January 9, 2024

Most people think that self care, self love is narcissistic and selfish behavior. However, that is very far from the truth. Self caring promotes caring and nurturing your needs. Self love promotes loving, accepting, and improving your whole being.

Most routines are helpful while practicing self care. Experimentation, self discovery, and being in touch with your inner self is very important. In order to further explore and improve your self care routine try experimenting with essential oils.

Essential oils can have a great impact on your self care routine. They can elevate our mood, boost your focus and reduce stress. They are also very helpful in creating a relaxing atmosphere and having a calm sensation so you can be more comfortable in your own skin.

After each self care session with the addition of essential oils, you will be more in touch with yourself and you will feel more joy and happiness. Try experimenting with different variations of them so you can have different sensations and experiences.

In a nutshell, essential oils are extracts from various plants. They can improve sleep, increase energy, improve your mood, reduce anxiety, etc.

When we smell them depending on the extract of the plant we are stimulating our senses. Essential oils have multiple uses. They use can be used for beauty care, home cleaning, mood-boosting, and health improvement.

Why essential oil? – Because they are natural with the endless possibility of DIY. Once you create your mix you will have the feeling of achievement, exploring, and experimentation. They are great additions to your everyday self love and self care routine.

If you still think that self care and self loving are too much, please read my other post about it.

How to Promote Self Care with Essential Oils?

To be able to dive into the whole story behind essential oils and their uses for self care you have to experiment a bit about them. Think of it as choosing your perfume, it is a mix of different oils mixed together to get a specific fragrance. You have to smell each of them in order to find what suits you and what you like.

Now to experiment with them I am going to show you a quick way to make your own essential oil DIY. Personally, I like to mix them in roller bottles. They are easy to close, easy to store, and to mix if necessary. For oils – lavender, orange, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, and thyme are my top choices. You can mix them or use them separately, it’s your choice.

Get roller bottles, add 10-15 drops of your essential oil, add carrier oil (sweet almond, cold-pressed coconut, grapeseed, jojoba, and olive oil) fill it up, mix it a bit, and voila it is that easy.

essential oils for self care routine

You may wonder why to add carrier oil because essential oils are too potent to be applied to our skin. We need to dilute them to have the effect that we want. They are safe to use after they are mixed together.

Try adding it a bit on a small part of your asking to be able to test it first. You can have a couple of roller bottles filled with different essential oils and you want to experiment altogether. That is fine, just make sure to not oversensitized yourself from all that smell.

Of course, when choosing oils you need to make sure they are 100% natural and have a declaration. Do not buy cheap rip-offs. They probably aren’t tested right, nor regulated properly. Don’t risk it.

How to use Essential Oils for Self Care?

The good thing about essential oils is that not only very useful but the number of applications is vast. Whatever application you choose you will feel the effect almost instantly. Since the most sensation will be through the nose what you inhale will definitely be a great treat to your senses.

Diffuser – Spray your home with essential oils. Make yourself feel like in the lavender field. Add a few drops to your diffuser and let the fun begin. You will feel like in a fairy tale the more you experiment. Every essential oil can be a different scenario from the tale. The essential oil in the diffuser can vastly improve your mood throughout the day.

Massage – My favorite part of the massage is not only the relaxing sensation but the perfect match of relaxation and the smell of my essential oil. Add a few droplets to your massage oil and mix them together. This is a perfect self care routine that you need to try.

essential oils for better self

Meditation – Since meditation is a relaxing and peaceful activity that cares about your mental state, you can enhance it with a small amount of essential oil. Whether is a diffuser or simple appliances behind the ear or neck, the goal is to relax you even further or to focus and sharpen your mind. That is the power of essential oil.

Sleep – You probably already heard about the lavender plant behind the pillow. Yes, it works wonders. You can Instead of plant add 2-3 drops on your pillow to make you enjoy sleep even more. If you don’t want to spill your sheets you can put a few drops on a cotton ball and place it in your bedroom. The bottom line better sleep the better you feel in the morning.

Bath/Shower – You can spice your washing routine with essential oils too. Make your skin clean and smell like fresh fruit by applying orange essential oil. It is a relaxing and great example of self caring when you improve your experience of everyday activity.

Make sure always to dilute your essential oils and not apply them directly. Just a few drops will improve your sensation and routines. It will reduce your anxiety and improve your well being.

What are the Benefits of Essential Oil for Self Care?

Taking care of yourself is promoting self love altogether. Making yourself feel and be better is essential. The best way to do it is to make it a routine and practice it every day.

You can reduce anxiety, remove stress, and increase your focus. Improving yourself every day, in the long run, is the most beneficial thing that you can do for yourself.

Improve your overall value of yourself and explore new fragrances to elevate your everyday life. Enjoy it as much as possible. Be kind and good to yourself.

Do not neglect yourself at all. There can be detrimental consequences to that behavior. If you think you are not loving yourself much and want to do something about it, please click here.

Essential oils will bring another pallet of colors and sensations into your life. By experimenting with them you will discover new feelings, new emotions, and experiences. Explore and enjoy them as much as possible and you will enhance your self love and everyday self care routine.

The goal of taking care of yourself is essentially being good to yourself and taking care of your needs. You can only be for sure if something is beneficial and has an improving effect on you. Make your every day a better day, and choose the best way to do it. Enjoy life and its gifts.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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