January 17, 2024
Why Self Love is Powerful

Practicing self love is a game-changer for a lot of people. We usually tend to forget to admire what we were given when we start our lives. Our minds and bodies require constant care, improvement, action, and reward. Being aware of your needs means that you are more in tune with yourself and ultimately more happier since you tend to pay more attention to your needs and desires.

Whether you think that you are doing it too much or too little, self love is something that you are constantly working on and keeps pushing you forward. It is a gift that keeps on giving. If you think that self love is narcissistic and that you don’t need to do anything like that, think again. Lack of getting yourself the attention and care that you need will definitely bring you down.

Giving yourself the necessary love will have detrimental benefits and improve your life overall. To name a few you can increase your happiness and feel of security within your own skin. By treating yourself well you will be more efficient, and productive, and ultimately be successful in your goal. Your perspective will change, and you will be more accepting and forgiving. Your life will be more peaceful and compassionate.

Knowing ourselves is the first step toward becoming the best version of ourselves. To know what your strengths and weaknesses are, you must first know and accept them. The key to becoming good at something is to practice, be patient, and believe in your abilities. By practicing and enduring self love exercises you will be on a journey of self discovery and self improvement.

By Practicing Emotional Strenght You will Become Healthier

There is no secret recipe when trying to do your best in life. The more you pursue and practice every day your healthier habits the more you will reap their benefits. Not only it will help you deal with your anxiety, but your stress levels will decrease when you purposely try to reduce them by practicing their opposites.

Whenever you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts, destructive outcomes, and thinking about hundreds of ways why will something fail pull the handbrake immediately. The first thing that will help you is just a simple long and deep breath. Very few people function well when there is chaos in their brains. Take a couple of seconds to calm yourself down and then start thinking about the solution.

Afterward, you can recite helpful and positive affirmations just to boost your mind in a positive direction. This way affirmations will give you the necessary healing for a brief moment and guide you into the mindset that will help you to get out of that stressful situation, or at least make you calm and relaxed.

By practicing self love you will become more resilient when a stressful situation comes. You will remove your negative thoughts about yourself and thus will increase your confidence.

You will feel really comfortable in your own skin. Ultimately this will bring you the liberation that you need in order to live life to its fullest. So you can be in control of your own happiness. It just depends on you what are you going to do about it.

How Self Acceptance Can Be the Key to Happiness?

How can someone fully know thyself? You can only know the layers of your personality by being exposed to various situations and remembering how did you react to them. You can make a list about it, and it will be very advisable to do so. By focusing your thoughts on that aspect of yourself your mind can start self-exploring journey of describing who you really are.

When you feel stuck you can always ask for opinions from your friends and close ones. Grab all information you can get and put it in one place aka a piece of paper.

self love consequences

The good thing about the next step is that you are fully prepared and involved with the process simply by gathering information. Now you are going to meditate a bit on that. The goal of the next exercise is to have a self reflection on those personality traits by removing any subjective opinions.

Take a time in your day to be alone. Get comfortable and be in a relaxed position. You will begin to breathe deeply and slowly. Focus on your breath now, 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4 seconds hold, and repeat.

Once you feel relaxed try not to think about anything and just be in that moment. You will be tempted by your mind to go into various kinds of thoughts but stay calm and don’t go anywhere. Your point of doing this is to have a self reflective experience so don’t stumble across some thought and go off with it.

Once you are relaxed completely, calm and at ease with your mind ask yourself a question about your personality and who you really are. Now let go of your mind to just do what you told him to do. Now you will be slapped around with all kinds of different situations, your reactions, where you were a good person, where you were a bad person, etc. Don’t interfere with those thoughts just let them be.

Just observe those thoughts like watching a movie. Don’t stop it don’t push it just let it flow. Control your breathing and focus on it. You will experience all kinds of thoughts and memories. Just let them slide and don’t be involved with any of them.

Once there are no more thoughts about it (which can be quite a period of time) you can move and get out of that meditation. By reflecting on all those thoughts you consider all the aspects that you know about yourself. The next step is a simple one.

You now had an experience where you basically watched a movie about yourself. Whether you liked it or not it is about you, your perspective of it, and your experiences. That is what makes you unique. Embracing all those personality traits can be your strength. By accepting yourself for who you are you will empower and liberate yourself.

The more you know about your traits the better you will know yourself. Self acceptance doesn’t come overnight but gradually exposing yourself to it will have a significant impact on your life. You will be comfortable from within, you will become more gentle, compassionate, emphatic, and kind to yourself and to others. And that is how you can bring happiness into your life.

How Changing Your Perspective Can Be Beneficial for Self Love?

You probably had this kind of situation. You were so determined into finishing a single task that nothing can and didn’t dare to stop you from doing it. All the tremors, sufferings, and exhaustion you didn’t feel, nor it didn’t affect you in the first place, but you were laser-focused on your goal. Once you have done it you felt like flying.

The sense of achievement, the sleepless nights, the warm and good feeling of accomplishment, and the smile on your face. You went fully into that goal, give it your best and manage it with relative ease.

Your perspective at that time was dedicated solely to accomplishing that goal. No matter how small or insignificant you thought it was it was perfectly executed.

When it comes to everyday life, your mind wanders. Your focus is on everything and probably daydreaming. Unless you are doing something critically for yourself, you are not as sharp.

However, oftentimes your mind is filled with negative thoughts rather than positive ones. You are comparing yourself to others, thinking perhaps lowly about yourself, being too harsh on yourself, etc. Your perspective is downgrading and rather negative don’t you think?

How do you fight that urge, how do you remove negative thoughts? You can often see that having positive thoughts is a big part of practicing self love. There is a reason for that.

Having positive thoughts and pushing them instead of having negative ones can shift your perspective looking at situations. You will feel lighter on your feet and will have a great ability to move on with your life when changing certain aspects of it.

You will stop comparing yourself to others. Be yourself, follow your instinct. Prioritize yourself and you will be able to grow as a person. If you know how to do it that is solely not enough. By shifting your mindset you need to put action too. If you are interested to learn how to shift your mindset, click here

Remember self acceptance, not perfectionism.

Every new journey is a new page in life. Enjoy your exploration and feel free to experiment as much as you want.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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