January 17, 2024

Taking care of yourself can be a daunting and thought task. Doing too much can be exhausting. However, we are after all creatures of habit and we like to take care of our needs all the time. This will give us a great sense of uplifting ourselves. Further, it will improve our confidence and overall well-being.

If you are taking care of yourself – your physical and mental needs and not boosting your ego you will be fine. However, since it is difficult to be objective when it comes to our behavior, we tend to cross that healthy line and just straight go to boosting our ego.

As a general rule, you have to be aware that overly boosting your ego can obstruct you in a way that can lead to narcissistic behavior. If you have a healthy amount of self esteem then it is difficult to have too much of it, since you are with both feet on the ground. Boasting and letting people around you know that you are better than them is more likely that you have a feeling of insecurity and low self esteem.

Self loving means that you are treating yourself well and that you are comfortable in your own skin. Having a healthy amount of self love will lead your life in a better direction. Moreover, you will have a positive attitude towards yourself and everything that surrounds you. You will definitely benefit since you will be calmer and in tune with your inner being.

Can there be too much self-love?

If you are sailing in a good direction, and know what port you are heading every wind will be favorable. When you know what you are doing and when you are shown how to do something it is rather easy to stay on track. However, that is not always such an easy task.

If your self love routine is balanced, well equipped with tools for improvement, and you are in touch with your thoughts then you are on the right track. When you can certainly say that you can recognize your flaws but also have a good opinion of your abilities you are doing a great job.

When talking about self love people tend to mix it immediately with narcissism. These two are completely different things. If you are going to extremes with your self love routine, and do not check yourself if you are making progress then you might want to reconsider the path you are taking.

If you feel becoming superior to others and you are more likely to criticize them about their flaws, and not look into yours that is a red flag for you. Not only that but most likely the next step will be to have an entitlement that everybody owes you some respect and that point is when you are too far gone in the wrong direction.

Having a good amount of self love gravitates towards a more accurate yet positive view of yourself. Not only that you are more positive towards yourself and you are positive towards others as well. Moreover, since you don’t need anybody’s approval and recognition you will be more calm and confident in your capabilities.

What happens if you have too much self-love?

Most often people tend to go too far off in loving themself. Chances are increased if that care goes unchecked. When we are in a delusional state of stroking our ego too much that we think that we are the cream of the crop. That can lead to some serious issues in your life if remain that way still.

Problem with socializing – People are socializing with people of their liking. When you become an unlikeable person people will not really be comfortable in your company. It is not so fun nor enjoyable to be around someone who is loudly showing their self esteem, boasting, or smugness.

Can`t deal with criticism – Whatever your level of self love is, if it is not balanced you will not receive criticism well. When you have unhealthy self esteem you will likely accept that as an attack and/or insult. If that is the case most likely you will not react to it in a mature manner. Probable constructive criticism will go over your head because of your self image and you can’t wrap your head around these other people’s thoughts about you, so you will brush it off as jealousy.

too much perfection

Overall you don’t improve as a person – If your self love is too high what could consume you is that you are perfect and unmistakable in yourself. That is one of the most disastrous things that could happen to your being. You think of yourself that nothing needs changing and that you are perfect at all accounts. This is a great barrier to helping yourself grow more as a person because the development of oneself is neverending.

Your relationships will go down – By looking into someone’s relationship with their partner you can learn a lot about a person. If you think too highly of yourself your relationship will definitely suffer. Constant neediness and boasting about how good you are is not something that your partner would like to hear. For a relationship, it takes two, not you and your biggest fan.

To find out more about how to have better relationships and self love click here

Is Self Love Narcissism? How to Cultivate the Right Amount of Healthy Self Love

This question is rather difficult for a person to differentiate if he is becoming a narcissist from his self love routines. This is mainly because we are subjective of our behavior, and nature. However, if you are already in peace with yourself you can always take a step back to retrospect yourself. Being your own judge is easy but being a rightful judge to yourself is hard.

It is a fine line between becoming confident and overestimating your skills and ability. Most people are letting themself go without any breaks on their self loving. This path tends to grow into the early stages of narcissistic behavior. If you or the people around you notice that you are becoming more self absorbent take a few steps back.

Do not compare to others. Within the battle of our ego and lack of self esteem people tend to compare themself. You do not have the right amount of information about all the parties to come to any conclusions. Focus on your path and your journey. Let others be on theirs, and don’t interfere with your self loving with it anymore. Ultimately it is not good for you. You are unique, so is your path.

Accept yourself. You have all sorts of flaws but strengths too. Learn about yourself, get to know yourself better. Become in tune with your own feelings and thoughts. You are coming to realize your true nature and your value. Not only you will be turned towards your positive side, but you will also have a real grasp of what you need to improve. You will effectively become your own teacher.

Use positive affirmations. To reinforce your positive beliefs and to create a self loving routine use affirmations. Depending on your goal you can focus them on it and become closer to obtaining it. Affirmations are a helpful tool in your self loving journey.

If you want to know how to use affirmations to reap benefits click here

Be aware of yourself. You are a valuable member of this world and you can always be a better version of yourself. Carry on the journey with light steps, a clear mind, and confidence in your abilities. Do not take everything seriously. After all when I catch myself being too much serious I remember the picture that stated – Do not take life seriously, because we are a hairless monkeys on some rock going who knows where.

Thanks for the reading, have a good day and take care.

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