January 8, 2024
taking care

Self love involves appreciating who you are for what you are. Prioritizing your mental and physical health and taking care of yourself. It also means taking responsibility for your decisions and improving yourself personally.  

In order to approach this correctly, you need to plan ahead of what you need to do. This will give you greater insight and give you a clearer picture of how you should approach your practice. This will also improve your time management and efficiency considering that you are dealing with objective thoughts about yourself.

The best form of self love is simply to be good to yourself. Tending to your needs and desires is a must. Make yourself the top priority. You don’t have to complicate this routine. Just listen to your body and mind, be in touch with yourself and rediscover who you really are.

This will allow you to find the necessary time to decompress from everyday stress and rumble. Having a short but efficient time just to reassemble your thoughts and not be in the race will be beneficial immediately for you. Then you can recharge your batteries and move forward.

By taking action for yourself you are already taking the first necessary steps. Be more proactive rather than reactive to the aftermath. This will grant you the ability to be more in peace and to be present.

Tending to your needs first is not selfish or egotistical. You simply can’t function well or far if you are not good at all. When done correctly self love can work wonders in your life. Self loving too much can be harmful, and we have written about it too. But when done correctly it is a wonderful thing.

The best form of self love is taking care of yourself so you can take care of others. Be good to yourself and you will be good to others. It is a gift that keeps on giving.

practicing self love

Why is Self Love and Taking Care of Yourself Important?

To put it short and sweet – self love is good for your mental and physical health. Think of it as a healthy daily practice and ritual where you are getting better and better every single day. Taking good care of yourself and chances are that you will be great in all fields of your life.

If you think there are no consequences to not having self love in your life, here is a post that will prove you wrong.

You will be more self disciplined. Taking into account that you will practice self love you will get in the hang of it and you will approach it as a necessary part of your daily life.

Your confidence will skyrocket. Simply performing tasks and achieving results will give you confidence itself. But that will also be noticed in your outer circle too. Social confirmation can even further boost that sense of achievement. But remember not to get stuck in the clouds. Self love is never ending process, and continuous improvement is paramount.

Being persistent is another benefit that will pop eventually when you practice self love daily. When you know and feel confident that you are taking care of all your needs you will definitely be persistent in doing so.

Compassionate, kind, and gentle. When rediscovering yourself you will be able to accept your strengths and weaknesses. Your perspective will shift and you will become more compassionate for yourself and others. Being kind and gentle goes hand in hand, once you are kind and gentle to yourself you will carry that energy to others as well.

Time management. When focused on yourself you will appreciate the time that you dedicate yourself more. You will realize how much time is wasted by the unnecessary task that you were doing before.

Motivating yourself over and over by doing affirmations, mirror work, or any other self love practice is a very valuable tool to have for your personal development. With self love you can achieve just that.

Creating a perfect engine -> Self love will give you overall improvements in all fields and it will give you health, happiness, and enjoyment in life.

How to Start to Practice Self Love?

As with every new beginning we tend to have grandiose plans, motivation is through the roof, and we are going to take this down now overnight, but when the first obstacle comes along the way great majority falls short after it.

A better approach to your new practice and routine is to start small. It doesn’t have to be anything big at all, for example, how about going outside for a short walk around the block every day. It can take you maybe 3 minutes but those 3 minutes you are dedicating to yourself. You are not in the everyday space of your place, you are near sure but there is something new to it.

Another example is to drink a cup of natural herbal tea every day. You can choose flavor, type, and brands. Experiment as you wish, but drinking herbal tea is beneficial to your metabolism.

Stop comparing – We do this all the time. Comparing our clothes, money, achievements, everything that we have with everybody. It is easy to get lost in it and be very unhappy when we do it all the time without break. My question to you is, did comparing yourself to others ever give you benefit or true happiness?

You are a unique individual with a complete backstory, achievements, and traits like no other. Your personal development is your own in this time and place is again unique. How can you compare something that isn’t comparable in the first place?

When you focus on yourself and don’t compare to others guess what happens? You have more time to dedicate to your routine, life, enjoyment, and be truly happy.

Be good to yourself – This is the backbone of the self love. Get in touch with your feelings, and deep thoughts. Explore yourself. What are you missing, what is it that you would like to do? Ruminate about your life and where are you heading. Daydream all you want. Dedicate a portion of the time just for you.

Take care of yourself mentally and physically. Plan the routine ahead, with good preparation the job is half done.

Surround yourself with supportive people. Close friends and family when they support us is the greatest gift a person can have. No matter where you are headed they will always have your back and support you in your journey.

Get more sleep. If you plan it well you will sleep well. You know already the rules-> a week without food, days without water, 3 minutes without air, but no sleep no chance. Good quality sleep is essential to your existence. When you are well rested you have replenished your energy and you are eager to take on the day.

My routine for it is simple -> no electronic devices an hour before bed, I finish whatever I need to do before bed, take shower with hot and cold water, and straight to the bed, I go.

Taking care of yourself shouldn’t be something that is odd or unnecessary. You are a human being with thoughts, needs, and desires. Act on your gut instinct and feel confident in yourself and your choices. Improvement will come in time. Be patient and persistent, that is all it takes to become a better person.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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