June 6, 2024
Fitting Affirmations

Busy life schedule and overwhelming tasks can bring a person in the end down. There are various different types of coping mechanism to ease the pain or to solve your time management.

Studies have shown that when you are positively focused on your goal you are given yourself more statistical chance to get there rather than solely be reliable on motivation. Affirmations not only can bring your focus in good place but also keep fuelling you until you get to your objective.

Incorporating affirmations into a busy life can be challenging, but it’s certainly possible with some thoughtful planning and consistency.

Here are couple of approaches that you can take -> Start Small, Choose Specific Time, Integrate to Current Habits, Use Technology, Use Reminders, Mindful Focus & Breathing, Same Bedtime Routine.

Practice your routines as much as possible at first. Experiment along the line and find what suit you the best. Remember, the key is consistency. Even if you only have a few moments each day, repeated positive
affirmations can have a cumulative effect on your mindset.

Choose affirmations that resonate with you personally and focus on the ones that address aspects of your life you want to improve or enhance.

After a while you will start noticing positive effects of your affirmations and will be able to easier reach your stated goal.

What are Affirmational Routines for Busy Life?

Start Small: Begin with just a few affirmations that you find. It’s better to be consistent with a small number than to overwhelm yourself with a long list. Experiment, write new, try them out, rinse and repeat.

Choose Specific Times: When you are going to have this habit done is really important. Identify specific times in your day when you able to do affirmations. This could be in morning routine, while commuting, during a break, or before bedtime. Choose time slot and stick to it.

Integrate with Current Habits: Attach your chosen affirmations to current habits. This will be a simple add on to your already created routine and not just one single new routine where you need a new spot. Keep it as simple as possible.

Use Technology: When starting it will be a good practice to use and set reminders on your phone to notify you on the exact same time. This can be a crucial part of your routine creation. Apps that can create and send you positive daily affirmation are also a good choice.

Create Visual Reminders: If you want to go old school you can do just that. Write down your affirmations on sticky notes and place them in visible locations. This way they will be in your face while performing mundane tasks.

Mindful Focus & Breathing: Practice mindfulness and breathing with your routine. It maybe sounds complicated but here it is. Take a few deep breaths while repeating your affirmations to create a calming and centred experience. Create a rhythm that you will follow of breathing, calmness and affirmations. This way you will be more focus on what you are doing and having more gains from this approach.

Bedtime Routine: Personally this is my favourite time to do my affirmations. Right before bed you can recite your affirmations and also reflect your day. Focusing on more positive thoughts before sleep can contribute to a more restful night. This will also help with your personality as well.

If this is overwhelming all to you try to relax, start small, experiment and enjoy your new habit. It can be a game changer, check this post where we write all about it.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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