December 30, 2023
healthy relationship with yourself in marriage

It can be said that marriage is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You are creating something new with your partner. If you have already lived together you are familiar with the dynamics so technically it shouldn’t be much of a change once you get married. However, both of your perspectives are slightly changed.

While living together gives you a different dynamic, you will be more involved than ever in your partner’s life and vice versa. That is why it is essential to remember to have a great relationship with yourself as much as you are putting effort into your connection with your partner.

To have a good and healthy relationship with yourself you need to be aware of your needs. You have to be in touch with your feelings and keep in mind boundaries and your limitations. It will take time and effort for that relationship to become strengthened and to be on a healthy foundation.

Keywords that you want to look for are time management, acceptance, discipline, and making an effort.

This is should be your way of engaging yourself while also maintaining a great relationship with your spouse.

Since every effort you put in requires time, time management can be your greatest tool and ally to be able to have enough time to dedicate yourself.

Forget overthinking about every aspect of your relationship with yourself and your spouse. It can give you more headaches and problems than you had before. Take action instead and be good to both of you.

Probably the best guide you can listen to is your gut feeling. You can be surprised how well you are already tuned into yourself and your partner by following what your instinct says and taking necessary actions at the time.

Why is it Important to have a Great Relationship with Yourself in Marriage?

To answer this question who has to break it down into the most simplistic answer, any other explanation can take a long time to answer, and it boils down to basically the same answer. You have a relationship with yourself as well as your partner.

If you want everything to work out in the end you have to put effort into both. You need to be as good to yourself as you are to your partner.

Following this, it will impact your whole mental and physical state. Eventually, over time you will strengthen your good sides and remove or weaken the bad ones. Your self love should be at the top of the game so you can have a great experience with your life and with your partner.

In the end, you will know how to make yourself happy and the people around you. Having a healthy relationship with yourself gives you great insight into who you really are.

You will value yourself more and will be able to surround yourself with great people. Also, you can spread that happiness that you have created for yourself, with your partner and you can share it with others.

What also needs to be added is that your mind will be much clearer, and you will become more efficient with your time. Given that this is the case, you will be better at solving different situational problems. The solutions that will pop into your head almost instantly will be easy and simple.

It boils down to creating and improving yourself so that your marriage can benefit from it too.

To be good to yourself you have to speak self love language. I have written a short post about it, you can read it here.

How to have a Better Relationship with Myself?

Take care of your Basic Needs First It is pretty simple, whatever you need to eat, sleep or just take a rest you have to do it in order to be sane and then healthy. It often comes a chaotic time when it is exactly what you won’t have. So pick every single piece of that time to relax, and let off some steam that is bubbling up.

No matter how basic that need is you have to give to yourself.

Give Yourself Time As mentioned with filling the basic needs you have to have some time for yourself. When you feel the pressure is too much communicate that with your spouse and come up with a solution. The most common is simply to have 15 minutes to half an hour in the morning just for yourself.

What you need to do at first is to adjust your lifestyle so that you are able to give yourself that necessary time to be able to breathe.

relationship with yourself

Be in Touch with Your Inner Self – You have feelings whether you like them or not. You have to realize that you need to be in touch with your inner being in order to respond to those feelings. They are real and they need also attention.

You can also have a dialog with yourself. Mention what is bothering you and simply talk to yourself about it.

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back – Think about what are you good at. Write on a piece of paper as a reminder of all the strengths that you can think of. You have some talents and twerks that make you exceptional.

Focus on your passions and strength and combine them and you will know what oath to take on.

Set Boundaries – Communication with your spouse is key here. Whatever your marriage or relationship looks like at this moment, commuting with your partner is the best way to maintain healthy boundaries.

Setting healthy boundaries, in the long run, will be beneficial for all parties, no matter what they represent to you both.

If you need help with any of this or want additional help if nothing works for you now, always search for the opinions of professionals.

How can a Healthy Relationship with Myself Help my Marriage?

Acceptance – When you have a healthy relationship with yourself and with your spouse, chances are that you already accepted each other. By acceptance, means that you know each other flaws, ticks, and all other imperfections.

Communication and Sharing of Feelings – When you are good to yourself and you have a healthy relationship with your spouse, you simply are sharing feelings. You are open to talk about anything even the bad and heated topics.

This can also be beneficial to your partner also. You will become more intimate and into one another.

Respect One Another – Once you are open and trustworthy you will become more respectful to one another. That will only strengthen the bond between you two, and you will become happier in overall.

Set Heatly Boundaries – Everyone needs their own space. Once you find yours, you can let know your spouse when you are having some alone time. You will have a mutual understanding of these things since you have good communication.

Grow Together – As time goes by, your relationship will flourish, and so will you. You can also engage in activities of self improving together. I have written a post about some of the activities you can do by yourself and with your partner, you can read it here.

Support is Growing – When all these things in mind you can develop, apart from trust, a sense of support, and reliability. Once you are deeply connected to your spouse, because you are good to yourself, support will only grow from there.

You will find support in your time of need and vice versa. You will become a family unit that goes and grows together.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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