January 16, 2024
Make Yourself #1

Learning about yourself and loving yourself at the same time is a difficult but not impossible task. Self love doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming. Self love is a focused effort in getting yourself into a better place mentally and physically.

Engaging in improving activities can only be beneficial for you. When done correctly and persistently, self love can bring happiness to your life. Giving yourself the necessary time to get better and focus on your everyday improvement is essential.

Why should it come first? – You will be pretty exhausted pretty fast if you are going every day without an ounce of caring for your well-being. Nobody should take care 100% of you but you only. You know yourself already and know what you need to be healthy and in good condition. You will be happy and smile more.

By doing what you need you are already stepping into a healthy routine. You deserve to be taken care of. You will fully accept yourself for who you are. Doing so you will be inspired and inspire your surroundings with the positive energy that you have.

It is neither selfish nor egotistical to love oneself. There is a potential to go over that boat, there is no doubt about that. However, if you keep in mind that practicing self love is continuous self acceptance along with all your imperfections you will be on the right track.   

Essentially self love can improve you to become a better person. It is in your best interest to take care of yourself. Taking action and practicing self love and self care is the single most beautiful and beneficial thing you can do for yourself.

How to Practice Self Love?

practicing self love

Just keep it simple and you will be fine. Do not attempt hundred new approaches and activities to implement on your first day. Try to keep it short and sweet. The key is to be persistent and patient with your experimentation. Nothing more.

Recognize what you need at this moment. Have a couple of minutes and really think about it. Make a list of what needs to be taken care of. Prioritize them and finally take necessary action.

From that point, you can start with small steps where you are implementing a new thing and doing it over and over. Have fun with it. Since it is your need that it is taken care of then you will feel much joy in doing so.

Trust yourself in this process. Let yourself go in the enjoyment of your improvement. You are making a healthy habit, stay on it and you will be fine.

An example of what that initial small step can be is to have a 5-10 minutes when you wake up just for yourself. No phones, no devices of any kind, just take good care of yourself whether that be a warm shower, meditation, light yoga, simply put some activity or relaxing time just for yourself.

What can help you to stay on the right track and to keep you motivated is creating your own affirmations. If you are unfamiliar, affirmations are short positive words that describe a desired situation and you are reciting them over and over.

If you want to know more about the beneficial side of affirmation and how can they skyrocket your self love routine, click here.

On this journey of self discovery you should rely on your strength. It is always good to surround yourself with supportive people, but the main engine of improvement should be you. Being involved in the whole process from the start you will have a greater appreciation for your upcoming achievement.

With this approach, you will trust yourself even more and have bigger confidence in your abilities. By the time you recognized some improvement you have already created a healthy habit that will keep you going forward.

Don’t force the process on yourself, you are not going to achieve anything. Enjoy it as much as possible. Every step you take should be light and as simple as possible. You will be unmotivated quickly if you are forcing yourself to a dramatic change. Keep it lovable and simple.

What to Do to Love Yourself?

We will write this part as an example of what should you focus your energy on.

While this list is in no way complete, it illustrates what we have found to be the most effective approach when trying to encourage self-love.  

Define struggles to get to know the problems ahead. To deal with first hand problems that you have you need to objectively define them. Prioritizing them is a must, as you must deal with the most troublesome to the least of your worries. Everybody is different so you should take your time defining them.

This is also the most important part because you will define the course of your improvement by tackling what you need to change in yourself. We have written about strategy that you can use when starting self love, to read it click here.

Confronting negative thoughts and emotions about yourself. This is the most difficult one and will require the most effort and time to change it. It is also the most common one.

We all do tend sometimes to have negative thinking about everything including ourselves, which is normal. However, if we tap too much into that, we are developing a pattern of negativity towards some person or towards us.

The solution is this, replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. It will take a mental effort to come up with a positive side out of every situation and every trait you come across your day, but by pushing that thought process will eventually lead to a mind shift. You will then no longer have the first negative reaction but will be rational enough to have a more positive approach to any matter.

Positive routines. This approach is towards those who love to digest the negative news, and social media and essentially look into others people’s life too often and neglect themself in the end.

There is no healthy need for you to dive into the negativity of the world news every day. You will lose yourself in the process. You already know that all those apps are created to get your attention and to look at them for a prolonged period of time.

Start your day with relaxing music for instance. Wake up without any new information that will make your blood boil. Enjoy your morning, and evening uninterrupted. You will be amazed at how much time you are devoted to this bad habit. Try it and see for yourself.

Rinse and repeat. When you find a routine that suits you or you need to adjust it slightly to be a perfect match for you, just do it. There are no strict guidelines on how are you going to improve yourself, but you need simply to follow your gut instinct and trust and guide yourself in that direction. Once you find out that practice stick to it.

Just say NO. This seems rather easy but is quite difficult because it doesn’t involve only you most of the time. Whenever you feel pressure to say yes and to be involved in something that you are really not comfortable with enough just take your time. Follow your gut instinct and filter all those thoughts that are ramble on in your head. Nobody can push you into anything, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

Enjoy time alone. Whatever it will be in the morning, evening or any other part of the day give yourself a treat of time when you are dedicated to yourself only. It doesn’t have to be any special activity. It can be a simple enjoying tea or coffee by the window where you relax. Your mind and body will appreciate those tranquil moments.

Start writing a journal. To have an objective approach and to have historic information about your thoughts, progress and achievements is to write a journal. You don’t have to be a master writer nor you should focus on that at all. Just simple writing of your day, practice, or some ideas that pop into your mind will be quite enough.

This will allow you to track your journey from the moment you start to write it up until the moment you want to read some of your old activities. IT is really like an adventure for yourself and your development story.

Just be Good to Yourself. Making yourself happy should be your priority. Whatever you need adjust your schedule to get that need fulfilled. Taking care of yourself is paramount. Compliment yourself with your s strengths and achievements. Surround yourself with people that can support you and guide you on your journey. Enjoy it and have fun while doing it, because it will be a long ride.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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