January 8, 2024

Self Love affirmations are probably the most important affirmation that you can use daily. In a similar way to squirrels jumping from one branch to another, some of us leave relationships to start new ones. The feelings of rejection we have due to the lack of love from someone cause us to find a new dependency to sustain us. IT can be a vicious circle, but one must realize it before escaping it. Nevertheless, some people fear loneliness and, instead, try to avoid it by surrounding themselves with distractions (televisions, computers, etc.) so as to break free from the illusion of solitude.

Actually, what we lack is love for ourselves, or what is called self-love. In order to attract all things we desire, including long-term, sustainable relationships, there must be a deep connection to the inner self. Think of it as a connection to your inner child, pure and sweet. Self-love can only be attained by a deep connection to one’s inner self.

“I celebrate myself and sing myself.” – Walt Whitman

Self esteem – Self Confidence – Self Love


I want to point out that this feeling called self-esteem is the same thing as self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-respect, feeling good about yourself, feeling good about your self-worth. I find that it’s really fantastic. When you’re on the opposite side of the fence, doubting yourself, disliking yourself, feeling ashamed, or believing you are not good enough, it can be pretty scary.

It is in your birthright to love yourself and to know one’s worth. That will keep your confidence level on always high so it very difficult for anyone else to knock it down, but we have to come to that level first. In your attempts to please your parents, teachers, and peers, you may have ended up not loving yourself because you tried to become what THEY wanted you to be. Then you’re typically told you’re not good enough. Which can result in you spending the rest of your life proving your worth and trying to win others’ affection. As a result, YOU have been hiding your magnificence and feeling worthless.

Self-love is the only thing that can replace it. A person who doesn’t love themselves will be continually disappointed in life. If you don’t recognize the opportunities right in front of you, you will miss out on them. We need to recognize the opportunities that is given before us and to take them. A strain will develop between you and your partner. In the end, you will never feel another’s love, even if they really do love you. A person can only love you to the degree that you are willing to love yourself. The same applies to accepting and loving another person. You do so to the extent that you accept and love yourself.

Keys for development

Embracing our own inner growth while removing self-criticism and judgment is the key to developing deeper connections with others when we love ourselves.

The following are five strategies for promoting self-love:

Take the judgement out of it – When you judge others, you are actually judging yourself. In the course of doing this, you become more tolerant and accepting of other people because you yourself become more accepting and tolerant of your own flaws and traits.

Set goals for yourself – It is important to accept the positives of what you are capable of achieving. I guess this quote can be summarized as, “If you say you are a gifted and intelligent person, then you are one!”. If you are firmly convinced that your affirmations are true, then no one can take them seriously. Your words become more powerful as you affirm them, and as you do so you believe in them as a truth. It is important to begin an affirmation by asking “I Am”…as a statement. Keep yourself in the positive mindset every day and never forget the things you are good at.

Clear the Clutter – Try turning off all the “components” in your environment (radio, computer, music, etc) and spending some concentrated time in meditation. In order to find your own answers, you need to turn off outside distractions and go inward to find them.

More for Perfect Self Love


Meditate – Quitting your mind is part of an effort to make you more productive. If you practice daily meditations you will be able to reach a place of peace and contentment. The goal is not to push yourself but to keep a calm and relaxed attitude while doing it. If you are looking for guided meditations, or energy healing with modalities, there are many options available for you. Sometimes The best meditation is when you are able to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of your surroundings. It is necessary to take time to go outside and sit quietly in nature.

Aspire to Inspire – To find the gift of inspiration in everything we do is possible as long as we are taking the time to seek it. No matter if you’re listening to lyrics in a song or looking at the leaves on a tree. Embrace the beauty and inspiration of life every day.

A look at how you feel about yourself is like a reflection of how you feel about others. You can only give as much love as you receive. When you love yourself deeply and thoughtfully, it will allow you to express your love for others more meaningfully and with greater feelings. Take a look at the steps below to promote self-love. See how good you feel when you notice how true love attracts you back and transforms your life in all the right ways!

Self Criticism

The quote that goes: “Judgement is bad, love is good, but to change one must be compassionate.” is often heard. Judgement is a manifestation of a negative masculine energy while unloving of self is a manifestation of a negative feminine energy. Before we can truly be able to love other people, it is first necessary that we can be able to transform self-judgment into self-love. There is no doubt that it is very easy to fall into the role of a self-critic. There is nothing worse than this and it is better to avoid it.

You should write down any negative judgments that you hear in your head about yourself over the next two weeks. You might hear something like: “I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’ve got bad hair, I’m always late, I’m always fighting, I’m stupid….” If you hear anything like that, write down all the judgments you hear. Your victimizer self follows this script. But there is a victim self who continues to hear all the judgments.

What more to do?

The effect of self-judgment on you can be felt within fifteen minutes of sitting there and seeing what it does. It is important to realize that this criticism is often not felt because the criticisms come as a sub-audible drip one item at a time. At this point, you have just poured so much on yourself at one time and are feeling all the effects of it. The goal here is not to make yourself worthless but to have retrospect of these thoughts. Once you have completed the victimizer/victim part one more time within a period of two weeks, then you will be able to complete the final step.


As a second step, you must move into a room where you will be alone for at least 30 minutes. Your judgment page should be read out loud with fervor (between the horizontal lines) for a period of about fifteen minutes. Do it like this, until there has been a noticeable decrease in drama. As a result, the “victimizer self” (shadow self) is vocalized. You will most likely start to experience feelings like shame, fear, anger, and grief.

Final step

The last part of this exercise for at least four months is to reverse negative beliefs about yourself. Create new positive affirmations that you can use to counteract the negative statements you made. You could for example write that “I’m always late” because you are always on time, and your life works perfectly. When you hear yourself saying something negative about yourself, stop and think of exactly what you could be saying positively. It is important that you affirm that you choose to see yourself positively. You are the guide for your thoughts. Your focus grows into whatever you want it to be.

Within a few days, there will be no end to your state of great joy. You will see yourself in a different image. You will be able to accept people for who they are, wherever they are. It will come naturally to you. The fact that you won’t be forced to make changes of any sort removes a lot of stress from your shoulders. The state of acceptance is one of non-resistance. The easiest way to do this is to go with the flow and you’ll actually become charged with the experience. Feel the relaxation while noticing the change. Everything that surrounds you assist you to become a better version of yourself. You can do it just keep in mind that you must preserve to the schedule and stick to it. By doing this exercise, you will be able to convert your self-anger into self-love.

If you are in love with yourself, treat yourself well. Know you are enough and treat yourself well, you will be able to attract what you want very rapidly. If you allow in what you want, as a result of practicing the Magic of Self-Love. It will become easier for you to get what you desire. When you bask in the magic of self-love, you’ll find that you can truly be and do and have whatever you want!

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