December 30, 2023

Harsh breakup can feel like a world tearing itself apart. Love isn’t easy enough let alone having a difficult partner you love. Being broken is much more complicated than the breakup itself. You are dwelling in the pool of your thoughts while your emotions are ravaging you.

It is not a splendid situation. Especially if you were in a toxic relationship. These are the most difficult to catch especially if you are very subjective. They are also very hard to leave. Since you have a belief that you can not live without that person you think that it is the end of the world.

Practicing self love is essential to be done before, during, and after a relationship. Breakups are not pretty but a normal part of it, learn from your mistakes and experiences and move on. By practicing self love you will be able to improve and grow as a person even after an emotional rollercoaster. It will require time, effort, and patience but you will get there.

You deserve to be loved and to love. It is what makes us humans. Do not even think to downgrade yourself with bad experiences. You are vulnerable now but give yourself time to heal. Those scars will remain on you as a reminder of your experiences so learn from them and don’t just pass them along. It takes two for a relationship, so don’t think that it is entirely your fault.

Look at your breakup as a good thing. If the feelings were true and if you were both honest with each other then you would care enough about the relationship. It simply didn’t click to be continued. For whatever reason, you may appreciate the time you have given to your ex and wish them well.

What to Do After a Breakup?

Since you are going through a lot at this time you can do some of the following things to be more accepting of the situation.

Ask for help – Going to therapy or simply talking to somebody else is a great way to let go of the emotions and thoughts that you are holding. A good remedy for it is a simple and sincere talk with a 3rd party who wasn’t involved in the relationship at all.

harsh breakup

There is no shame in spilling the info or your emotions in front of somebody. You need this filter to let it go as it will be the first thing you need to do to move on.

Let go – What has been done is done, and what has been said is said. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself of the pain and the suffering of being without that person. It is what it is a simple yet hard fact is now in your life. By moving away from that emotion you are letting it go.

Be thankful for the good moments and simply focus on yourself by letting the burden go. It is not yours to take it.

Make space for yourself – Have me time only. Socialize with yourself for a bit. Become comfortable in your own skin. Spend quality time with yourself only. You will definitely need a moment of calmness just to refresh yourself. Enjoy your new time.

Make priorities – When spending quality time with yourself it will be a good idea to make a list of priorities about you. What do you need, what would you like to do? Ask yourself what did you miss and put it on the list. Whatever activity that may be simple put it there and make your needs and desires a priority from now on.

Practice patience – This is probably the last thing you want to hear. However, just staying calm and not making sudden decisions while in an emotional state may lead to dumb decisions. Just relax for a bit calm yourself, and put yourself together. Do not feel that you need to be rushed into anything. Follow your own pace of the healing process and be patient with yourself.

It will take time for all the wounds to heal but putting some love on those will give you positive results.

Practice mindfulness – Just being in the present moment will give you a perspective that not everything is so grim. Make a conscious effort to be present with your whole emotions and feelings without judging them. Relax your whole body, make yourself comfortable, and just let it all flow. Practicing mindfulness will give you a greater connection with yourself and a stronger will to accept what you survive.

Write a journal – Good idea to keep objectively how you are healing over a period of time is to keep a journal. Write your thoughts feelings, and activities you name just so your mind can be occupied. You will have great benefits by keeping your mind in control and your emotions are written on a piece of paper. That can be your new healthy habit.

Practice Positivity – It may be difficult at first but self love is all about positivity. Especially when you are down practicing positivity can bring you back up in no time. Since you are overwhelmed with negativity and raw destructive emotions you could sprinkle a bit of positivity on it and see the change.

Over time practicing positivity and self love will give you great confidence, accepting yourself for who you are and you will walk your life with your head held high. If you want to learn more about it click here.

Practice in Saying No – Oftentimes when people are down there is always someone who wants to take advantage of them. When you are most vulnerable you have to be extra careful when socializing. Search your gut feelings. Don’t let anybody push you around. Take your time when giving an answer and just be comfortable in your own skin.

Remove your Bad Habits – By practicing self love you are essentially getting rid of all bad habits that you are doing. The goal is to improve yourself and create a good self image about you. Replacing the bad habits with good ones will give you long term benefits. That being said self love must be practiced every day. By involving yourself in that practice you are already one step in your improvement.

If you think that self love will lead you to narcissistic behavior or perfectionism that is far from the truth, you can receive your answer by clicking here.

Socialize – Just because you are taking care of yourself more doesn’t mean that you need to be tucked in the cave. Go outside and socialize with your friends. Expand your circle, and meet new people. Often times when one door closes the others are opened to us. Do not dive into solitude. To be human is to have another human to tell you that.

Acceptance and Forgiveness – As time goes by you will forgive yourself for the mistakes you made and learn from them. They are not your burden but lessons that you need to have. Once you pass them you can be enriched with that new experience fully.

Accepting yourself for who you are is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself. It is easy to pass judgment but it takes willpower and strong character to know fully thyself and accept it.

Don’t Give up on Love Baby – Just because you had one bad relationship end doesn’t mean that you are done. You need love and love needs you. Do not for a second think that you are out of the game. Collect yourself, and take your time as long as you want. Once you are ready welcome new love and a new chapter in your life.

You don’t have to hide your feelings, vulnerability, and needs. Cherish all moments in life and embrace your transformation for the better. Be truthful to yourself and be you. You will love yourself more because of it.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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