January 9, 2024

Good movies will make you think about their message, powerful movies will make you think about your life and the choices you have made and will make. The right movie can lift your spirits, change your mood, and expand your perspective on certain topics. Movies are a sort of entertainment escape from our reality where we are solely focused on the plots and twists of a different world. Occasionally, you come across a movie that moves you so deeply that you decide to take action and change your life.  

To suggest a good movie that you will enjoy is a difficult task. We all have different preferences and likes. However, when we talk about the topic of self love, movies can come in handy to give us another perspective on it. Through those movies, you will be motivated by the struggle of the characters and be uplifted by their stories.

Some of the films in this list can be shocking, some inspiring but they will certainly move your core and will make you think. This list is definitely not final but the purpose of it is to give you a couple of recommendations about good movies to watch.


1 – Minimalism

A documentary about really important things in life. This movie gives inside into the life of people who had embraced minimalism as a way of living. It will make you think about the unnecessary burdens and things you are draining in your life. For what is worth it will make you think about it while enjoying the beautifully paced movie.

2 – Living On One Dollar

Award-winning documentary about the journey of four friends as they set out to live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala. They battle hunger, parasites, and extreme financial stress as they attempt to survive life on the edge.

This movie will give you a great sense of appreciation of what you have and the acceptance of the harsh world we live in. Maybe it will inspire you to take care more of your community who know, but nevertheless, you will enjoy every minute of it.

3 – Dominion

This gut wrenching movie exposes the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning our perspective and morality of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom. This movie is not as light as others on this list. However, its main purpose is not to shock or disgust you but to have a broader perspective of how things are done in that industry.

Maybe you will feel uncomfortable at the end of it. But it will surely give you the devastating fact that big meat industry is doing business like this. Maybe afterward you can support more local and smaller enterprises, and make healthier choices in your diet. This movie is powerful enoughto change your vision.

4 – My Left Foot

This movie is about a man who is born with cerebral palsy to a large, poor Irish family. His mother recognizes his talent, intelligence, and humanity in him, while others put him down. Eventually, he overcomes his difficulties and becomes a splendid artist who uses his dexterous left foot to write and paint.

5 – The Intouchables

Based on a true story this movie is about a friendship and companionship between two men from different backgrounds. The story plot is simply amazing, showing how deep their relationship is because of how much time they have spent together. Also, showing how everyone has a story behind the laughter and smile.

6 – The Pursuit of Happyness

One of the classic great films about a struggling salesman that takes custody of his son as he’s poised to begin a life-changing professional endeavor. This movie is an epic journey of one man going through the struggle of life to reach success.

7 – Good Will Hunting

Great movie about self discovery and struggling with talents that other wants to exploit. I found that this movie is more about mental health than anything else. While it is on the surface level about him being a natural born mathematician, it is more about two survivors of abuse healing together from their past trauma. This movie will give you an everlasting smile by the end of the day.

8 – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

A pleasant surprise. It is an art film without being artsy, a comedy without being cheap-joke funny, photographically great without being a show-off, deep messages without hammering them at you, gently thought-provoking, every detail addressed, no outstanding flaws or questions unanswered, well-cast, well-acted, no formula… just one of those few films that are memorably well-done without the Hollywood predictability. An underrated movie that you need to watch.

9 – Amélie

When I watched Amélie for the first time, It changed the way I used to see things, I started to live happily, whenever I felt sad, I recalled this film… It’s a really strange feeling how one move can change your perspective of the whole world.

10 – Big Fish

Best movie regarding the father and son relationship. This movie is about a frustrated son that tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father’s life. It is a rollercoaster of emotions. Laugh, tears, joy, anger but it is a fantastic storytelling movie.

11 – Dead Poets Society

A movie that moves you in ways you would never know. I’ve never felt so connected to the characters and the lesson. It’s priceless and timeless.

12 – 12 Angry Men

It’s a brilliant film on every level from the acting, script, directing, cinematography, brisk pace, and masterful editing. This was more exhilarating and intense than most thrillers and action movies I’ve seen. It truly deserves to be called one of the best films ever made, it’s an incredible masterpiece of cinema from start to finish. An Evergreen masterpiece.

13 – Coach Carter

An inspiring movie about high schoolers struggling to determine their future whilst reinventing their beliefs with a new basketball coach.

If you want to learn more about how can you practice self love from the coziness of your home, click here.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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