January 13, 2024
New Self Love Ideas

Self love is a beautiful way to improve yourself on all fronts. Improving your life is like a journey with endless steps but with a very clear objective. Self love is really self-explanatory. It is a constant and conscious effort that we put into ourselves. Searching deep within and connecting to our true self and becoming confident enough to step comfortably into everyday life.

When practicing self love becomes a habit it is a good idea to spice things a little bit. The same goes with everything you do every day, you will get bored of doing the same repetitive things all the time. To keep the focus and motivation going on a high level, try new things, explore more options, etc.

Having new self love ideas will give you the necessary launch out of that comfort zone that you have created. It will keep you interested and speed up your overall improvement. When implementing and experimenting with new things you will get first-hand experience if they are right for you or not. It is important to keep the ones that work for you and to reject those that don’t.

It is always good t experiment but keeps in mind that in order for new practice get into you, and to know objectively is good for you you need two things. Patience and time. Give yourself at least 20-30 days when starting with new rituals.

Try Making a New Dish

The approach you should take on this should be totally experimental and scientific at the same time. First, you will choose what type of dish will it be. Just primary ingredients will do. After that, you will do extensive research on the meals that are prepared with those ingredients. Even if they added something else that is totally fine, your goal is just to observe what are they doing. The best and quickest research tool is to find a couple of videos that show you step-by-step instructions on how to make that particular meal.

When you gather your research you could write it down or memorize it, try to envision that dish of yours. What flavor will it be, how will you prepare it, etc. Really dive into small details and start preparing it. The goal here is to enjoy the process of preparing all by yourself a healthy meal. Enjoy the process and bon appetit!

Practice Saying No

It seems easy but more often than not we are encountering that we are saying more yes to the suggestions that we really feel should be no. The main reasons behind this behavior are not trying to insult someone, not trying to be left out, or simply being polite.

The suffering continues when we encounter people who are purposefully relying on the fact that you won’t and can’t say no. You have to stop it before you are hurt even more.

Follow your gut instinct. If something is off you will feel it before you express it with words. Act on your feelings, don’t feel the need to be rushed into something. The best way to approach this is to take your time when having to respond to some request. You can also meditate or breathe deeply a couple of times to calm yourself to mentally prepare yourself fully.

When approaching self loving it is a good thing to create a strategy on how you will approach it so you have the whole benefits of it. If you need help with that, I have written a post about it, you can click here to read it.

Pay Attention While Eating

I used to do all my eating in front of the screen. Whether it was a show that I was watching or simply being on the phone the results were the same. I didn’t remember what I was eating right after I eat it, I didn’t feel it nor enjoy it. It was like a mechanical ritual that needed to be done so I can continue with my day. Very close to filling a car.

Most of us can relate very closely to their eating ritual. This needs to stop. Even if you ar eating at work, take the pause to eat and enjoy your meal. Don’t look at any distracting screen. Chew slowly and taste the flavor of your food. Don’t rush it simply enjoy it. You will appreciate more what you are eating and will benefit from being mindful of it.

Write New Affirmations

If you aren’t familiar with affirmations the short explanation of them is that they are short and positive statements that you wish to encourage and affirm by reciting them over and over. Affirmations are a great additional tool for your self love. You should strive to write yourself some.

The main reason is that you are involved in the whole process from start to finish and nobody can describe something or choose the best words that will reach out to you but you. If you need any help creating your own affirmations, click here.

If you are already familiar with affirmations and are already practicing them it will be a good idea to add a few more. Experimenting with a new approach to get the same point across can be more beneficial than you might think. By looking at the same goal after a period of time and trying different statements may have a better and more efficient result. Experiment with new statements and give them a go.

Make a new Playlist

Shuffling the same songs over and over again can bore you pretty fast. Make a random new playlist, just to experiment with new bands you never heard of. Follow some channels that are promoting new albums of unknown bands. Pick a genre and it will pick your brain. I don’t know how many times I was pleasantly surprised when doing this.

Try New Coffee

Start your day experimenting with your favorite wake-up routine. Try more local breweries that have a variety of your favorite potion. Taste new regions, new flavors, and new types of beans. Spice your coffee and give it a go.

Take a Hike

Going for a long walk or rucking (my favorite) in nature is a great weekend treat of mine. Just going outdoors is beneficial enough, but going into nature is so relaxing and healthy that it should be mandatory by law.

It can also be a great social activity if you don’t like to walk alone. Having friends by your side is enhancing the experience even more. Take a hike and enjoy your local nature.

Have a Clean and Calm Morning

Choose one day in the week to have a relaxing calm morning. Start with waking up slowly, then take a long warm shower. Choose your favorite coffee, tea, or some warm beverage, and just daydream about your upcoming day. Staying relaxed and positive at the same time. You can also improve your morning by having a quick meditation to even more enjoy the morning in peace and quiet.

It is good to have a morning routine, but even better is to have an inspiring, productive, and uplifting routine in the morning. That prepares you well for the day ahead and you will feel calm and relaxed the whole time.  

Sun Bath Idea

The essence of sunbathing is lying or sitting exposed to the sunlight. There are many benefits of it, but 10-15 minutes a day is enough to stay healthy. Think of it like this. How are you feeling after the holidays when you are lying on the beach, relaxed and tanning, and during the rest of the year. Expose yourself to the sun as often as possible.

Spend Quality Time with Supportive People

The idea is simple. To move forward in life, you need to spend more time with people who support you and your choices. You can share your experiences, story, thoughts, and emotions. With them, you can be free of any judgments, and negative down talk.

Having good people around you makes you a good person too. Spending more time and having exceptional experiences are some of the things that you will have a fond memory of later in life. Keep them as a treasure they are.

Write a Journal

The idea behind it is to have a timelapse of a certain period of life. Whenever you want to see how far you’ve come, you can refer back to your self love journal. You can also be more objective by looking at facts you have written before, seeing some patterns, and coming to conclusions. If you are interested in how can self love and journal come together, click here.

Simplify your to-do list

I used to have a lot on my to-do list. Achieving 50% of my weekly to-do list was something like an extraordinary feat. When starting to create your to-do list, give yourself a couple of small tasks that are not so hard. Something that ou could finish in half an hour.

self love notes

When writing the rest of your tasks try to match them and get things done more in one lap. Grocery shopping + bank + make some arrangments etc. can be done in one go for example and that can be on task in your list.

Simplifying will also give you more necessary focus and a better sense of achievement.

Smile – Write some Jokes like a Stand Up Comedian

I love stand-up comedy. Especially crafting something every day ordinary into something hilarious with a couple of tweaks and a good choice of words. Write some jokes of your own. It is hard let me tell you first hand. But the goal here is to try to make yourself laugh for a bit.

Often times you are not so willing to laugh at yourself but at others. This is a great idea to purposefully try to think of something funny by for yourself.

Get Ready to Sleep

Sleep is important. Sleep is important. Sleep is very important. Getting ready to sleep is also quite important. One hour before bed no watching at the screen. Finish all of your tasks and get into the shower. Read a book if you want but prepare for the bed for a longer period of time. Get your mind and body more and more relaxed while approaching the actual bedtime.

Getting ready to sleep will be beneficial for your sleep for sure. You will have more rest and be more energized once you awake.

Use Essential Oils in Your Self Care Routine

Essential oils are a great addition to your self care routine. They can elevate your mood, boost focus and reduce stress. They are also very helpful in creating a relaxing atmosphere and having a calm sensation so you can be more comfortable in your own skin.

We have written a post about it if you want to read more, click here.

Try more new ideas that can come to your mind. The key is to experiment and to enjoy your life.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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