January 17, 2024

Self loving is an ongoing process that most of us are aware of. The beauty of it is simply depending
on the level that you are making an effort into self care.

Paying attention to your happiness and well-being is essential to have a good amount of self love. Doing it correctly means that you are in tune with yourself enough to do exactly what your whole being needs at that moment.

You should be aware that it is an experimental process rather than getting it an exactly correct or wrong test. Search yourself enough and give yourself time to get a hold of what is helping you and what is not. As with everything else new that you are incorporating into your life you have to give it a bit of time to conclude if it works for you.

If you give it a thought about it there are a lot of ways or examples of what can you do at this moment to start taking care of yourself more. However, once we get thinking about it we come to the conclusion that there are a lot of wishes and desires but they might not always be good for your self care.

Ten Mental Examples of Self Love

Self Care – Taking care of yourself is essentially what self love is all about. Make sure you prioritize your needs so you can function well. Since the term itself can mean a lot of very specific it is up to you what taking care of yourself means. Make a list and prioritize them in order of importance to you.

Checking your emotions – Being in tune with yourself also means to react on your feelings. Your feelings are real no matter what they are. Act on them, because they are yours in the end. Emotions are what make us humans, and your emotions are what make you.

Being grateful – Being grateful for your current situation. Most of us tend to forget what we already have unless we lose it. You will feel much happier and calmer when you realize what you have, and what have you achieved.

Meditate – Tons of literature out there about the subject. To stay in touch with your inner being the best way is to meditate about it. This will also be the time when you gather your emotions into perspective and clean yourself with overwhelming thoughts that weren’t responded to throughout the day. Think of it as a quick scan of your current state.

Stop Comparing to Others – In order for you to grow this is paramount. The single point that you need to take from this example is that you are not in the same shoes as the person you are comparing to. You don’t have the same mindset, experiences, expertise, rationale, nor the same background. All of this is making a person unique. It will only make you feel that you are not good enough, nothing more.

Celebrate your Victories and Achievements – This will bump you up with confidence. No matter how small that achievement is, it is another point for you and another passed roadblock on your journey. Appreciate those victories, you earned that much.

Unplug, have a quiet time for yourself – You are probably aware of it but we are surrounded by a lot of kids of noise and information. Should you ever feel that you are overwhelmed, and need to unplug yourself then just do that. Every once in a while make sure there are no disturbances or gadgets around you, and have a quiet only my time for a while.

Being a perfectionist – Just stop. Nobody is perfect. You are keeping yourself down by letting small, some mistakes tare down your composure. Learn for those mistakes, they were made for a reason.

Being too hard on yourself – Same with being a perfectionist. If you are constantly damaging and torturing yourself your self esteem will decrease. When you look at things from another person’s perspective then you will realize that it is not the end of the world, and it will keep spinning.

Cherish your Uniqunes – This is similar to being grateful. Cherish what makes you unique. You are a unique and wonderful person. Love your uniqueness and let the world know that you are confident enough to show it. Don’t be afraid of it.

Twenty Action-Taking Examples of Self Loving

Be active – Simple as that. Your body is not made to sit and do nothing all day. Jumping to the fridge still doesn’t count. Make sure you get a healthy amount of exercise. It is not that only your body will be in better shape, your mind will benefit too. By exercising you are improving your whole being – inside and out.

Use affirmations – Affirmations are a great tool to keep your goals in focus, your mind in good health. They are also great in creating a habit since you need to use them every day. It will keep you mentally prepared, and depending on your goals, closer to achieving your desires.

If you want to read more about affirmations click here.

Explore and try new things – Go out of your comfort zone. Check out new hobbies that you want to try. Learn a new skill. Make your brain be more active. Diving into new unexplored territories is not only exciting but valuable too.

Learn – Similar to exploring new things, learning is an essential part of our growth. Learning is a never-ending part of our lives. This is a reminder that you can always put a bit more gas in how much you are learning daily.

Be creative – When you search for your talents what is it that you really get excited about? Some may be hidden, but you will never find out without experimenting. Try new creative ways to express yourself. Be yourself, and be who you are.

examples and ideas

Make a list of how good you are – This will give you a nice clean list of the things you are proud of yourself. Think about what comes to your mind, and write everything down. This will give you a sense of appreciation for yourself. If you are having difficulties with it you can always meditate to relax a bit or ask a friend to help you with it.

Write a journal – Not only it will help you to release your thoughts in one place, but also you can read the previous pages when you have a habit of writing a journal. It is simple and helpful.

Pursue your Happiness – It sounds easy, nevertheless, you will feel better if you do. The best thing about it is the pursuit itself. The journey of achieving happiness is long, changing, and exciting. The only thing you will need first is the first step into it.

Saying positive things about yourself – It is easy to be a neverending critic. It takes effort and power to be able to say positive things about yourself. Even though if you have to search your deep feelings to find it, you will be more comfortable in your skin. Try it and you will have immediate results.

