January 4, 2024
strategy for self love

Love and happiness is the goal of every human being. It makes us fulfilling and healthy. When we struggle to have it on daily basis this could have a detrimental effect on us. When we love ourselves enough we can also share that love with others. Once we fall out of love with ourselves we are in a struggle. So we have to carefully create a strategy to become happy.

Self love is completely accepting and healthy nurturing of your whole being. It is doing the right thing for you in the short and in the long run. Self esteem is what we think of our abilities to overcome difficulties and our achievements in life. It is the ultimate system that helps us grow and improve.

Research finds out that self acceptance is key to an ultimately happy life. It is a healthy habit that has a positive effect on our whole body. Tuning into your inner being is a way to promote relaxation and calmness that we all lack.

The best strategy to have a good amount of self love, self esteem, and to be in the end happy about your life is to practice it. Reaching security and happiness in your own skin is a paramount task for everybody. You will live your life more fully and feel more confident.

You have to have the necessary amount of courage to tear down your limits and imaginary walls that you put around you. Appreciate and accept yourself for who you really are. Improving oneself is no easy task, but is highly rewarding and never ending.

Ultimately it boils down to respecting your strengths and abilities along with learning about yourself. Being in tune and connected with your inner thoughts and being will make your life more breathable and fulfilled. It is a healthy and nurturing habit.

How do I Start Practicing Self Love?

To make a substantial effort and to improve ourselves love we have to lay down some quality foundations before improving ourselves. The key here is to have enough time and consistency with your practice. You need to cover your basics first before moving on to improving your current strengths.

Listen to yourself – Have a quiet only me time for yourself. You can meditate, you can just enjoy your morning coffee, but have a quiet peaceful ritual just for yourself. Enjoy fully the time that you dedicated just for yourself. This will ease your thoughts, your mind, and finally, you will enjoy spending a quiet meditative time with yourself. You don’t have to think or do anything, just enjoy the moment.

Stop comparing to others – You are not them and they are not you. Everybody is unique in their own way. Not everyone is in the same state as you are. They might have currently the time of their life or they are covering big problems in their lives. Everybody has also different abilities, achievements, strengths, and weaknesses. The key here is to focus on you. There is no healthy need to compare something that is not comparable in the first place.

Forgive yourself – Whatever mistake you made you made it for a reason. Do not judge yourself too harshly. People are prone to any kind of mistake. No matter how big of difficulty that presents to you, the best way to cope with it is to learn from that experience. Try to look at it from somebody else’s perspective and see the whole situation from a different range and on whole. Once you get the clear picture and grasp the lesson, the only thing left to do is to let that feeling go away.

Why so negative? – Having negative thoughts is perfectly normal. However, if they are constantly negative about yourself and you are not giving any positive ones the effort then that can be a big problem in the long run. Stop betting yourself down. It is like shooting in your own leg. Sawing the branch you are sitting on. It is not good at all.

Remember your achievements and successes – Counter your negative thought. It is really curious to me how people tend to forget their achievements, abilities, and successes but they always remember their failures. Especially when there aren’t many mistakes they made. However, they tend to overestimate the failures and make them detrimental. Create a list of your strength, achievements, and successes throughout your life. You should remember them often when you belittle yourself.

If you need more help on how to practice self love, click here.

What is the Key to Self Love?

If you are looking for the ultimate key to self loving, having great confidence, feeling good about yourself, and being positive you have to be persistent in your daily practices. Nothing more will give you more fundamental improvement than just sticking to the system and activities that you choose. Make every day an effort no matter how small it might seem to be but just keep pushing.

Emotional happiness – In the same research that they conducted on self acceptance as a key to happiness over half of the respondents answer that they are kind to themself and that they are fine as they are right now. The questionnaire itself doesn’t state how often, is it a daily practice, etc. Treating our emotional needs is a great way to improve our emotional happiness.

Think of it as a gut feeling that you are responding to it regularly. There are saying to follow your gut, and they are mostly right. Your feelings are real, do not neglect them. Respond to them however you choose and accept them as they come.

self love in rain

Self acceptance – Your opinions, feelings, thoughts, and actions matter. Your mistakes, negativity, and flaws also matter. Get in touch with your inner being. Accept yourself truly for who you are complete. This will grant you a better and less judgmental view of yourself and your surroundings. The weight on your shoulder will be no more.

If you want to read more on self acceptance click here.

Be positive – Once self acceptance fills you up and you let go of your negativity what do you replace it with? Positivity is the other side of the coin. There is always has to be balance to it. However, if you are improving yourself then that same coin will be both balanced and in a better place. Try to look at the positive side of all things before you figure out all the negative parts of it. It is also a great mental exercise when you are forcing your mind to find the good side of everything.

If you want to read more on how can you have a better life with self love, click here.

What are Some Self Love Activities?

To practice self love you have to know that that is not short term practice, nor an activity that you need to just adjust for a couple of days and that it will be all good. Self loving activities are never ending as you intend to improve yourself more and more. But to put it simply you just have to be consistent with your efforts.

You have to make time for yourself and to take it slowly at first. Baby steps if you need to. Since you will do something just for yourself you have to be patient and focused. Do not rush take your time. Do the activities at your own pace and enjoy the journey.

Start with the journal – It is very difficult to stay focused and to have a great overview of the activities over longer periods of time. When working on yourself it is a good idea to grab yourself on a journey and just start writing your thoughts, progress and activities. This will give you greater insight and a clearer picture of your achievement and your progress.

Learn about yourself – The greatest gift that you can give yourself is to know what to give. Learning about your inner being comes with time. However, if you put a good amount of effort you can find something that you never knew you have. That can be obtained through meditation and just being alone with your thoughts. With no distractions try to learn new something about yourself and appreciate the experience of it.

Affirmations – Great tool to boost your motivation, stay on track, and overall keep you going. It creates a healthy habit of self talking and shifting your mindset into the desired one. If you want to learn more about affirmations and their benefits, click here.

Letting go of toxic people – You certainly have one of those in your surroundings. Since you are focusing on yourself do not let someone take the time from you if you don’t want to. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people.

Nurture yourself – That includes exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. Nurture your body with the things it needs. Find what your body like by experimenting and be consistent within. YOu are doing this for yourself so be really focused and patient

If you want more to read on self love and self esteem activities click here.

Thanks for the reading, have a nice day and take care.

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