January 8, 2024
Mantras & Affirmations

When practicing yoga, self love and self improvement we usually feel positive vibrations inside us. To reinforce our practice we tend to speak out loud statements that we want to implement in our lives. When done correctly, effective statements can help you with stress, and remove low self worth.

It is important to distinguish between affirmations and mantras. Both can be effective, you simply need to be aware of the differences so that you can determine which is most suitable for your needs. Best way to approach this is to think in terms of energy.

Affirmations are great self help tool where you can increase motivation, confidence and positive thoughts. It is done by reciting positive statements that you want to achieve. Mantras are recited chants and sounds during concentrated meditation and yoga sessions.

Both are excellent and unique ways to cultivate self love and self care. Numbers of studies have shown that regular practice of Mantra Meditation has been useful in reducing blood pressure significantly and lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.

There is a certain aspect of harmony when we are effectively repeating positive words and prayers. It keep our focus and patience on a high level. The more we practice it the more we are in control of our own lives.

Daily practice of mantras and affirmations can help in problem solving, and it will create inner clarity and self acceptance. You will overcome fears, self doubt, and overall negative thinking.

mantras & affirmations

In the end, you will create a great, healty and positive self image. Your perspective of you and the whole world will be broadened up, and ultimelty you will find peace and happiness.

It is a good feeling when you have the ability to change your life to better. Try to implement these tool into your day to day life. Be patient and consistent with it, the result will be fruitful.

How can Affirmations help you?

Imagine a situation where you carefully strategize shifting your attention and focus on self love. Where you are having enough time just for yourself. Within that time you are reciting positive outcomes, thoughts and words. You already are seeing the results of that practice so you are pushing those thoughts close to achieving that goal.

That was short summary of what can affirmation do for you when practiced daily and correctly. People are using affirmations for a good reasons. You can decrease negative thoughts, replace the with positive ones. Thus you will be more focused and motivated to achieve your goals. You can always use affirmations as a helpful tool to lower your stress in any situation.

Before using affirmation you have to be aware what you are going to change. You will go to reinforce your positive feelings towards the goal you want.

Overall affirmations can give you great or disastrous results depending how you are using them. You are probably aware that we use affimraiotns all the time thought our day. To repeat they are recited thoughts and feelings about certain topic, goal and objective. That way they can be whatever you want – positive and negative.

If you are reinforcing negative thoughts about yourself, chances are that over a period of time your self esteem will be hurt by that. Becoming aware of what negativity you are creating is a first step towards changing your mindset and getting ready to use affirmations in a positive manner.

When starting with affirmations it will be a bumpy road towards your goal. But bare in mind that when you cleary see your goal your mind will create a pathway towards that goal. Your thinking pattern will change too.

It is always good to create your own affirmations because those words have to resound surely for you. In that way you will be affected from the start by this process. Once you get the hang of it all will be easier.

If you need additional help in creating your own affirmation, we have created post about it so you can read it here.

If you surely need further clarification on wtf are affirmations about, you can check our other post about it here.

How can Mantras Help you?

Mantras are usually practiced during yoga sessions and meditations. Think of it as a big finisher to your yoga class and/ or meditation practice.

Mantras are allowing you to have inner peace, put you in a better mood, and make you feel happy. By practice them regularly and daily your focus will become laser precise and better directed toward achieving goal. By being in peace and have better feeling about yourself you will gain a broader and more positive perspective about the world that surrounds you.

The power of the mantra comes from the sound and vibration. Sounds of mantra is the most important part of it, unlike affirmations where wording is important. So make sure you are in comfortable and isolated atmosphere when practice them. Make the atmosphere suitable enough, so you can chant the sound of mantra over and over.

Depending on your intentions they will benefit you in the long-run. Doing them over and over again until you became proficient you will be in state of contentment. Sometimes you will begin to feel a vibrations through your whole body. By making the chantic sounds of mantra and vibrating at the same time is where the magic is begin to happen.

Keep reciting them over and over again. Dont push anything, find out what best feel and suits you. Best guide is your feelings. Tap into them whenever you feel uncomfort stop doing what you doing. THe key is to enjoy and to explore inner depts of your personality.

Experiment and enjoy the ride. Your feelings matter. Find what mantra suits you best and implement them in your meditaions.

How to Decide between Affirmation and Mantras?

Depending on your current state and your goals both affirmations and mantras are beneficial additions in your self love routine. They have different benefits so make sure you know them and choose what suits your situation the best.

So lets put it on one place.

Affirmations Benefits –> lower stress, productivity, overcome bad habits, confidence, better self worth

Mantras Benefits –> calmness, positive thoughts, better meditations, better perspective on the world

Remember whatever you choose to add both need preparation for execution, repetition and patience. Nothing else will be as important as those 3 basic elements. Perfecting a craft is always going back to the basics and really milking them as much as possible.

Practicing every day will over time become a healthy habit. Same as drinking coffee in the morning, you simply need it to kickstart your day. By repeating it over and over you will figure out the concept, mantras or affirmation that suits you best.

Always experiment and be in touch with your feelings. Your feelings are real so act upon them. If you like a challenge we have created a post just for, so check it out here.

Being patient with mastering new skills is also important. Give yourself enough time to fully grasp the practice and change to take place.

You can always take both mantras and affirmation in your arsenal. They complement each other so you can mix and match them in your routine. Just be clear what each aspect can benefit. Good practice is when you can hit all neccessary point to grow.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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