Choose Positive thoughts – This one is the next step after saying positive things. Try to focus your attention on the positive side of every coin. Be more positive in the upcoming changes, and activities that you will face. Remove the negative thoughts by letting them go. Learn from them and simply let them be, positive ones will take their place.

Make sure you have enough sleep – This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. You need good quality and a good amount of quantity of sleep. More than 7 hours is recommended, the room should be dark and cool with airflow. Without sleep your whole day can be destroyed, so keep in mind when you want to improve yourself every day are rested enough to do that.

Learn about yourself – Learning about yourself is a never-ending process. Pay attention to your way of behavior, talking, walking, all the little details that make you. Step in front of the mirror and look into yourself, meditate about yourself. Get to know yourself at your own pace, just let it be.

Meditation + Breathing exercise – Breathing is what makes us alive. I started to be more energized and more in tune with my body when I learned about Wim Hoff`s method of breathing.

Learning from your Mistakes – Do not think of them as mistakes at all but a lesson. You have made them in the past. Try to figure out why you made it, what changes you make, and how are you using that experience to overcome the same situations in the future. Do not dwell on the past it already happened.

Letting go off some steam – You deserved it. Grab a chocolate bar and enjoy the little things life brings us. Enjoy the whole pizza and make a movie night. It is always good to give yourself the treat to relax in the most comfortable way. Just don’t make that occasion an everyday occasion.

Putting self care into action – This will be best done when you put a to-do list. This list will represent what you need to take care of yourself and do it diligently. Whatever your needs may be put them on a list and make an effort to do them.

Giving yourself a pep talk – This is something that I often do when got overwhelmed during the day. It can be simply talking to yourself about the upcoming obligations, and plans or just letting something go. You are accumulating feelings and emotions during a stressful period and it is always good to talk to yourself about it.

Letting go of the past – It is impossible to change what happened in the past. But you can always pull the experience you gathered from what happened before and make it a lesson to yourself. The more experienced you are, the more prepared for the future you will be. So do not think of it as a sort of punishment but a necessary chapter in life and what made you in the end.

Learn to listen to yourself – To be more in tune with yourself you have to learn to listen to yourself. That covers your body, mind, and should. Feel and listen to those emotions that are running around your mind. Meditate on them, and you will start to be in tune with them.

Have a good morning ritual – Once you get a good night’s sleep its time for another day. You can use the morning rituals to calm and prepare for the upcoming day. That ritual can consist of morning coffee + music + favorite chair or corner in your place. Enjoy the moment of tranquility and mentally prepare for the day.

Ten Social Examples of Self Loving

Being mindful – Being aware of every moment of your emotions and thoughts is one thing. Being mindful with others is enjoying their company to the fullest. Consider their needs along with yours as well. Make your friendships better.

Don’t be afraid of your emotions – You will come as more genuine than others. Your emotions are what you are. Show them and express yourself to others, you will feel great relief when the people around you support you in those expressions. You don’t have to be afraid at all.

Lose your Mask – This is quite similar to showing your emotions. Just be yourself in others’ company. Trust your instincts and let others know you for what you truly are.

Being in a healthy relationship – Companionship is the most important type of relationship that you will ever have. Somebody you can trust, be yourself, show your strengths and weaknesses. Being supportive and compassionate is the way to go.

Surround yourself with supportive people – Having friends is good, having great and supportive friends is a different yet better story. Meet people who share your thoughts and beliefs. Most likely you will find in them a friend you can trust. Having supportive friends can mean a lot for a person who is on a self-discovering journey. They will be there for you always.

Asking for help when you need it – Nobody is born all-knowing. All people know all things, but on average a human knows only so much. It is not a sin to ask for help if you need it. Do not feel shame in it.

Protect yourself from mean people – You will find them more often than friends at all. You don’t have to get involved in conflict with them. Protect your energy and your attention, choose your battles, and let go of their negativity. Even if they are co-workers, close relatives, etc. If they can’t be supportive or compassionate you don’t have any obligations to explain yourself to them.

Set boundaries – It is ok to meet new people, get to know them, etc. However, do not be tempted to do what you don’t like. It is perfectly fine if you set the tempo for getting to know someone slowly and at your own pace. Nobody is forcing you to do anything so keep your boundaries up if you feel they are dismissed.

Learn to say no – As with boundaries, this is also quite important to keep yourself together. Do not be rushed into anything you will regret or don’t want. Follow your instincts and feel safe at all times. Your safety is your number one priority. Do not feel the need to satisfy others by saying yes only.

You can’t meet everyone’s expectations – It comes along with saying no to others. Don’t feel the need to be perfect in someday else’s eyes. Doing that you will lose yourself in the process. Keep your head high and keep your self-dignity. Do not be anybody’s tool.

Live as you want to live. Dive into the self-discovering journey. Self loving is a continued process so keep making the effort, you are worth it. True love and acceptance need to be found from within. Being in tune with your feelings and your whole being is a gift. Cherish that feeling and keep on going.

Thanks for reading, have a great day, and take care.

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