January 16, 2024

Positive affirmations are one of the tools you can use to radically change your life. In their own unique way, they are neither new age, mystic, trendy, nor fashionable. By bringing affirmations back to the forefront of the media, TV rediscovered and re-popularized an ancient ‘ Secret’.

Making affirmations has never been a secret ritual since man first discovered the language. Affirmations have been around since the dawn of time. Affirmations can be used to positively affirm your goals. As long as you use this tool correctly, it will help you grow, change, and heal yourself.

Positive affirmations can be viewed as a form of autosuggestion, or even self-hypnosis. Affirmations, however, can be effectively applied to improving any aspect of your life if you use them. It is simple to use positive affirmations, and you can adapt the technique to fit into your lifestyle in different ways and at different times.

There is no doubt that it is useful to have some understanding of the mental processes that might take place, and of expert interpretations of what affirmations actually do in the spectrum of self development, but this is not an absolute requirement.

The power of affirming positive things in your life can be applied to any aspect of your life that you would like to improve, so include positive affirmations in your arsenal of strategies if you want career success, business success, or better health.

You will be able to get the best advice and motivation from a life coach if you are considering a radical change. Change isn’t easy. Despite your best efforts, nothing will happen in a week or two. Don’t give up or get upset. Always remember how long it took for you to become the person you are today.


Start with Positive Thinking

Allow yourself at least thirty days of trying out the affirmations when you start. Your goal may require more time and more affirmations based on the seriousness of the problems you encounter. Seek the support of your family and friends when you decide to change your lifestyle. This will give you an even greater boost of confidence when they have your back.

Positive thinking is supported by affirmations, and together, they provide a very effective tool. Essentially, they serve as ‘key words’ of messages ‘dictated’ directly to our own hearts. In positive thinking, you choose to focus on aspects of your life you wish to improve or change. Keeping positive messages on the forefront of consciousness is what it’s for, acting as a reminder to the self.

Repeat Your Positive Affirmations Often

Repetition has a powerful effect. The act of making positive affirmations is not something that you should do only occasionally, but rather as often as possible. Robert Collier is quoted as saying that “Constant repetition carries conviction.”

It is a good idea to carry your affirmations with you so you can refer to them often (you can carry them in your wallet, on your phone screen etc.). You can say them out loud to yourself every morning before waking up and before you go to sleep every night, or you can scribble them several times on a sheet of paper each day to help reinforce the message in your mind.

Numerous people have found extraordinary success by recording their own affirmations in their own voice and listening to the tape while they are relaxing-or, even better, while they are meditating. Several writers, including Louise Hay, author of the International bestseller ” You Can Heal Your Life”, recommend that you chant your affirmations or sing them if you prefer.

As you repeat your affirmations in a relaxed manner, incorporate a visualization for each affirmation to enable you to do so more effectively. Imagine yourself actually performing the role of a manager in your current environment, for example: if your affirmation was that you are a successful manager at your current employer.

Release Any Negative Feelings That Arise

There are situations in life where negative feelings can act as self-imposed barriers to achieving what you want in your life. When you say your affirmations, you should feel comfortable, but if you are feeling uncomfortable, self-doubt, fear, anger, etc., you should let go or release these feelings. Positive feelings have to be added to your affirmations, and it is imperative that you let go of other negative emotions if you find that they are interfering with your progress.

There is a tendency for your subconscious to connect the verb to the past and will generally focus on it. It is important to use the right words when you have fears, phobias or whatever it may be. As a result, if you are afraid and say I am not scared, your mind will register I AM SCARED rather than “I am NOT scared“. The NOT has been assimilation and ignored by your mind. Say instead I AM COURAGEOUS or I AM FEARLESS. Make sure to avoid using affirmations that have negative overtones.

I am suggesting you pay attention to your negative thoughts since these are psychological mechanisms in essence that will make your life rotten because they are self-destructive ‘keywords.

There might be many negative thoughts running around in your subconscious, so you will need to do some ‘brain cleaning’ before transitioning to new positive affirmations.


You Have to Be Able to Believe Your Affirmations

By making any kind of change in your life, you’re stretching yourself outside your current comfort zone. As we grow and expand as individuals and as a society, we should expand our definitions of who we are and what we are capable of. You must make sure, however, that your affirmations are not too far off from where you are at the moment, or else you will have a difficult time getting yourself to believe what you’re affirming.

