January 23, 2024

Words have power. Words that carry weight, truth, emotions, and beliefs carry even greater weight than any spoken words. Our minds are very powerful too. It is with both of those that you can change not just your own life but the lives of other people as well.

You really have the freedom to choose which direction you want to go in. With that power, you can shift your life and beliefs into a better place and have a more fulfilling life. You can always come out of the most difficult situations that you are in with the most positive outcomes if you use affirmations correctly. 

The benefit of affirmations and the purpose of them is that they can make you or break you. The use of affirmations is a technique that affects your emotions, thoughts, and even beliefs. Depending on how much control you have over them, they can have a positive or negative effect on your life. It affects your subconscious and conscious mind so you can manifest your own thoughts and wishes into this reality.

If you want to know more about how to manifest your thoughts into reality take a look at my post here.

It basically relies on your gut feeling and talking out loud about the thoughts you are believing and thinking at the moment. As a result, this strengthens the idea so that it becomes more truthful than it was before. When people think about the benefits of affirmations they usually think about positive affirmations and their effect on a person.

The reason for this lies mostly in the fact that we are constantly using affirmations on a daily basis, whether it is consciously, intentionally or not. So they are already affecting your life.

How can Affirmations have positive benefits?

We all are doing affirmations, whether we are aware of it or not. So why not make use of that knowledge to your advantage? Constantly repeating your downside beliefs is already a negative part of what you do. You have to realize that you want to and need to change some things.

Therefore, you have to acknowledge that you want and have to change some things. Understanding this will give you the necessary perspective and open your mind to the idea that nothing is permanent, this includes your beliefs or thoughts.

Your brain has the capacity to pump you up or down depending of your mood or the situation that you are in. Whatever you are in need of the brain can give you an additional boost. If you are in a lot of stress and trouble you will have an adrenaline rush.

If you are happy your brain will release endorphins etc. With the right affirmations and with the right guidelines to do it in the most efficient way, you will be able to consciously affect your body with it.

Thus, there are many benefits of properly executed affirmation. For instance, you can use it to get yourself motivated in the morning so that you are ready for the day. It can drastically impact your energy level. The world around you can become more open to you when you change your attitude and beliefs.

The quality of your health can significantly be improved if you follow your wishes positively. Success is sure to follow if you master the skillset and mindset necessary for your journey. As a result, your doubtfulness will disappear, and you can become the most confident person in the world.

It is entirely up to you whether you will have positive changes in your life or not.

How can Affirmation affect you in a negative way?

People are mostly unaware of their capabilities. The problem is they don’t realize how strong they are and how weak they are, and they just go through life with it. But your mind is the engine that keeps on going. It doesn’t matter whether you think that you are strong or weak, you are right both in a literal and in a figurative sense. Your mind is that powerful, what you think is what you create.

Most of the time you are under stress, maybe from your job, your family, or your overall situation. But what amplifies that situation even further is your constant battering that that situation can become even worse. And by the time you know it your luck is run out and the situation becomes worse thus you are becoming even more stressed out.

People in this kind of situation are just going along with it, they don’t try to make a difference. Some people make an effort to change something, but they don’t have the belief or drive to see things through to the end.

In this matter you are affirming the negative side of your situation, thus creating a vicious circle. You probably came across people who can’t figure out their situation nor solutions to them. Even though sometimes it is right under their noses.

This is due to the fact that their minds and beliefs are torn apart and they find it difficult to see any solution to a solvable problem. Even though you offer them advice or a solution, it just passes through their heads and they continue on their way.

To stop this from happening to you have to create your own affirmation with all the benefits that you want. The task of turning a negative into a positive one is not an easy one, but it can be accomplished. In order to do this, you need to arm yourself with guidelines and tools that will help you along with the process.

How can you build good and effective affirmation?

In order for your affirmations to be the most effective that they can be, follow the following guidelines. You have to use your affirmations in the present tense. As your mind takes everything quite literally, you should describe your wishes as if they have already occurred.

Releasing the negative emotions and thoughts. Put them behind you at the moment, look at them as a lesson you needed to learn and do not repeat them again. Either way, you will now know to do things differently. Always use positive words in your affirmations. You want to create positive outcomes from your affirmations.

The choice of words you use in a sentence is entirely up to you. However, it is important that that sentence has a personal touch. Your affirmations should be a reflection of the way you speak. As a result, this will allow you to deepen your affirmations with the emotions necessary to bring them up to the front row.

It is absolutely true that when you leave your mark on them and make them your own, the more believable and achievable they become.

benefits of affirmations

Make affirmations that appeal to your needs and to your being. In some ways, you may have already started to think about changing some aspects in your life. Try to remember the feeling, catch it and remember it. You need to hold it so that you can make an association with it to create a boost in motivation that is crucial to getting through this process.

Last but the most important one, is to bring everything that you read before in one place. Write your affirmations in that manner, write them down, experiment, experience them, rinse and repeat. Recite them aloud when you wake up, when you jog, when you cook, in front of the mirror.

You choose how many times and how often you will repeat them but the key is to repeat them as often as possible. Practice makes perfect.

Steps to increase the efficiency & benefits of your affirmations

When it comes in having the most efficient affirmations, you have to consider the following. Mindset, emotion, persistence, action, and belief.

With a positive mindset, you condition yourself to be in a better mental place. When you feel relaxed, calm and competent, you are more productive. Turning a negative mindset into a positive one is not an easy task. When you first identify your problems and start ruminating about solutions, you have already made a great leap forward.

If you want to read more on how to help yourself with anxiety with relaxation have a peek at my post about it.

It is not always easy to let go of negativity, but when you focus on positive thoughts with your affirmations, it will become easier for you. As soon as the positive thoughts are gaining a majority in your mind, you are altering your mentality and your belief system.

It becomes more believable when you put your honest emotions to identify and make a change. Conditioning your mind takes action. Keep practicing and repeating the whole process again and again. When it comes to how long will it take it depends on your current state, your goals and your efforts during the process.

If you want to read more on what you need to know when specifying your goals using affirmations read my other post.

 It can take up to a few weeks and sometimes more than a month to see the change. You need to keep moving forward with your practice, and success will follow.

Taking action is key. You can read hundreds of books or listen to thousands of hours of podcasts about affirmations, but if you don’t do something with that information it really doesn`t serve its purpose.

Don’t be afraid to try and fail in this process. Rewrite those affirmations, and get a glimpse of that feeling that you will succeed in shifting your mindset. Experiment as you go along but don’t give up. As soon as you stop counting days since you began reciting affirmations, it is then that you are fully immersed in changing yourself for the better.

Ultimately Make your Life a Better Place with Affirmations

Changing your behavior, mindset or beliefs is achievable. The key element is that you must be aware of what is flawed, to identify your weaknesses and to act on them. Your will is a very powerful force that guides you and creates new experiences. Although powerful it has to be nurtured constantly and this is where affirmations come into play. Think of affirmations as fuel for your willpower engine.

You will create more space and time for your positive affirmations if you pay less attention to the negative things you encounter and the things that do not affect you or that you cannot change. The change will come gradually, think of it as a snowball effect. The first couple of times it will be fruitless. But stay on track because now you know that it can benefit you in numerous ways.

Once you fully believe and think in a positive manner not only will your conscious goal be fulfilled, but your whole life will become open to new opportunities, experiences and new unexplored territories. Just smile, see the world in brighter colors, and you will feel much better. Even after the rain, the sky becomes clearer, so keep that in mind.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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