December 30, 2023
digital stress

In a historical sense, this is a relatively new phenomenon that took over the world. With technology becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives and our dependency on it increasing, digital stress became more and more prevalent.

In short, digital stress is a feeling of being overwhelmed by technology and not being able to cope with it. This is mostly explained as an overuse of digital media and the inability to live without smart devices.

There is no official explanation of what it actually is, however, it can be summed up as an unhealthy and negative personal approach to technology.

Studies have shown that it has both negative short and long-term effects on your mind and your body. This is true overall in whatever age category of people we are talking about, but the most affected ones are the younger generations as they are more prone to use such technologies.

Prevention of such stress is possible. The good thing is you don’t have to get rid of all technology and go into the cabin in the woods, but simply to have a more efficient approach in using that technology to your benefit.

What also needs to be pointed out is that you really don’t need a special course or any radical approach to it. You simply need to strategize your approach, improve your time management and socialize more.

Don’t complicate it, because the solution is rather simple.

What are Signs that you have Digital Stress?

A study from Cambridge University defines 5 types of digital stress:

Availability stress – to always be available to others is a heavy burden to bare.

Approval Anxiety – Depending on others’ approval and not having your own opinion.

Fear of Missing Out – Everyone is having great fun and experiences and you are alone and bored.

Connection Overload – Online 24/7 with multiple devices on hand

Cost of Caring – Aware of numerous stressful events that happened to other people.

All of these types are official there are a couple of unofficial traits you can recognize that can be linked to digital stress also.

Preoccupied with scrolling and generally not wanting to see anybody – When you are in the zone of scrolling and drooling over countless hours of content you immerse yourself in that attitude of both bothering with anything else. This will also give you an ick if somebody wants to talk to you while you are doing it.

Bad sleep – Especially if you are looking at the screen while in bed before sleeping.

Anxiety & Depression – This study shows a big link between the risk of anxiety and depression with screen time spent especially in young people

Lack of love, interest, and focus – Disinterested in everything around you and in everyone. This is a common theme when you have an addiction to being over-connected.

If you are bummed out by this information and want to cheer yourself up, you can see a list of positive and self confidence movies that we choose, by clicking here.

So How to Handle Digital Stress?

Work Efficient and Less – Try not to overclock those hours of work. Take more short breaks. Use Tima management apps for all devices and plan your digital work.
Digital Detox – Have one day where you enjoy everything else besides your smart devices. Try to lower the time spent with them. Have a green day in a week where you are mostly outside than inside.
Identify what devices and what apps are you mostly using and track your time –
Socialize – This not only means after work to go drink with friends and/or coworkers but also before, during, and after working hours. Be friendly with people and enjoy the offline world more and more.
Self Care – The best gift that you can give yourself is to treat yourself well. This site is wholly dedicated to how you can do that depending on who you are. If you want to set yourself new goals for self improvement, you can click here to read about it.
Plan it Out – Be very diligent, careful and plan ahead your leisure and work time with smart devices. If your work involves doing almost everything on a smart device then you are more probable to have digital stress in your life.
Don’t Compare – Social media is the result that we are comparing with everyone and everything all the time. It is in human nature to compare, but with social media, you can do that all day every day with different people around the world.

Simply don’t compare to others, learn from others and you do you. Take your time with the endeavors that you are in and just keep going.
Prioritize – Prioritize your goals, work schedule, learning time, and leisure time. To achieve everything you will need discipline to do that. Time management is of the essence here.

As stated time management apps can help you a lot when starting. Filter them and organize them to your needs.

As you can see digital stress is our everyday now. However, it doesn’t need to be such a burden to us if you just apply the technology to fit your needs and not the other way around.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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