January 8, 2024

Feeling down and insecure is not uncommon. Our lives occasionally come to a point when we are overwhelmed with the punches delivered by life at us on a daily basis. The truth is that it just happens, but what really matters is how you react to it, and what we can do about it if we are able to do so.

Emotional balance is important to everybody. For a healthy human, it is paramount to keep that balance and to keep constant negativity at bay. Do not dwell on your past and your mistakes, but choose to grow over them. That is one way to keep your health in check.

When dealing with insecurity meditation can help you overcome them. In addition to helping you cool down the burn, it can also provide you with healthy ground.

After a while, you will develop a sense of calmness and security, and you will be mentally prepared for all the challenges that lie ahead of you. By practicing it regularly, you will gain a useful tool for guiding your life in the right direction.

The benefits themselves will pour into your life, and not only you will be satisfied but ultimately happy with the results.

What Benefits Are There in Mediation?

One of the first benefits that meditation can give you is simply to put you in a better mood. You are chilling out and practicing your breathing exercises. It is as simple as that.


You can definitely achieve a greater sense of peace from within if you practice for a long period of time. As a result, you will be calmer and less agitated toward everyone and everything.

By being in a better mood and calmer you will definitely improve your sense of confidence. By doing meditation regularly you can really dive deep into your feelings and be in touch with your core.

Being in peace also means dealing with your past burdens and insecurities. You will face your past, learn from your mistakes and simply let them go. This doesn’t come off easily, as we are prone to attach to our past. But realizing that you need to learn from your mistakes will help you overcome those difficulties that you had. Meditation will help you to get there.

You can also benefit from stress reduction. Your concentration, focus, alertness and sense of readiness will also be increased. You can read more about the overall beneficial side of meditation from EOC Institute by clicking here.

Overall meditation can help you in improving yourself mentally and healthwise. It can teach you to enjoy every moment even the tiniest ones. Ultimately you will be the best version of yourself and be truly happy and joyful.

The benefits are many, and the results are quite fast. Once you get started you will get a sense of how beneficial are they. You can start today and get those benefits now.

What can Mediation Do for my Insecurities?

The first thing that is really helpful in any stressful situation and/or period is a clear mind. By practicing meditation you will clear your mind from all of the thoughts that are juggling around and making a mess.

This will result in becoming more calmer and more mentally prepared for dealing with your insecurities.

Mind in peace and heart in the right place is a great foundation to help you grow and develop.

Meditation can help you dive into your deepest thoughts and feelings. By being in a meditative state you can revise the situations that went badly for you. Think of it as watching a movie with different characters. You can see those situations more clearly once they are settled down in you.

Most importantly not only you can revise them but also gain knowledge from them. There is a lesson from every situation you have been in in your life, you are going to make the same mistakes again and again until you learn to let go.

Letting go and learning from the past are the greatest assets you can obtain from practicing meditation if you feel insecure. Know simply that it is not your fault, clarify your feelings about it, take as a lesson what you can, and just let it go.

Situations that move us outside our comfort zone often teach us valuable lessons we need to learn in life. Dealing with them is a self improvement process. With meditation, you will overcome them more easily.

Meditation, when dealing with insecurities, will give you the necessary peace to get everything on point. To tackle troublesome situations and overcome them. In the end, you will do just that and you will obtain a healthier and balanced life.

How to get Rid of Insecurities with Meditation?

Now that we know about the benefits and broadly of meditation and how to deal with insecurities it is time to see how to do it actually.

Set up your surroundings for meditation practice. The best way to describe it is to find a place that is a degree more comfortable than your working desk. You need to be awake, aware, and mindful at the same time. So laying in bed will in most cases get you over that and you will fall asleep when you relax too much.

If you need help with being mindful, I have written a post about it. You can read it here.

Sit on the couch, favorite chair, yoga mat, whatever you want just choose a place that will have peace and quiet for 5-10 minutes.

Now that you are mentally prepared it is time for practice. Start with deep breaths and focus only on your breaths. Make them deep and at a slow pace. If you fall into thinking about anything else rather than focusing on the breath make that breath even deeper and longer.

Do not look at the time or what is happening to you just be relaxed and present in the moment. Your body will start to feel differently than at the start so if you are still comfortable keep pushing and be mindful.

Once you get in the zone when you are synchronized and mindful it is time to search for those feelings and situations that are bugging you. Do not immediately rush into them but start to unpack them as a roll tape, frame by frame.

As soon as you are confronted with a situation that makes you feel insecure, search deep within your feelings and observe them. Don’t judge, don’t move just observe your deepest feelings that are there. How you feel is important so act with your gut, and be yourself.

Now ask yourself why are those feelings there. Once you got the answer from yourself about that part of the situation then you can work on it. Think of it as reinventing yourself. Gather as much information from that situation so you have enough material to learn from it and to move on.

Once you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions just relax, remember to breathe, and slowly go back from your current zone. Once you are back moving slowly and don’t rush anything.

What I personally do is write down some impressions that I have so I can study them thoroughly.

This will help you gain insight into your feelings, the reasons why haven’t you moved from, and gain the edge over them to overcome them.

To know more about how much should you meditate, click here. I have recently written a post about that and it might be helpful to clarify the time you need for a good meditation.

By practicing meditation, you will be able to fully embrace your past mistakes and move forward as a better and more fulfilled individual. Over time the feeling of insecurity will be gone.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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