January 8, 2024
wonders of self love

Misconception, misinformation, and knowing only half the story are the reasons why most people want to get away from learning about self love. Without realizing the potential, the loss is even more significant when knowledge is ignored.

Self love is overall accepting and nurturing your whole being. Respecting and knowing your needs and tending to them. By knowing yourself you will be more in tune and thus happier. Research shows that self love is very important for mental health and clearance of the mind.

Self love can promote healthier choices, and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. You will become more balanced and in tune with your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You can therefore be able to pursue your goals and achieve your full potential.

Self acceptance is the most valuable thing that you can obtain from knowing yourself. Being compassionate not only promotes healthier relationships with others but with you as well.

When practicing self love you are more respectful to yourself and your decision making, thus becoming more comfortable in your skin and confident.

By treating yourself well both mentally and physically you will in the long run be happier with your life choices.

You will gravitate toward positive thinking rather than a negative one. Your life will become more enriched with positive vibes so it will be much easier to continue your journey with fewer weights on your shoulders.

Do not think that self love is selfishness or narcissistic behavior. Self love promotes acceptance and being in your own zone. If you are selfish and/or narcissist you will tend to think of yourself as somehow perfect and infallible.

Research shows that thinking that you are perfect is very bad both in the short and long run. Nobody is perfect. And no one will ever be. However, self love can further help that you accept that statement with ease and carry on with your life.

If you want to know more and what to expect about practicing self love, click here.

What are the Benefits of Self Love?

Stability & Peace – Self love promotes working on your needs and being in touch with your emotions. If aren’t honest with your feelings you will suffer. Feelings are real and they are making who you are. Attending them will make you realize why they are emerging.

When you are in tune with yourself you are in peace with yourself. Follow your gut instinct and it will evoke stability in your life. You can make a ritual of sorts so you can create a habit to be in and stay in that mindset.

Calmness – Practicing self love is a neverending process. You are not going to improve yourself overnight. Keep it steady, and take it easy. If you keep your own pace by making an effort every day you will achieve your goals.

When you practice with patience and steadiness you yourself become calm and at peace. You realize that you are doing something good for yourself, so you are extra careful to hit all the points. Practicing isn’t race.

Be Present – When you have created a habit of self love you tend to be more in the present time rather than thinking about the future or the past all the time. You will have a broad and clear perspective on the past but you are going to learn to form your experiences rather than dwell on them. You will know your goal far away but you will be focused on getting closer to it every day.

If you need help defining your goals, click here.

That alone will keep you in the present time so you can be more focused on yourself and achieving your goals. There is nothing wrong with daydreaming or thinking about the past, but doing it too much can overwhelm your whole life. You will not be able to continue your new session without having dealt with your past.

Eliminate bad habits and thoughts – We all have negative thoughts about ourselves from time to time. The problem occurs when we are overdoing it every day until our confidence is at its lowest point. Then you have yourself a bad habit.

Self love involves being more positive and practicing focusing on positive thoughts rather than negative ones. The key is for the positive ones to take the majority in your mind and to keep pressure on the negative ones. Given a nice period of time, you will develop a great habit of keeping your head straight and removing thoughts that are bringing you down.

Acceptance – Once you have introspection within yourself you will have a deeper knowledge of who you are. By knowing yourself intimately you will figure out your strengths and your weaknesses. By practicing self love you will be able to accept those facts and move on.

With acceptance comes peace, joy, and happiness for what you are and what you got. You will become also more humble and compassionate to yourself and your inner circle.

Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness – Being confident, knowing your worth, and being mindful of it will untimely lead you to happiness. When you shift your focus from the external never-ending conflicts of the world and focus on yourself you will soon realize that it is always like that. No matter if it is a disease, war, bad economy etc. it is always something.

Since you can’t change the world as a whole, you can contribute your efforts to your world. Making healthy changes and decisions is what improving yourself is all about. Make sure you take responsibility for your actions and that also includes the times when you make yourself happy.

If you want to know more about the benefits of self love, click here.

How to Start Practising Self Love?

Whatever your situation is about practicing self love make sure to stick to basics and expand from there. We all somewhat practice self love in various ways, but focus on the steps that can lay a great foundation for your growth.

Know your worth, keep your head high and keep on moving along your journey.

self love step by step

Inner perspective – Your point of view represents your perception of the experiences, thoughts, and emotions that you had. Shifting your mindset and perception can give you a clearer picture of the experiences you had.

That is why having a deep connection with yourself and tending to your emotions is important. Self love will harness these habits and make sure that you are treated accordingly and with respect. By shifting your point of view you can gain new knowledge from the same experience. Think of it as a painted pain and its representation. Everyone will have a different point of view, so try to broaden it up.

Respecting your victories – Don’t be too hard on yourself. Let the motivation be with you at all times. Do not bring yourself down by making a mistake. Whenever you are feeling down you can always make a list of your achievements and victories. Chances are that you forgot some of them but they also made you who you are today, as well as your mistakes. Accept your victories and your defeats.

These are just steps that you have taken in your life. Respect your achievements no matter what they are. Knowing your mistakes and accepting them is the best thing you can do for yourself. You will let yourself grow and improve as soon as you remove that rock from the road.

Stop comparing – You are not in the same mindset as everyone else. That is the beauty of humanity that everyone is unique in their own way. Even animals are not the same even though we think they are. Comparison will bring envy into your life.

Enjoy your adventure and enjoy life to its fullest. Focus on yourself and try to be the best person you can be. Once you are solely focused on yourself and not comparing yourself to others positive change will come.

Make happiness your habit. Practice self love isn’t hard, but you should devote a portion of your time every day to yourself. You deserve every bit of it. Take baby steps if you need to. Enjoy the process.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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