

How do I build Self Confidence and Love Myself?

Building something from scratch is never an easy task. However, in the case of confidence and self love it is not really true. Most people have ups and downs periodically since nobody is perfect. You are probably just facing a difficult time at the moment. So keeping your heads up is an easy thing to say, but here is what you can do.

Be positive – Cheer yourself up. Read some good jokes, make yourself laugh. Daydream and get lost in your thoughts. Be kind to yourself. You will appreciate yourself much if you have some me-time once in a while. Especially if you are constantly put under pressure. And try to make a positive out of every situation. I for instance, when I am paying my bills always put on – Always look on the bright side of life by Monty Python, just to not take life so seriously and make the pain of paying bills easier.

Use affirmations – Affirmations are a great tool to get you going. They are motivators, routine creators, and life boosters when done correctly. Just make sure you are creating them so they meet your look at life and your goals. Make them short, easy to remember, and straight to the point. You have to affirm those statements every day until it is carved into your mind. Being consistent is paramount. Have a clear goal and go get it.

If you need additional help on how to improve your affirmations, click here.

Be active and take action – This one is no brainer. You can search, write, and get all the information that you need to overcome the obstacle. Doing nothing about it and only knowing is again nothing. You have to take action in gaining your confidence back. Doing anything is better than dwelling on something. Don’t waste your time when you can achieve greatness.

Being comfortable in your own skin – This includes having the confidence to look yourself in the mirror and have enough self love to be confident in your mind. Overall taking care of your whole self. Practice makes perfect. You can reach to perfection. Take good care of your body because you will not get a new one. Eat food that your body likes. Do activities that your mind loves. Check yourself constantly are you enjoying the moment or are you benefiting from some activity.

Accept who you are – Find out your strengths and weaknesses. Figure out your character. Accept your uniqueness and move on from there. By accepting who you are you have a clearer picture of what needs to be done for improvement. You can create a list of your attributes to aid you in that matter.

How do you begin to Love Yourself and be Confident?

If you are having difficulties to start loving yourself, know first that you are worthy of love.

Don’t be too hard on yourself – Chances are that you are always bringing your negative parts to the front. How about your good ones? We tend to easily forget our achievements, victories, and our positive side because it build us into who we are right now. Negative sides are there from preventing us to go even further. There is no need to be too critical. It doesn’t do you any good. Just relax, be still for a while and bring out the positive side of yours, and learn from the negative ones.

The practice of saying no – Prioritize yourself first. Do not be dragged around into situations you don’t like to be in. Do not rush. Be at your own pace. You don’t have to answer immediately to every question. Be relaxed. Saying no when you want to is the most liberating thing that you can bring out yourself. Nobody owns you and you owe nothing to anybody. Do not feel the need to care for everything and everybody. Put yourself in the first spot.

Don’t dwell on the past – The past is what you are right now. Your experiences are what define you. Look at the past as you tutor. Learn from it, don’t turn back to it. Past mistakes are already done, and you can’t do anything about them. What you can do is learn from them and be objective about your mistakes. Observe them as lessons that you need to master before moving on. Afterward, you will simply let them go. You will take them as another valuable experience and move on with your life.

Make a plan – It is all fine when you gather all information about how to treat yourself well, and how you can love yourself more. But if you don’t have a clear set plan, starting point, strategy, and priorities you will most likely fail. Think of it as a project of developing the house. Now imagine bringing all the tools and all the necessary workforce at the start and thinking something might come good from it. With every process, you have to take small necessary steps before you move on to more complete ones.

Do yourself a favor and make sure you take this project seriously. Approach it professionally since you are going to develop yourself. Make a list a take action.

If you want to know more about how self love can benefit your whole life click here.

How do you Love Yourself when you don’t know how?

To be able to love yourself you have to get familiar with yourself. Seems pretty odd, doesn’t it? That we can think about all kinds of things and have an opinion about anything yet when we come to ourself we tend to down it down a little.

Know yourself first – This is paramount to building yourself as a better person. It will take almost a lifetime to know to complete oneself but that is not stopping you to get to know yourself well now. Hidden talents might be tricky to know since they are hidden, but what about your aspirations?

What are you good at? Are you happy? How do you see yourself, and how does that come in line with others. These and a lot of more similar questions you have to ask yourself. Take all the time you need. Get a grasp and a good look at who and what you really are.

confident and possible

Remove negative thoughts – We all have them it is inevitable. The goal here is to deal with those who are not letting you rise a be yourself. Constant barraging yourself that you are let’s say not good enough is absurd. It is like shooting yourself in the foot. Is it doing any good? Try to dive into that problem to see why you are thinking like that. Is it past experience, is it not your cup of tea, what is it?

Once you find the root cause of it then you can do something about it. Learn from that mistake and experience. Do not brush it off, because it will come back eventually. Once you forgive yourself you can let that thought go.

Take your time – As with any process you need time to master every intricate detail of it. Since it is very important to master yourself and to do correctly do not rush the process. Find your own pace and keep it that way. Do not feel the need to rush something just because you think you know it. Getting back to the basics is the single most important thing that you can take. It might look simple but it has everything you need.

Start small – When figuring out your inner self and loving yourself keep in mind to take baby steps. To have confidence you need to take it easy. Start slow and small and build it from there. Try and experiment along the way. Do not look at the end goal, look at your feet as you start your new journey.

Gaining confidence and loving yourself doesn’t come overnight. Learn from your experiences, and get to know yourself better. Whatever steps you take enjoy the process.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care

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