January 10, 2024
mirror affirmations

Getting to know yourself is a never ending experience. A self discovering journey is like a maze with no exit you need to know every corner in order to grasp where you are and who you are. There is great power inside you. The power of your mind and the power of your words are your greatest weapons.

When practicing affirmation we are speaking positive thoughts of ourselves out loud. They are a great tool in uplifting and self loving. Affirmations can boost your confidence, and give you a sense of calm and relaxation.

Mirror affirmations are a great tool for self reflection and improving confidence. It will increase the efficiency of your affirmations. Since affirmations are positive self talk, mirror affirmations are like you are speaking to your double about you.

It will calm your inner critic and bring out your confidence and self love. By doing your affirmations in the mirror it will become clearer and more real in your mind thus becoming real in the physical world. Mirror affirmations are also cultivating self compassion and boosting your overall well being.

When you start to practice your affimrations in front of the mirror you will be uncomfortable. Even without practicing when you stand in front of the mirror and just look at yourself for a while most likely you start to feel discomfort.

And that is the sole reason why you need to do the affirmations in front of your mirror. You will feel more relaxed in your skin and boost your confidence to another level. By being comfortable in front of the mirror you will also gain bigger respect and a better self image.

Make sure that you are challenging yourself daily to become a better person and ultimately a better being for yourself and everyone around you.

What are Mirror Affirmations?

Mirror work or mirror affirmations is a great way to bump your affirmations to the next level. It is essentially positive self talk in front of the mirror. It also resembles positive talk with your best friends. You have good intentions, spread positivity and you will surely hear the positive side of yourself.

When doing affirmations in front of the mirror you will face your inner thoughts out loud. This is similar to reciting your every day affirmations, only now you will face yourself in front of the mirror while doing it.

When growing as a person and when you are trying your best to improve your life and yourself it is always good to have a helpful tool along the way. Affirmations are a great tool you can use to uplift your confidence and stay focused on your goals. They will improve your mental state and your readiness to take on the day.

Mirror affirmations synergize the following – your voice reciting the positive affirmations, your visual appearance when talking to yourself in front of the mirror, and believing in the words you are saying to yourself. This is a very powerful combination, and probably the best way to do your affirmations.

You are going to tell yourself the necessary and encouraging words to lift you up and motivate you to carry on with your life when you are down. Mirror affirmations are a very short yet efficient way to stay on or get back on track with your journey.

By constantly practicing your mirror affirmation you will also practice self compassion and self appreciation. You have to experiment and to choose your affirmations because you can immediately know if some affirmations resound with your whole being by stating them in front of the mirror.

By doing that you will be more efficient in selecting the perfect affirmations for you to get moving towards your goal.

If you need additional help with creating your affirmation, click here.

Do Mirror Affirmations work? What are the benefits?

There are now studies and research about the beneficial side of affirmations. Positive self talk can bring relaxation, bring up confidence level, and manage more stressful situations easily. Reinforcing positive thinking can shift our mindset into a beneficial direction for ourselves.

Moreover, those same studies suggest that under stressful situations brief and positive self talk and affirmations can result in better problem-solving.

mirror work

Mirror affirmations have the same profound effect on our mind and body as regular affirmations only they are amplified to be more efficient. Standing in front of the mirror has the effect of exposure but reaching for a better connection with oneself.

Bringing yourself to speak in front of the mirror and using the chosen and right affirmations for you can have multiple benefits. By complimenting yourself you will become more confident and strong-minded. You will feel more comfortable in your own skin and will start or even further believe in yourself and your abilities.

Speaking positive things out loud will have a calming effect on your whole body. It is similar when somebody is cheering for you only you got the same effect from you only.

Since you will be your own audience feel free to even have a speech about yourself, do whatever pleases your mind.

You will stay focused on your goal and will have a better connection with your inner being. Your self esteem will skyrocket and you will have long-term benefits from it.

When done correctly mirror affirmations can have a profound effect on your whole being. They can uplift you when you are down and give you the necessary courage to jump over any obstacle on your road at the moment. They will clarify your perception of your situation and will ease your mind by giving you the insight that most of those problems are created in your head first.

If you need further help on what kind of activities tends to boost your self esteem, click here.

Enjoy and experimentation is a must when practicing mirror affirmations.

How to do Them?

You probably heard that eyes are reflections of the soul and that you can have a good guess if someone is lying by looking into their eyes. Now when you look yourself in your eyes and speak the positive thought and affirmations of your beliefs those words are the key.

You can’t lie to yourself. your voice will not match the lie, eyes will be nervous and ticking, plus you will surely know if you are lying to yourself. The goal here is to take baby steps and to be more relaxed while doing this exercise.

You will approach your mirror when you can see your face and your upper body. Stare in your eyes for a while. Enjoy the moment and experience all those feelings that are rushing toward you. Do not be rushed or disturbed by any of them this is your time.

Relax and enjoy this moment. Take a deep breath and look into your own gaze. Do not force yourself to think or to feel just let it be as it is. After you spent a couple of moments in silence you can begin to recite your affirmations.

Now what affirmations should you use? The ones that are making you feel just about right. The ones that are resembles you and your goals, also the ones that you made. Make them short, personalized, and straight to the point.

Here is an example list that can help you:

  • I am powerful
  • I believe in myself
  • I am strong
  • I am capable of achieving anything
  • I trust myself
  • I am filled with hope

It will also be of help when starting to put a list of chosen affirmations on the mirror or next to you so you can effortlessly remind yourself of them. Say positive things to yourself. Make yourself blush even when complimenting. Invoke the good feeling in your guts and let yourself know that everything is goidg to be alright.

Speak the statements out loud. As you progress with your reciting you will develop a healthy habit that will open your mind and make your life more happier and joyful.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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