January 8, 2024

To become the best version of yourself affirmations for women is one of the best tools you can use. Whenever we are conscious of it or not, every day we are using affirmations. Forming a belief comes in the form of repetition enough time so your mind can run them on autopilot and be cemented into your brain.

Now here is the catch, you can search the web for a whole bunch of lists on affirmations for women. Look at them as more general guidelines on creating your own, unique affirmations that are just for you. By doing this you will be more involved with the whole process from begging to implementing them into your life. The results will come even sooner than expected. You will reclaim the power within you to become a better person.

The main goal is to change your attitude and mindset for greater change in your life. Think positively to gain more power and self-confidence so that you can take on your troubles with ease. It will not be overnight, but as the saying goes, the journey begins with the first step.

Consistency Pays Off

In how many cases have you started a new activity but then lost interest or motivation, creating more and more reasons not to do it, and eventually forgetting about the activity altogether? As with all habits, they require time to become a permanent part of your life. Organize a 2-week schedule where you will do your affirmations. Continue to practice it until it becomes a habit. It can take up to a month but after that, you will do it effortlessly.


It is natural to feel uncomfortable when you first begin. You will get used to it eventually. A new journey in your life awaits you as you step out of your comfort zone. Keeping the process going will get you there in no time.

Just do it

When starting your affirmations for women exercise, just remember the fundamentals on what you are supposed to do. Repeat the words as a mantra as you relax. Those statements are formed over time, so it’s crucial that you make them yourself. They will become your beliefs, your trust, and your way of life.

Motivate yourself by getting clear

When creating your own affirmations it will be a good idea to describe your goal too. The majority of us want health, wealth and great partner. Now imagine that you have a clear picture of how you are going to get healthy, how you are going to become wealthy, or how to develop a meaningful relationship with a person. The more clear your goal is, the easier it will be to attain motivation. Identify your goals along with your affirmations and start the journey.

Old beliefs die hard, but they do die

Families and parents keep us safe and secure during our childhood beliefs. Nevertheless, if we do not grow from that, we are in danger of developing low self-esteem, lack of confidence. It is essential that we recognize harmful habits and beliefs and start cracking them down while bringing better ones up.


Always use the present tense

In the paragraph where we described how important it is to have clear goals along with your affirmations to have a clear and big picture of what you want to achieve. When it comes to your affirmations and goals, using the present tense helps you to get there faster, more efficiently, and with more emotional connection. Add always positive content in those affirmations for women and you are good to go.

Gut feeling

It takes a toll on one’s self-esteem and confidence to constantly be exposed to images of the ‘perfect’ woman. Seeing that, we will start thinking we are not worth anything if we are not exactly like that. We are having more negative thoughts about ourselves and our confidence is decreasing. This causes us to think low of ourselves, which isn’t good at all.

Affirmations for women can help how?

By changing your perception of the way you look at yourself and how you think about your appearance, positive affirmations will help you to improve your self image. Using affirmations for good is fundamentally based on the fact that we create our thoughts and beliefs regarding life through our thoughts. As a result, our responses to anything that might occur are shaped by our thoughts and beliefs regarding life. There is no meaning to the events themselves, but only the interpretation that we give to them. This is something we must understand. 

Whenever you say positive affirmations to yourself, you can change your negative habits, thought patterns, and habitual responses into more positive and self-loving thoughts and actions. You need to be aware of whenever you have a negative thought that comes up. Take a moment to discover what that thought feels like for you. In the event that it does not, you may want to choose a better one by turning it around.

What if it’s not working for me?

The goal is to achieve the best version of yourself. You are a beautiful and strong individual. Quite capable of dealing with your problems on your own. You have the strength and courage to make it, and I believe in you.

When you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions, stress, problems or chaos, keep your head up and do not let your guard down. The only thing you need to do is find a few minutes to relax in bed or a chair, take a few deep breaths, and enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet. Don’t worry about any problems, they will pass soon, and you’ll eventually realize that they weren’t worth your attention, so you won’t be worried about them anymore.

If you want to keep creating your best version, you can add a positive activity such as affirmations. Do not think that affirmations are not working on you. You are already using it, but probably in the opposite direction. Just reverse their meaning into positive ones, and keep persisting.


For self-development, it is important to have a clear vision and a clear destination. You should make a list of everything you want to accomplish, even if they are excessive. Put everything on paper and then trim it to be the ideal path to your goal. Keeping persistent with your goal will be even easier once you start noticing positive changes. Just be patient enough with yourself, you are that important.

Example List to Help you Create your Own Affirmations

If you are still struggling in making your own list here is an example list to help you out

I love being a woman

I am healthy

I love my body

I am confident

I have a wonderful relationship

I make positive healthy choices for myself

I am successful in whatever I do

My mind is calm

I have an abundance of energy

I am getting wealthier each day

It takes time, practice, patience, a love for yourself and a firm acceptance of yourself to change your thoughts. Affirmations are the first step. There will be times when you will have negative thoughts, but as you practice, it will get easier. Have confidence in yourself. You’ll be happier.

Do not overdo it, take a break as much as you need. You deserve it. Besides being brilliant, kind, and caring, you’re all-around great.

I love and believe in you. You’ve got this!

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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