A time and place where you can get peace and quiet, sufficient to relax totally without interruption, are ideal for using positive affirmations, just as they are for any form of communicating with your inner self. A person who has previously practiced meditation will find using positive affirmations easier if they have meditated before. If your meditation time is limited, incorporating your affirmations into your meditation sessions might be worth considering.

When Should You Use Positive Affirmations?

Any change you make in your life forces you to push yourself past what you’re comfortable with right now. It is important to broaden our definition of who we are and what we can accomplish as we expand as individuals and as a society. You must make sure, however, that your affirmations are not too far off from where you are at the moment, or else you will have a difficult time getting yourself to believe what you’re affirming.

A time and place where you can get peace and quiet, sufficient to relax totally without interruption, are ideal for using positive affirmations, just as they are for any form of communicating with your inner self. A person who has previously practiced meditation will find using positive affirmations easier if they have meditated before. If your meditation time is limited, incorporating your affirmations into your meditation sessions might be worth considering.

Additional Tips and Guidelines

Time is NOW

Utilize only the present tense. All your affirmations should begin in the present tense and you should already have accomplished them. This sending of a message is your conscious mind telling you that affirmative action has been taken. I AM HAPPY, I CHOOSE JOY, I HAVE CONFIDENCE. The notion is more powerful and stronger than I will be happy, or I am on my way to happiness, and so on.



Choose from an extensive list you can find on the Internet, use the examples below or simply write it down as you see fit. Please express yourself as simply or as poetically as you would like. ” I am safe, I am prosperous. I am energetic. I am full of enthusiasm.  I attract positive people, I release my anger”. Print out copies, and place them around your house, car, and workplace. Your mind will be more receptive to the new concept you are bringing forth if you are reminded of the positive affirmations.

Write them down In great detail

Provide as much detail as possible in your affirmations, so that your subconscious fully understands what you’re trying to accomplish. It would be very vague if you asserted, “I’m in a new house.”. That could mean you live in an undesirable neighborhood, or in a country, or part of the world you don’t want to live in. Describe the type of house, its key features, and its location in more detail.

List of some examples

This list of positive affirmations have a more general rather than specific feel, so as to address the entire mental, emotional, and physical state together. Here are some affirmations that you can repeat after a meditation session:

• I have the power to handle anything

• I am aware and capable

• Today I am stronger

• I find balance in my life

• I have so much to be thankful for

• I am loved and I know how to love

• I have the power of the universe within me

• My life is better and better

• I have inner peace

Choose an affirmation with which you can identify completely and that has a special meaning for you. The affirmation’s power will resonate within you when you repeatedly repeat it.

When you are just getting started with the concept of positive affirmations, there are a few things you should bear in mind. To begin with, don’t expect to see a change overnight. Getting used to and responding to these affirmations takes a bit of time because this is more of a conditioning process.

Beginning and End of Positive Affirmation for 1 Day

During the first few minutes after awakening, recite the affirmations five times aloud or in your head. Repetition of the same process should be repeated three to four more times throughout the day, the last one just before bedtime.

A thank you note would be a nice way to end the affirmation session. Thank you notes will reinforce the affirmations. You may express gratitude to God, the Force, the Universe, or whatever you believe and feel comfortable with.

Put feelings and emotions into your affirmations. Imagine yourself precisely as you have stated. You will gain a greater psychological dimension that will affect your mind at a deeper level. By using this technique in the morning and at night, you will achieve greater success with your affirmations.

Affirmations can help build self-esteem, confidence, and self-improvement. Additionally, they can help manage anger and fear. As a weight loss tool, affirmations are effective for relieving anxiety and depression.

Positive affirmations will begin to have a profound affect on you well before the first 30 days are up. Initially, the changes may be small. The effects of affirmations will be observable, and you will see their value in not wasting time.

Affirmations will begin to work better when you repeat them more vigorously, and the more energy and conviction you put into your routine, the better they’ll work until one day you catch yourself and realize that you’ve reached a whole new level of positivity. When you do positive affirmations correctly, you will become aware of how powerful they are.

It is important to adopt a positive outlook toward stressors and stress causing situations in order to empower your mind and help you feel calm and confident under adverse circumstances. We achieve this by turning our attention from the source of stress to a more positive and affirming direction.

Positive affirmations and meditation can be difficult for beginners to grasp. Negative affirmations are often unable to embed into the subconscious as a result of a lack of concentration. Starting small is the best solution to this. Take just 5 minutes each day to meditate, then add a minute of positive affirmation chanting, and you will see results very quickly just be persistent.

Remember, it is all about what you think and feel.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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