February 15, 2024
screen time bad health

With todays technology we are more connected to the world events than ever. We have access a lot of information at the reach of our hand. It steamrolled us into a new digital era of humanity.

However it didn’t came at very high price. We have quickly created dependency to our devices and thus created a downward spiral of our well being. Recent studies have show that constant exposure to digital screen can affect both mental and physical health.

It has even dire consequences to children and their development as well. It goes cognitive, to language and social-emotional development. That also goes when it comes to social media and its detrimental role to teens psychological wellness.

As with everything, excess screen time can be really damaging for your mental and physical health. However if it is aimed, efficient and subdued into small parts it can really positively impact your life as well.

The relationship between screen time and mental health is a complex and it really depends on you.
That is why the impact of screen time and technology can vary from person to person.

However you are using your time to look at your screen is important and detrimental.
Instead of concentrating solely on screen time, perhaps it would be more beneficial to consider
the quality of that time and it’s impact on other aspects of life.

Supporting mental well-being in the digital age begins with maintaining a healthy balance,
promoting positive online activities, and maintaining open communication about technology use.

Digital stress is not something that can be taken lightly. We have written post how it can effect your life and how to overcome this issue, you can read it here.

How to Beneficially Use Screen Time?

What you Consume Matters: Not all screen time is the same. Passive consumption of content, and scrolling aimlessly can be a good time waster and relaxant. However it can be detrimental it can have negative effects. On the other hand, engaging in micro educational or positive activities may have more neutral or in the end positive impacts.

benefits using screen time

Moderation is Key: A lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or an inability to interact with others may contribute to negative mental health outcomes when excessive screen time is involved. It’s essential that screen time does not dominate one’s daily routine and that a balance is struck.

Less Social Media Use: Research has suggested a link between heavy use of social media and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, social comparison, and cyberbullying.

Use different time saving apps that will pop right after you exceed the suggested time. This will give you better time management and better use of your social media. Use social media to get your news, stories and entertainment in less toxic way. Filter as much as possible to get better and better experience.

People react differently to screen time based on different factors such as age, personality, and pre-existing mental health conditions. You have pretty good idea what you can do to improve your use of screen time. Whatever it may be using it less overall or simply changing what you are consuming.

You can use the excessive technology to your benefit as well. There are multiple apps and platforms exist to provide mental health support, foster social connections, and offer stress relief. Search what would be in your alley and go for it.

You should always be in control of what you are consuming. That is why this issue should be approached with care.

How to Overcome Bad Health when you Constantly Exceeding your Screen Time?

To be honest, you need better time management with your screen time. Often people are just not paying attention while reading, scrolling or watch videos online. It is rather easy to glue yourself to the device for countless hours.

Internet addiction is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. We have written the results of it in another article, you can read it here. Its impact on your work can be quite devastating.

Remember to always check your health status and to ask for professional help if needed. Here are some of the helpful tips to have better health with overuse of screen.

Take often Breaks. American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the the 20-20-20 rule when using screens – take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away (6 meters).

It is advisable to set alarm that will remind you to follow this rule. An ongoing timer for your breaks can be a game changer even for your efficiency. You will come every time refreshed and prepared well enough to continue your work.

Lube your eyes. Your eyes will love it. Use artificial tears to lube your eyes especially when your are constantly in front of the screen. Just try it once after a long screen staring and you will immediate know the difference.

Adjust brightness and Contrast. Adjust your screen brightness to match the level of light around you. When the lighting is quite different than your surroundings your eyes need to work harder even though the screen is is too bright or too dark.

Limit Screen Time. You probably heard / read that you should look at screen an hour before Bed. That is complete true and it can effect your sleep. However, we want to emphasize that overuse of all screens can be detrimental to your health.

If not really necessary for your job, limit your screen time. Do physical activity, socialize, experience new things outside of the online realm. Take your life back, and enjoy it.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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