December 31, 2023

Self love defense means stop judging yourself and stop taking blame for everything. Despite the fact that others might put the blame on you, don’t let that make you doubt yourself for a moment. You become more cooperative and you are more inclined to take responsibility for your choices when you stop blaming yourself all the time. You have to own your actions. That goes the same for blaming others for your downfall. As long as you possess a great deal of self-love, you will only be able to recognize whose responsibility it is rather than passing any judgment to anyone else.

Nobody likes being blamed. It feels awful, bad, and inferior. Especially if it wasn’t your fault then you are misunderstood for no reason at all and you can’t do much about them, but you could do something about yourself. And that is to take responsibility of your actions and to see what went wrong. And this is where self love defense comes into play.

I believe that every individual has the capacity to improve his or her own self love defense by improving oneself. Make sure you take time for yourself and concentrate on your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Only by doing this will you be able to handle difficult and stressful situations in the future. When fighting the daily battle of modern life, it is imperative to arm yourself with the best coping tools at your disposal.

As with every skill that you own it doesn’t come overnight. Reaching a high level of competence takes years of dedication, practice and hard work. The best aid that can jumpstart any skill is to have a positive attitude and a clear goal about it.

How to blame concept destroys your self love defense ability?

Our defensive mechanism is always on because we believe that the whole world is out to get us. This is the result of blaming, belittling, and doubting everyone in the end results. I simply don’t think it is healthy, and if you think like this, you will not be able to grow or progress as an individual.


Eventually, you will tear yourself down because you resent everything and everyone around you. When you locate the root cause of that behavior and that thought process, the answer will appear in front of you. Don’t live in resentment. Do not let resentment hinder you from becoming the best of yourself.

There is no way you can control if someone accepts the blame or accepts its responsibility, but you can control your own behavior. When you stop complaining, and blaming someone or yourself, and just accept responsibility, you will be able to immediately find a solution to the problem that occurred. Since you will not be in any defensive or offensive mode, you will be more open to learning where you made a mistake.

While giving up the whole blame concept isn’t easy, once you realize that it lacks any value, you’ll definitely gravitate toward taking responsibility for your own actions. You will not be more reactionary but more focused, calm and open to given critics and opportunities to learn from others or your own perspectives. Not only will you be more open, but you will also find that more opportunities will come along the way as a result.

How can introspection help you to identify the problems?

The first thing you can do is to do some introspection. You need to take some time for yourself and be alone with no interruptions. Make yourself comfortable on some chair or you can lie down. Make yourself as relaxed as possible and focus on your breath. In your intention to improve your self esteem and to love yourself, think about what are some of the barriers that are stopping you from loving yourself and improving your self esteem. Identify your weaknesses and move on to your strengths and positive patterns. You will now have the goal of nurturing those positive sides and letting go of the negatives. You have been able to identify where your weaknesses are, and now that you are aware of them, you can easily let them go. They have done you a favor by teaching you a valuable lesson. 

As you do introspection, you will find a sense of freedom and relief, as you have let go of some burden that was troubling you. When you have a clear picture of the things that you need to change, the next step is to take action. Write down what needs to be done and make shifts in those parts that still need to be done. There will be a dramatic increase in your self esteem, your level of confidence will rise, and you will be able to achieve anything you desire.


You need to keep your mind as sharp as possible so that you are able to cope with everyday life more effectively. Mind sharp, and body relaxed that is the key. It is possible to meditate so that you can maintain a sharp mind and a relaxed body. You will be able to clear your mind, be free of stress, and you will be able to heal in a positive way. One of the best ways to maintain a sharp mind is to always ask yourself how important something really is. This will save you time and be an efficient tool for you.

When you Add Meditation your self love defense will improve

 In the world of meditation, there are thousands of books and guidelines, but the essential is what you need. Find a place that is calm and quiet, close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing. You need to keep your breathing in attention, sit down, relax, and enjoy every moment of it. If you have a tight schedule, keep this pace for a minimum of 10 minutes, but ideally enjoy as much as possible. You should do this every day so you can reap the full benefits for your body and mind.

After introspection and meditation, it is time for your vision. Clear goals mean maximum energy and motivation for getting the job done. There is no doubt that the more clear that vision is, the more eager you will be towards achieving it. Make sure you set benchmarks along the way so that as you get closer to your goal, you can experience the satisfaction of achieving it. In order to build momentum, we have to accept that challenges and frustrations will accompany us and not see them as barriers, but as lessons to learn from. You should keep it going as best you can.


It is important to learn from your mistakes and to get rid of the negatives that you want to avoid. You do not have to despise them, consider them a necessary hard lesson for you to better yourself further down the road. There is no better way to learn from your mistakes than to learn from them and move on from your mistakes. As you are responsible for your mistakes you have to own them too. The first thing that you need to do in order to learn from them is to admit you did it in the first place. If you face them head-on, they will open your eyes to alternative approaches and force you to consider other ways of handling them. This will enable you to learn first-hand what is not working for you so you need to come up with creative solutions.

Controlling your Emotions will help you in the long run

A very powerful way to improve your life in the long run is by working on your self love defense. You will be able to better control your emotions, and you will not have to bear any blame for the things that happened. This concept will no longer bother you and you will be able to take full responsibility for your actions without having to think about it a lot.

Having control over your emotions will give you the necessary platform from where you can build your self-esteem which will take you along on the path of success. You will not be bothered by current negative emotions and self doubt. With success checkpoints in place, you will gain momentum and achieve the necessary results as soon as the ball gets rolling. Your journey will require you to cultivate discipline, focus, and clear visions as necessary attributes that will aid you on the way. You will get there in no time. Just keep in mind your objective and all will be good.

There is nothing more important in life than having a meaningful goal. You can utilize all the tools at your disposal to assist you in achieving your goal. In order to improve your life in a better way, you have to prepare yourself psychologically and mentally for whatever may come. Make sure that you adapt to the new tools and habits of your life. Don’t give up on yourself and believe in what you are doing. Eventually, you will find a new, improved version of yourself. I trust that you will be there just have faint in yourself. Whatever you wanted to do next is up to you, nevertheless, self love defense will aid you on your journey no matter what you choose. Start your new period with these tools and let me know how they helped you.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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