January 3, 2024

Home sweet home is where our minds and hearts go after a day of tough work. We tend to create it as a safe shelter from the outside world and where we feel welcomed. It certainly provides us with centering we go out of it each morning and come back to it in the evening. It is a place where we are relaxed and happy at the same time.

The idea of practicing self-love at home isn’t outrageous in fact at home you can be all by yourself all day. Also, it will be easier if you can concentrate only on yourself and have a me-time in the comforts of your home. You do not have to wear any mask that you use for the outside world. You can be in peace between your 4 walls and focus on yourself for a while.

The point of self-love is not different than any type of love, it is just loving focused on yourself.

How to make your home ideal for Self Love practicing?

As a general rule, your state of mindfulness can be represented by the way your home is clean and organized. So to start enjoying practicing self-loving at home you need to clean it up a bit. The messier it is the harder it for you will be to fully enjoy it. You can also create some cleaning rituals that you will enjoy so you will reach that mindfulness.

I have personally a routine on Saturday to clean my shoes. After my morning routine and cleaning up my apartment, I sat in a chair surrounded by all of my shoes and started cleaning and polishing them. It is a ritual that I make where I enjoy the moment of quiet and peace.

We all decorate our homes and apartments per personal preference, so just a hint try to make it brighter. Choose bright pictures to decorate your walls, and you can have a great time painting them in your favorite color. Have some decorative flowers all over the place and let the sunlight go into your rooms. The more time you spend decorating your home the more mindful and peaceful you will be, Just enjoy the process don’t make it a job you don’t like.


Create a ritual of relaxing in your favorite chair or corner. Whatever it may be meditating, reading a book, drinking your first coffee, just have that space where you can relax for a while and let all the troubles go away for a while. Enjoy the moment in the present.

How to practice Self Love in the morning?

Most of us have a similar morning routine. Wake up, go to the bathroom, look what time it is grab a coffee, and start worrying about current personal and world problems.

But to have a great morning where you can be hyped for the upcoming day you have to have some morning ritual that will bring you that energy. Instead of diving into the latest news pop up some calm music that you will enjoy with your coffee.

Instead of getting the news about anything, spend morning time focusing only on yourself. Slowly and calmly get into a new day at your own pace. Put yourself first in order to pull out a great day. You will need energy and patience for the whole shenanigans that you will face.

Try to be grateful for all your good doing, and small victories, or appreciate the person that you are right now. Being grateful will jog your memory of what you have accomplished in your life. However small that might be cherish all those nice moments that you have.

Enjoy the early morning moments of peace. Grab a pen and paper and organize the day beforehand. In that case, you will know where to focus your energy and how much of it you will need it. Prepare for the day at your own pace. Leave a room to enjoy, your life is not only work and worries.

All of this can be practiced in your favorite chair, place, or a corner by the window. Make your home into a cozy sanctuary. Enjoy every moment of your routine and breath in all the positivity that your home brings.

Why Self Love is a Continuous Process?

Because taking care of yourself is a must. Knowing thyself is also a must. You have to figure out what are your strengths and weaknesses. Identify what your mind and body like and dislike. Once you get the idea of who you are that is the moment when you can truly appreciate yourself and practice self-care.

You don’t have to think that you need to be perfect. Nobody is and no one will ever be. When talking about putting yourself first that also means that you don’t need to meet expectations of the society. You are unique with your own flaws and imperfections.

To be in tune with yourself you have to check your emotions whatever they may be. Positive and negative ones. Do not brush off any feelings just so you can continue your day. Stay for a moment with them and think about them. Realize and conclude if they are helpful, true, or beneficial in any way. If you have negative thoughts about yourself lean into them, ask yourself are they represent your true feelings.

If they are just rude, cruel, or putting you down then they don’t belong in your mind. Do not torture yourself. If they don’t belong to you you don’t have to hold them anymore.


Positive thoughts are the ones that you need to bring into your mind. It is not impossible but when you let go of negative ones then you will have enough empty space to replace them with positive ones. Life is full of ups and downs so you have to arm yourself with the best tools that you can. Positive thoughts are the way to go.

If you want to read more on what to expect on your self love and self care journey read this.

How to Practice Self Love during the day?

Throughout the whole day we are distracted by a lot of things. It is hard enough to focus 100% on our day to day work nevertheless to have a constant buzzer ring all day long next to you. With all that distraction and stressful job it is hard to focus on yourself at the time.

With all that in mind, it is obvious that to not be overwhelmed by all that sensation and information is to have a small break time just for yourself. You have to have digital rethinking on what you are spending your time during the day.

Take a digital fast or limit your time spent on social media or simply texting. Spend some quality rest period without any screen, relax your eyes and take care of your body for a bit. If you are working from home you can always do light exercises, like stretching, light calisthenics etc.

The point is not to have yourself immersed into any distractions but to focus on yourself whether you want to focus on your body with some exercise or dive into some inner feelings that are accumulated during the day.

Having breaks and resetting your mindset from the outside world is the single most important thing you can do for yourself through the day. You can easily be dragged along with any sensation or be dragged in some situation if you let yourself go. Be careful that involve yourself too much with something that can’t be changed by you or with something that doesn’t involve you can drain your energy fast.

Always check your feelings and if you are present at the moment. Daydreaming is totally fine, but you can buzz off quite a while if you let yourself go. The same goes with anything that goes unchecked.

How to practice self love in the evening at home?

Now the daylight is gone and your options are much bigger for getting involved into some self love. If you want to know more of your options regarding the types of self love check this post.

You can have a detailed plan for your evening by inviting your friends, talking, watching movies or you can just chill out with yourself. Both are considered a self love move. Simply because you are taking care of your needs whether mental, or social.

To prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming day, as a general rule it is advised to make a to do list of things you want to take care of and to remove some obligations and not to drag them along. This way you will feel more empowered to take care of yourself, and every single task that you accomplish from that list will be a small victory for you.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself both physically and mentally is to spend a good amount preparing for a good night sleep. This involves finishing all your tasks beforehand. Meditate for a while, and be in peace with yourself. Have some quality time just for yourself, perhaps night routine can come in handy here. Make sure that your bedroom has enough fresh air, clean sheets and to be prepared as comfortably as possible. You have to have a good sleep in order for you to function well. No amount of coffee, positive thoughts, exercises or pills can replace a good sleep.

Thanks for reading, take care and have a good day.

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