December 30, 2023
self love before and after breakup

People are social creatures. We all have various relationships within our circle and with ourselves.

Whenever you are struggling with your relationships or from within yourself that is still a relationship. All relationships have their ups and downs however the one that you have with yourself is permanent.

That is why self love is important to be practiced at all times and on all occasions, no matter the other relationships that you are involved in. Maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself is paramount.

If you have a great relationship with yourself and maintain your self love on the healthy ground then your self love before and after a certain relationship shouldn’t be too much different.

Self love to simplify is believing in your own self worth and respecting yourself enough. It is a relationship that you have with yourself, and nobody can take that away from you.

The reason for shifting from being confident to not so much or at all is nothing to freak out. Relationship with yourself is always on a seesaw. You just have to keep working on it a keep your head high.

There are no guidelines if you have enough self love to get into a relationship. That is a sense of feeling that you have within you, think of it as a gut feeling. Even when you are dating self care is also a priority. Everyone needs time for themselves and you need it too.

It is beneficial to keep loving yourself before during and after a relationship. Not only the loss will not be so dramatic but also you will carry on more easily. A healthy amount of self love will also get you away from toxic relationships.

We have written an article on how can your friends and loved ones affect your self esteem if they are toxic, you can read it here.

When you are down it is merely part of your growth and you should look at it from a broader perspective. Don’t focus too much on a single problem, you will lose yourself and your perspective.

How to Develop and Maintain Self Love?

Self love is the neverending self development virtue and activity. That is why it has ups and downs. When you practice self love muscles you are getting back in the game and staying in the game.

With a high level of self worth you are going to have a better relationship not only with yourself but also with all your future relationships will be great too.

There are certain activities you can do to increase and maintain your self love. In order for you to figure out what you need to do you have to have certain expectations. You can read here what can you expect in increasing your self love and self care.

Be kind to yourself – Nobody can hurt you more than you can do it yourself. All those negativity that you haven’t said out loud you are keeping to yourself. Think of it in this way, if you are not giving a present to someone who does that present goes to.

Being kinder to yourself means that you have to be honest with yourself. Look at the negative sides but also don’t neglect the positive ones. See what you can work with. Being truthful to your guts is the best way to be in tune.

Build yourself up – You will go the distance in order to overcome your fears, anxiety, and failures. Don’t look at them as something bad. You made a mistake now learn from them. Process all that happened so that you don’t make the same mistake in the future.

It is not about what happened it is about how you reacted and how you move on.

I have written a post about exercising yourself with love so you can click here, if you want to check it out.

Decide if you are strong enough for a relationship with someone else – This is something that you need to ask yourself truly. If the opportunity shows up, and you have the option to be involved with someone else, are you prepared for it?

Take your time and be honest with yourself, and with your potential partner. Relationships are most of the time volatile if you are not prepared or if you are not matched with your partner. If you need more time to bring yourself up take it, it will be the best option that you made at that point.

Practice Acceptance – Being in tune with yourself means that you have accepted yourself for who you are. It doesn’t come overnight though. To reach acceptance you need to be honest with yourself and follow your gut feelings.

We have written a helpful article about self acceptance, if you are interested in reading it, click here.

These are some of the activities that can help you to bring yourself up when you are down. The fundamental part that you can take from all of this is to simply take better care of yourself and to keep smiling.

Self Love Before Relationship

This is the part when you are building yourself not because of the will to have a relationship with another person, but the necessity to have a great relationship with yourself first.

Loving yourself is having trust in yourself and your capabilities. It means that you are honest with yourself and know your boundaries well.

Building yourself up not for others but for yourself is one the best decisions you can make in both the short and long run.

Plan and organize your self love activity – Most people are confused when it comes to this. They usually think that it is some abstract activities and seminars that you need to attend in order to love yourself. In truth, you are already doing them in some form or the other.

Evaluate what needs to be done in order to bring up your self esteem and your dignity. Taking care of yourself is a nonstop activity so you can plan how to be more precise with fulfilling what you need.

For example, if you are often overwhelmed with thoughts meditation might help. You can also have a brain dump and have a peaceful and quiet time. Just be mindful at the moment and be present in it. Stop and relax you will get to your destination physically, but tend to your mental needs first.

Be and remain calm before deciding what you will do next.

Being active is another great establishment of self esteem. Whether it may be social, or physical in terms of working out or simply a routine that greases your mind muscles. A healthy routine can take you a long way. We have written about great activities and tools that you can use in order to improve your self worth. If you are interested in reading it, click here.

Be truthful to yourself. Discover and reinvent yourself. When life goes by we tend to forget who we are and what were we in the beginning. We forgot to dream, to laugh, and to seek. Somewhere along the lines of days you forgot to love yourself and lost that connection. The connection is there, it always has been. Reach out, seek within and you will find that zest for life you once had.

Seek improvements and new opportunities. When you close one door another opens. It is the moment of regret and reminiscence of the past that doesn’t allow you to look at new opportunities ahead.

Seek within yourself what you are good at. Seek what you don’t like and what you would like to change about yourself. Have a constructive conversation about that out loud. Once you heard your own word it will be much different. Then you can really think about the solutions and already organize the steps necessary for improvement.

Self Love After Relationship

There is a big chance that after a breakup you are missing that person. You need time to cooperate with your thoughts and feelings. Take as much time as you need to recollect yourself, and relax about your loss.

The study describes the effect of breakup as sudden loss or lack of positive affect. Both are followed by depression symptoms. That also follows negativity, anger, and a sense of feeling rejected.

Another study suggests a couple of reasons for a breakup can be – a lack of compatibility, no feelings left for a partner, cheating, long distance, and overall different values.

Relax and enjoy that time that you receive. To ease your mind we have a list of movies that you can watch to bring up your confidence. You can click here to check it out.

Starting again alone is much less complicated if you had a great relationship with yourself. If by any chance your self love is diminished then you have work to do.

People often struggle within themself, so the question is not can you have self love after the breakup
but rather did you nurture enough your relationship with yourself?

self love refresh

You simply need to refresh your memory on how to do it. While doing it you will often discover that you will make new and unique ways to cherish yourself.

Not everything is so grim, positive emotions can follow up, particularly when the previous relationship did not expand or grow. One of the copying mechanisms is writing a journal or simply writing for your own sake. A great addition to that is to write about the positive aspects of the breakup and have a new perspective on the situation. This will improve your further resiliency, and the best part of it it does not increase negative emotions.

The study that shows this method is equally effective in both males and females. This can dramatically help you with your own personal growth, and better moving on with your life.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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