January 9, 2024
Types of Self Love

Pleasing people is a tiring and exhausting process. You will benefit greatly if you surround yourself with supportive and accepting people. But the one thing you could benefit from tremendously is to turn your focus and attention onto you.

We all practice some type of self-love. There are 5 types of self-love you could practice or you are already doing it, and they are – Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social, and Spiritual. Keep in mind that the list that will be in this post is never exhausting, however, they are general directions on what to look up.

Taking care of all 5 types of self-love will have a great impact on your life and you will reap long-term benefits. Since all of us are different you have to listen to yourself and to take what you like and remove what it doesn’t feel good for you.

When you have a good amount of self love you will create beneficial habits that will accompany you and keep you on top of the game. Whenever you start now completely new or improving certain parts of your routine, keep in mind that you will make a better version of yourself.

What is Physical Self Love?

Physical self love is the most obvious and easiest to implement. Taking care of your body is a gateway to access the rest of the types of self love quicker.

What all of us need and can’t get enough these days is a good amount of sleep. I searched for global averages, and what the specialist said the good amount of sleep is and come to the conclusion that we have to sleep for a minimum of 7.5 hours every day. Make sure you give your body the good rest that it needs it.

Your body needs to move. Be active, go outside for a walk, exercise as much as you want. Your body is not built to lay or sit all day. Treat your body well and you will get well. Any safe form of activity will be beneficial, just keep moving.

In order to be healthy, you cant just exercise but you need to eat healthy too. Let`s compare your body to a car for a moment. If you give your car low quality or the wrong type of fuel, you will damage your car. Similar goes to eating foods that are good for you. Strive to improve your health easier and cheaper way.

Clean mind, clean body, and clean workspace. Now I can`t start with my work if my desk is messy and unorganized before I wondered why I can’t focus enough. Make sure you have all 3 of them covered to be as efficient as possible.

IF you want to know more about how different self-esteem activities can improve your self-image read this post.

Strive to improve your body by gradually implying different aspects into your life. Once you begin experimenting with what you like and what your body likes you will be more in tune with yourself. Listen to your body it knows a lot about you that`s for sure.

What is Emotional Self Love?

It is good to have a positive and uplifting routine that will stay with you through the day. As a general rule, the best way to do this is to have your personal mourning routine. Have time just for yourself even if it is for a couple of minutes. This way you will be more in tune with yourself and will treat yourself better.

Speaking of which give yourself some treats. After all, you are not a robot and you need to let go of some steam. Be good to yourself once in a while. You can create a ritual that you can commit to it let’s say once every 2 weeks you are going to the sauna.

Invest in discovering who you really are. Dive into an inner journey where you can embrace all of you.

Saying no when you need to is a must. This is one of the most essential forms of emotional self love and care. Make sure whenever you feel you are being pulled into a situation that you don’t feel comfortable with just say no.

Another activity that you will benefit from is to stop comparing to others. This is a basic yet destructive human trait. Take into consideration that not everyone is on the same path as you, not everyone is at the same time on that path as you. Look ahead on your path and focus on it, others are just distractions.

When treating yourself you can also stop being always tough on yourself. Stop blaming yourself all the time. Be kind to yourself, accept who you are, and learn from your mistakes. They are made for a reason and that is to teach you and to strengthen you, once you realized that you will be more open to accepting them and continuing with your life.

What is Mental Self Love Type?

Mental self love is giving yourself enough mental strength to face any challenges you may encounter.

Learning continuously, whether be a new language, a new hobby, or improving current skills, will improve your mental strength. By always challenging yourself with new skills and carving the path to current ones you will be sharp as a tack.

Learning a new set of skills doesn’t come overnight. You have to be patient but persistent in your decision. That alone is a skill itself. And it will certainly come in handy with any situation.

Once you have mastered some skills or polished them, you will gain more trust in yourself. Even without mastering something you have to trust yourself that you will manage to get a hold on, go through, and come out of any situation you encounter. After all, you are going to be by yourself all the time. So enjoy your own company, and trust yourself.

Maybe one of the crucial steps in trusting yourself is to forgive yourself first. Whatever mistake you made in the past doesn’t have to represent what will be in the future. Since you already know what mistakes you have made you have to learn from them. They will open us up to new information about ourselves and once you have grasped them as a learning experience you will learn and perform better.

Once you have done that next step will be to accept yourself for who you really are. You will become happier, and more appreciative of your uniqueness. Nurture that feeling, let it be your happy place where you can relax and enjoy the moment of peace.

On that healthy foundation, you can safely stack anything that you are passionate about.

What is Social Self Love?

Social Self Love is becoming comfortable with your surroundings. Making sure that you have supporting group of people that you can enrich your life.

Surround yourself with a supportive people and keep them close. Some friendships lasts forever, so when you with people that are encouraging you and helping you chances are they will become your best friends.

You can grow with them also which will make the journey even more comfortable and easier. Also, you can always give back your support to other member of that group when there is a need. You will have your each others backs. Hence the trust and bonds will be created. It is a gift that keeps on giving.

This way your self love and self worth will increase. Self love can also be obtained when others are affirmating your worth.

Other than that you can also enjoy various activities to further increase your self worth. If you are interested in what those activities are check the here.

What is Spiritual Self Love Type?

Improving spiritual part of self loving can takes several forms. Most common is to learn about spirituality. Take various books on the subject matter and just let your curiosity guide you. Take and implement what you like and enjoy experimenting with new skills.

Another way you can connect to your spiritual being is to practice gratitude. Simply focus on yourself and your life. Make a small prayer on what you are grateful for. You can do that in the morning right before you wake up, or right before bed. Make it a habit to cherish what you have accomplish and having greater appreciation to yourself.

Try mediation. Not only it will help you with anxiety and relaxation but it will be your inner sanctum. Nurture the habit of meditation and you will have more and more benefits as the time goes by. While doing it try to be present in the moment. Be the one with yourself at that moment. Feel your body, count your breath and enjoy the feelings you have.

If you are having trouble with this perhaps the best approach will be to involve yourself with group that can help you grow spiritually. Most new skills are easier to achieve with a mentor and a group. Share your experiences and learn from others.

Thanks for reading, take care and have a good day.

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