January 16, 2024
love and yourself

In order to love someone you have to have the capacity to love yourself first – you probably heard that before. It would be best if you had a mental, spiritual, and loving connection with your partner to be fully immersed in one another.

Love and lust are not the same, love and idolizing are not the same, love and despair of being lonely are not the same.

There is a fine line when you are at a low point in your life where you will look for someone who can help you and be your partner. Often times we tend to idolize them to the point where we keep bringing them up and leave ourselves in the dust.

To be in love and still love yourself it takes cooperation from the side that you care about yourself and you care about somebody else. To be in truly love with someone takes time effort and patience – it is not love at first sight.

Most romantic events can really be a letdown once the potential partner opens their mouth 🙂

If you stumble upon a partner that can and will take advantage of your situation then you are in trouble if you stay for long in that relationship. Working on yourself before, during, and after a relationship is essential to your own life. Accepting and learning from your mistakes is paramount.

When you notice an occurring pattern of bad relationships and abusive partners you are the common denominator. However, if you back up into solitude and work only on yourself and not communicate with others that is a bad way to go as well.

Take a positive step into your life don’t try to be perfect, self love is not adoring yourself or being a complete narcissist. It is accepting your flaws and weaknesses and fully going through life with your head held high.

How to connect with my partner and not disregard myself?

What makes us human is a connection with another human. Social activity is what makes us stronger and more resilient as a species.

The human connection will gratify you with deeper feelings for one another and encourages deeper connections.

Engaging with your loved ones can give you a boost, support, and often guidance in the right direction.

Especially if that loved one is your partner you are becoming more of a team and more than just lovers. Companionship takes time and effort to create and nurture.

Overall follow your guts and feelings when lunging into a new potential relationship. Don’t follow rules to living written by someone else.

Help yourself by listening to yourself, tend to your needs, and make a life of happiness and joy.

Once you can combine the two, your life will be more fulfilled. You will be happy and in a loving relationship with yourself and your partner.

Do you have to love yourself to love somebody else?

If you try to be narcissistic and to be worshiped as a deity chances are that you love yourself too much by this point.

In a healthy relationship whenever someone steps out of line with toxic behavior they are put back by their partner. Love has to come with another person, loving yourself can tend to become a narcissistic trait if you are unchecked.

You can only love yourself as much not to become a toxic person and build yourself to be as best as possible. However, that can only get you to a certain point. Loving someone else is a neverending cycle of love, in the end, love comes in 2s.

You don’t have to have a tremendous amount of love for yourself, because as mentioned that can go sideways.

A recent study shows that narcissist behavior is only amplified by the way we are living life today, so be careful out there.

So in essence, the question do you have to love yourself in order to truly love somebody – the short answer is no, and the long one is – not necessarily.

You really have to juggle between the two, and find balance. It will certainly take time, effort, sweat, and tears. But the end product can be really beneficial to your life.

How to Find Love if you are Not in Love with Yourself?

Take your time – Do not be troubled that you are currently alone without a loving partner. Tend to your needs while living your life after a breakup.

Most of the time that will happen when you are least expecting as with the majority of things in life. You are working on something extensively and when you are relaxing and not thinking about it at all it happens effortlessly.

Come from your heart consciously and you will reap the fruits of your expending love.

Follow your gut instinct – Tend to your needs by following your feelings. Most of the time that feeling is speaking your truth. If you need to back up for a while and simply be alone then be alone. If you need to go out and have fun then do so. Fulfill your needs as any living being will do.

Work on yourself and your socialization – If you think you don’t love yourself that much, or somebody told you so chances are there is a bit of truth in that. We have created a list of activities that you can do to improve your self image, to check that out, click here.

Study your Mistakes – Forgive yourself only when you realize your mistakes and learn from them. Study them as they were made by somebody else. This will give you a great perspective, and also give you the ability to better extract what really happened and what can be done.

You are always better at deciding for someone when you have all the information, so do exactly that but with your own mistakes.

It is a Risk but Worth Taking it – We all have fears. There is no such thing as being fearless when going through a rough and uncertain path. Fear is an enemy, courage is when you move through it.

After a while, you will be able to attract and love someone who is in tune with your acceptance of yourself and want to create a new and better future with you. So don’t be shy to tend to yourself and to find the love out there.

Do it together and one will meet the other in no time.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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