December 31, 2023
best form of self love

Love is a neverending process. Love fulfills everyone and everything. It can be in various intensities, shapes, and sizes, but it never stops being. Self love is basically the same in terms of duration and intensity. It is always there. Only you can search deep within to find it if there is a small amount of it, or it can be shown on your face if there is too much of it.

One of the most important things you can do to yourself is to treat yourself well. Self love is listening to your inner voice. The best form of self love is to follow that inner voice. You can think of it as a gut feeling too. This way you can be truly truthful and honest with yourself.

We all have different thoughts throughout the day. Some of them are good some are bad. There are encouraging ones and judgmental ones. When practicing self love you are going to focus on your positive and encouraging thoughts and emotions and work on the removal of the negative ones.

Removing judgmental speech from within is a very important step in your improvement and growth as a person. We are very keen and easy to judge and comment on everyone and everything. Where people tend to flourish is to judge themself viciously. In the long run, this can have very bad consequences.

Research shows that having a positive self talk to yourself is beneficial to your anxiety levels and shifting your perspective overall on the certain problem you are dealing with. In the long run, you will become more confident in your abilities and more efficient.

With self love you will be constructive with your criticism and find solutions to your problems. Changing the perspective or the angle you are looking at some problem will be a game changer. Your inner voice will behave in a more respectful manner and be more willing to encourage you to keep pushing. You will become in tune with yourself and your whole being will be on your side.

Why Inner Voice Is So Important?

Having a calm, encouraging, and respectful inner voice to yourself means that you are treating yourself correctly and that you are comfortable in your skin. This inner voice is what is your whole being telling you. Whenever you are in doubt about something it can help you reach a correct conclusion and guide you to achieving great results.

Inner voice helps you to be a better friend to yourself. It will give you a different angle and stop you from jumping to conclusions and judgments. It will give you the necessary comfort in stressful times so you can cope with pressure more.

Research shows that practicing positive self talk and love will increase value in your eyes too. Your attitude will change as well. You will walk with light feet and less burden on your shoulders. Listening to yourself can be the most important thing you can benefit from.

When you are honest and truthful to yourself you will not pity yourself. You will know what mistakes and changes you need to make. Since you will be in touch with your feelings and emotions about that situation you will know to look at that particular situation that is bothering you as a clear picture objectively. With that will come basic questions, who, what, when, where, why, and the conclusion.

When looking at the emotional situations that you need to deal with that way you are more prone to look at it as a lesson rather than an obstacle that is shaking your world. It is not easy to do that, but taking small steps in practicing self love and listening to yourself will help you do that.

By struggling with your emotions and thoughts you will become more compassionate toward yourself. When you experience changes and experience difficulties diving into learning from your mistakes your mind will be at peace.

Your mindset will shift and growth can take place. Not only you will become compassionate to yourself but you will become more compassionate and understanding to others as well. This will help you become less judgmental in the long run.

When your mind is at peace and you are in touch with your being you will likely feel more comfortable within your skin. Your eyes will see different colors, and you will appreciate all your experiences in the present moment. Chances are you will gravitate towards being more generous and mindful.

How Can Someone Benefit From Self Love?

Since adulthood, there are fewer joyful and happy moments in our lives. Most of is because we are working 24/7 to meet the end of the month. Constant fear, anxiety, and pressure from the workspace can tare the very foundation of our entire being. With less sleep and less time for ourselves, problems start to show.

We are dragging ourselves into an endless rat race being constantly tired and unmotivated by our desires and pushed solely by fear. Are you doing what you like? Ask yourself what would you do without that job if the money wasn’t the issue. It might sound like a cliche question, but we tend to push back our talents and desires for the sake of our paycheck every month.

This is not a tirade to sell you some product or to leave your job for your dream job, however, I would like to turn your attention on focusing on you rather than your job. Prioritizing free time for you and not thinking about the job or problems is the first step you need to take in order to progress in your self loving journey. If you are constantly thinking of your problems at work or at home you are leaving no space to fill them with you.

When we lack time for ourselves we tend to fill it up with worries, ravaging thoughts, and negative emotions. We are needling our way to decay of our whole well being. When people who are living like that reach boiling point no matter how small the situation can be they can burst like bubbles. You have to stay in touch with the emotions, and thoughts that you have collected throughout the day.

By doing so you are relaxing your mind with an overload of information. Stay still on that information for a while consume them and digest them in your mind. That is how you can control them not become overwhelmed by them. You can apply this also in various stressful situations. You don’t need to react hastily nor to answer immediately take a couple of seconds, think of your answer. Feel free to speak and to do what you want.

love and relaxation

Self talk is beneficial to your mental strength. You can be honest with yourself about what is bothering you. Think of it as a council within your mind. You are going to deliver all the good and bad things to the table and decide your path forward.

Taking time for yourself will help you cherish the present moments of joy and happiness. It can be practiced so why should you practice your happiness? Do what makes you happy and enjoy life. The more you enjoy your life the more relaxed you are. The more relaxed you are the less weight you will have on your shoulders. It is a cycle of positivity that keeps on spinning.

If you want to learn more about what benefits can you expect from self love, click here.

How To Start Benefiting From Self Love?

Saying NO – Pleasing everybody is a daunting and terrible task. It can not be accomplished without consequences for yourself. Saying yes to everybody means that you are saying no to yourself and your needs. Saving yourself from the word yes can be the first step to having more free time for yourself.

If somebody is getting used to you saying yes and changes their behavior when you start saying know chances are that they do not have good intentions towards you. Focusing on yourself and being truthful is placing your priorities straight.

Stop comparing – You are not like everybody else, and nobody Is like you. You have unique characteristics that you need to embrace. When you want to compare to someone you tend to compare your skills or your part of life to somebody else’s. But is that the correct assumption? Will that comparison bring a clear and objective picture?

You have to bring everything to the table when you want t to compare 2 things or 2 people. Their experiences, life, situations, their background, etc. There is a close to zero probability that you can do that, and why would you. Enjoy your life and carry on with it. You can learn from other people’s experiences based on the same or similar situations but that is whole another story.

Choose your battles – Life is mostly a struggle. If you spread out your energy everywhere you will be depleted pretty quickly. By choosing where you will put your efforts you will be more efficient and more focused on yourself.

By doing so you will slow down, and progress at your own pace. You will therefore be more relaxed and have more positivity in your life.

Have Fun – The most ignored thing about practicing self love is to have fun with it overall. As adults, we look at the world in serious and very greyish colors. Have fun with the whole process, experiment, and explore yourself. There is a reason why children learn so much through games.

Since they are just younger versions of ourselves with no experience they are learning pretty easily with open eyes and playing with new lessons. By playing with your experimentation you will definitely learn a thing or two about yourself. Experience life as you would like.

If you wish to find out more about how to start and progress on your self loving journey, click here.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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