January 16, 2024

The most powerful word in the world is love, self-love is the second, and self-love for women is the third in my opinion. Is the word love easy to describe? See if you can find it in the dictionary. It has thousands of different definitions of love. If we put another word in front of it, such as self it becomes somewhat uncomfortable, and questionable. Why is that?

 Generally, it is regarded as egotistical, selfish, and self-obsessed. Is it true that self-centeredness is the same as self-love? Self-centred individuals strive to be recognized as the best version of themselves from the viewpoint of others. Self loving individuals guess what, they don’t care about what others opinion on themselves. They are aware of their worth and they are in peace with themselves.

Being aware of your self worth definitely comes as an important part of your whole confidence and your self image. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential for your development journey.

 Destroyer of Self Love for Women

The phrase “I am not good enough” is a soul crushing, esteem shaking, positivity destroyer for both women and men. Whenever you feel unworthy, joy is taken away from you immediately. And you will keep beating yourself until you reach your limits.

The obvious part is to prevent that from becoming a reality. Believe in your gut feeling first and foremost. Others will always doubt you and will think that you are not good enough. You won’t need to ask for approval or advice from those people once you realize that nobody has your back.


Since we cleared that part, now let’s define what self worth can do for you. Think about the successful ladies who are the embodiment of self esteem. It doesn’t have to be public know person, it can be someone from your close family. Someone who you can look up and say “Wow, now she is confident and knows herself worth”.

Dreams With Deadlines

What is your dream achievement? Have you ever attempted to reach for the stars and felt that you weren’t able to? Have you ever been told by somebody that you couldn’t?

Your brain thrives on specifics. Make a list of everything you wanted, and I mean everything you truly wanted but were denied. The boundaries that you fall within are those imposed upon you by you alone, so be aware of them at all times. 

If you wish to be a professional botanist, write that down. If you wish to become a splendid architect write that down. Travel the world, well you will definitely need an extra pen to write all of the places you want to visit.

After you write all of your desires down, write a deadline next to them. As said your brain wants specifics so make it so.

Give Your Instincts a Voice – Self Love for Women Must be Heard

As you are probably aware, children do not have filters on their feelings and thoughts. They say what they want, think and feel. Why not bring back that child of yours? As soon as you voice your opinion on something others will respond. When you have a thought give it a voice, you will feel much better. 

By doing that you are becoming more of you than before. Your thought process and feelings are what makes you unique. If you bring yourself out of your everyday mask you will bring down that fear that holds you still. Empower yourself by giving your own instincts a voice.


The greatest gift that you can give yourself is to have trust in yourself. If you let go of your fears you will be more liberated, relaxed and be who you really are. Trust yourself is the single best thing for your whole well being. Anybody can give up on you or to distrust you, but not yourself. You are important. Let your instincts have a voice, cultivate them, and let fear not take their place.

Give Your Gut Some Credit

Instinct and gut feeling are tools that can save you in numerous occasions. Your feelings are real so don’t deny them. Trust your gut feeling, it can guide you in problematic and difficult situations. Make yourself happy, safe and protected. If you do not like some situation that you are in, your guts will immediately tell you to get out of there if something is wrong. Use these tools that were given to you freely.

Successful Self Love for Women All over the World

Building self love for women enables us to beat any problem, or obstacle and achieve our goals and desires. It creates happiness, self-esteem and confidence. Never devalue yourself or have negative self-concepts.

Common thoughts are…

“I’m getting way ahead of myself”.

“You’re not that good.”

“Grow up, get a grip, be real”

“You have got to settle for less.”

Everyone has some negative thoughts about themselves. We are after all our greatest critic. Eventually, that constant beating takes its toll. IN order to become more self loving, you have to be able to forgive yourself too.

Happiness, self-esteem, and courage cannot be bought with money. You have to develop it. When you are grateful for all the gifts that have been given to you, your self-love for women can be enhanced. To love yourself enough to develop your best self, you must sincerely appreciate all the gifts that were given to you.

Forgive yourself for everything. Let go of the past so you can move on with your life. What is done is done. Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone. Any progress means that you have to get out of your everyday self. No one can be you but you, and no one can make you into anyone else. As soon as you realize that, look at all of the unique things about you that make you unique.

Take a moment to think about what you are grateful for first. Do not focus on anything negative. Make sure you do some soul searching, and be grateful for who you are. Inside of you, you have an abundance of goodness. You just have to search for it yourself.

Take a Moment to Breathe

Everybody has problems from time to time. The only thing that matters is how are we going to react to that problem. Moreover, when you remember some past problems that you have had, all the work was necessary. You have worried so much about nothing.

I truly believe that self-love is one of the most important aspects of increasing our own happiness as women. It allows us to have confidence in ourselves. Self-love for women, in my opinion, is having a connection with yourself, respecting yourself, taking ownership for your actions, accepting that you are who you are and not judging yourself. Having self-love means you are forgiving when you make a mistake, and learn from it.


A kind, positive attitude about yourself is what makes self-love work. Of course, it doesn’t always come easy. If you do the work you will probably be living a happier life, and who doesn’t want to be happy? Though it often takes work on the inside to help create more acceptance and love for yourself, if you do the work you will be living a happier life.

It is going to be necessary for you to take an honest look at yourself and decide that you are worth loving. In order for you to be able to know and believe that you are good enough, I suggest you decide that you deserve to think of yourself with kind thoughts.

What Now?

What to do now? You should accept and love your body immediately. By giving yourself a boost in self-esteem, you will be healthier and happier. If you are willing to forgive your mistakes, you will be stronger and happier. Instead of criticizing, think positively about yourself. Write down your goals and the things you wish to accomplish.

It is important to do an activity that you will enjoy and be excited about every time you do it, since doing something you enjoy doesn’t require motivation since you will already be on board with it. There is no denying that this is not easy. However, it is not difficult as you might think. You will be surprised at how good you are when you allow yourself enough time to adapt to some changes.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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