January 16, 2024
write journal

Self love is a gift that keeps on giving. When practicing it and taking care of yourself, you live and enjoy the benefits. Basically, self love is putting your health, needs, and desires in the first place. When you are great and uplifted you can share that excitement and joy with others. In a nutshell, when you are uplifted by self love you are going to uplift others as well.

Making a deep connection to yourself is a fundamental aspect of self love. That way you are reducing the chances of getting stressed out and lowering your levels of anxiety. Replacing negative habits with positive ones. Essentially you are building a great relationship with yourself.

To keep everything in line, and to follow your progress you will need a special tool for it. It is self sufficient, so you don’t have to worry about batteries or your internet connection. All you need is a pen and a journal. Joking aside by having and writing a journal you can obtain many benefits from it.

Self love journal helps you create and track your challenges. Hit and measure your benchmarks and results. You can also plan your whole week including activities, exercising, socializing, meals, etc. You can always turn back and reflect on your goals, clear your overwhelming thoughts, and take a peek when you had your worst and best day.

Retrospection of past events, and practices will give you an insight into your journey. You will have an objective overview of where you have been, where are you now and where are you heading in your life, and your choices. It will support your emotional development and well-being. Ultimately it is a witness of your improvements.

Why Start Writing a Self Love Journal?

Writing itself helps your memory, and focus, and reinforces your beliefs and thoughts. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment. Writing daily or at least a few times a week can also reduce your stress and anxiety. You are basically spilling out your thoughts on a piece of paper, look at it as talking honestly with your best friend. Paper will not judge you and will not tell anyone if you don’t want it to.

Don’t be shy when starting to write. You are using it as a self reflecting mirror, so you shouldn’t care about the style of writing or is it written as a diary or some story. It is yours and you can do whatever you want. As long as you are relieving yourself, setting your goals in it, and writing your practices you are good to go. Think of it as a relaxing hobby that will keep track of your thoughts.

self love journal

By practicing self love you are doing yourself the biggest favor you can. The key to successfully practicing it is simple. Be persistent, be patient and focus solely on your desired goal. The best approach will be to create a habit out of it. Every day do a simple self love practice, one step at a time. Don’t rush it, keep to basics, enjoy and trust the process.

Your journal can be great support too. Think of it as a keeper of your personality. It can provide you with emotional support and development. By reflecting on your previous thought process you can objectively notice a pattern of behavior and if it needs to change. By keeping your writing at a constant you will be better and more focused on your practice.

What to Write in your Self Love Journal?

When it comes to writing anything in your journal people tend to have barriers and lots of questions on what to even write in it. By keeping it simple you can start right away. Self love journal is a great additional tool that will aid, and guide you in your development.

Set Challenges – Do not practice self love without any aim. Focus on the goal, and have a clear vision of how you are going to reach it. Give yourself a deadline for a simple challenge. Don’t stress too much about the details, the simpler it is the easier you will obtain it.

Again, start slow and steady. The goal is to get yourself in the flow of self love practice. Your journey must start with the first step. Set your goals low when you start. When you have completed the challenge you will have a sense of achievement and commitment to your cause.

Be interactive – You can fill a portion of your journal with just your thoughts and daydreaming fantasies. Let that hand just write directly from your mind. This is the beauty of it. It is not a business project that you must follow the profile, norm, and administrative lines and boundaries. Enjoy your writing.

To make it more interactive, try my example. I draw in my journal in a sort of questionnaire which I place my own questions. If I have some social event that night, I put some silly questions. How many people are wearing green, how many of them are smiling and having a good time, etc.

Be Close to Your Desires and Goals – The purpose of the journal is to keep track of your thoughts, goals, and achievements. Show that you are committed to yourself by keeping writing. Whenever you lack focus at a certain point or your motivation is down you can always check in your journal for support.

Explain the process – To stick to the basics you have to understand what you are doing and how it functions. By practicing your self love exercise daily you can clearly write if you are doing the exercise correctly and if you are getting better each time. If you want to know first what kind of activities are good for improving your self image, click here.

How are you approaching your practice? Go each step by step, from start to finish. What exactly do you do, and your thoughts about it.

Write your own Affirmations – Great combination and addition to your tools are putting unique, hand written from your mind affirmations. Affirmations are a great helper in self love improvement. They can motivate you, and keep you focused and on the right track. If you need help in writing your own affirmations, click here.

You can experiment in your journal and suggest new ones. Practicing them will give you the necessary feel for your affirmations. You can create a new one, remove some, and mix some. The game is yours.

Make the most use of your journal. It can be your friend, guide, and helper. When it comes to creating a strategy and really just starting out, I have written a post about it that can help you. Click here to find out more about it.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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