January 4, 2024

Affirmations, and more precisely positive affirmations can amplify any area of your life. Health, relationships, success can benefit from this very simple yet very powerful tool. This is a bold claim, but positive affirmations can beat unhealthy habits we all have. As beneficial as they can be, there is also a potential for them to have devastating effects on your overall well-being if they are not handled correctly.

You are revealing your uniqueness when you use the gift of affirmation. The best way to embrace your life and all of its beauty is to express yourself in the most individual way. You can accept yourself for who you are at the moment. If you look into yourself, you can see which habits you would like to get rid of and which you are not proud of. Looking into yourself can be extremely helpful.

How do they actually work? In short, affirmations are thoughts and words that are repeated regularly, sinking into your mind and becoming habitual and creating reality. It is not magic nor mysterious, however, it is pretty magical what our minds can do. When done efficiently, correctly and disciplined it can be useful to both kids and adults. Finding or creating the right one can be intimidating but achievable nonetheless. When it comes to this matter, always trust your instincts and gut feelings because it is about you and only you

Affirmations Are Connected to Your Mind

Your life is created by the experiences and stories you have endured. Whether they are successes or failures, something to be proud of or not, they are yours. You can recollect how you reacted to certain situations so in that way you can truly emerge in your personality. It is not about what happened but how did you respond to the situation.

We reap what we sow in our minds. Our lives and ourselves can both be shaped by affirmations whether they are positive or negative. Thus it is of great benefit to know how to make use of them to ensure our well-being.


To be honest, we use affirmations daily, and almost all the time. Again affirmations are repeated thoughts in our heads. You’re affirming your thoughts about yourself whenever you think of something about yourself, whether that is conscious or not. The idea of negatively thinking about yourself might seem silly at first, but as time goes on, you will start to realize that it is possible, as well as dangerous.

How to use affirmations

As we have defined what affirmations are let us know how we can use them. It is essential to define what words and thoughts are required to make this process successful. First, you must define what you want to accomplish, set yourself a goal. Try to be as precise as possible to have clear vision of you achieving it and taking action to that goal. After you have defined your goals, you can begin to think about your affirmations, and then write them down.

You need to make sure that you have personalized notes that resonate to you only in this case. This matters the most because you will make a connection with your life through these affirmations making them more efficient. The more believable the affirmation is to you the better. Your affirmations should be used as often as possible, ideally in the morning and before going to sleep. Be patient and try to relax during the time that you recite them – they need to make their way into your mind, so you need to be patient while you do it.

There is nothing complicated about using them, but it is important to understand just how you are going to make use of them. Make them easy, short and to the point. Remember that it will be through this tool that you will be able to achieve your goal, so if you lack the motivation to do so, keep it in mind.

Start Creating Your Own

It is very important to keep a few things in mind while creating your positive affirmations.

Use present tense – Our minds are quite literal. You are creating your affirmations as they are happening at the moment of writing. Define your affirmation not by time in the future, but with your goal. For example – you want to find a fitting job. You shouldn’t say “I will have a nice job”, but rather “I have a great job”. Keep them short and to the point.

Make your affirmations always positive – We already use negative thoughts throughout the day, why not simply change it? Let me give you short example – You are thinking about some meetings and how much you are unprepared for it. So you are thinking about making a mistake, thus becoming more anxious than you needed to be. You calm down during the meeting and realize that it is not that stressful, and after that you continue your day. But your mind and body had a stressful period before that meeting because you had a very effective way of doubting yourself. It covered every aspect of what an effective affirmation needs to cover. The statement was short, up to the point, and you believed that you will make a mistake.


Reverse the statement, try to relax, take a deep breath, and follow your rhythm. You will be amazed at how much shallow we operate in stressful situations. Short breaths, body is tight, and poor judgment of our ability to situation. It is essential for you to relax and focus on that moment of peace so that you will be able to think through the stressful situation. Practicing positive affirmations will help you to get out of difficult situations by thinking of a positive outcome.

More Details to Cover

It should be specific short and easy to remember. Affirmations should be memorable, and very specific to your goal. This is making them a powerful tool. You will stick to your goal, motivating yourself even further and create a habit of reassuring yourself that the goal is yours.

Repeat the often and out load – In the morning start your day by getting closer to your goal. Right before you go to bed, repeat the again. Why those two times? Simply because it will be easier to get those positive affirmations into your mind after waking up, and right before going to sleep. Why out loud? You will be more immersed in the whole process. In the beginning, it might feel uncomfortable, but as soon as you start, you will get used to it.

Tap into your feelings – This is one of the crucial steps. The reason why you should write your own affirmations is everyone is unique and their goals are unique too. By creating your own affirmation you are putting your feelings into it too. It brings your words to life. It convinces you that the positive affirmation you create is true.

Here is list of example for Positive Affirmations that can help everyone no matter their goal:

I have confidence

My production is at maximum

My health is great

I have great energy

I am successful

Creation of Habitual Affirmations

Affirmations have a great power of creating habits, whether it be good or bad. It can be applied to any objective that you wish to accomplish. You just need to have a clear goal in mind and it can be obtained. Make sure you strive to create good ones, the bad ones are probably already there.

As you progress with your daily routine of positive affirmations, you will start noticing gradual changes. Your confidence will become more obvious, your self image will become higher. The habit will develop of bringing yourself up in a most powerful way. You will start to have cleaner, and healthier habits. This might come as a side effect, but if you are mentally and spiritually strong, chances are that you will be healthier too.


As with any habit it can’t come overnight. Best thing you can do now is simply use the technique you have read here and start creating your own positive affirmations. Habit can be created by repeating the process over and over throughout the day. As suggested you should use your positive affirmations in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. How long will it take it entirely depends on you and your goals. Try experimenting with different affirmations until you find a couple that really resonates with you. At this time, you should not be concerned with when the results will be visible, but focus on creating quality affirmations and keeping on schedule. The moment you forget that you need to do this over the next let`s say 30 days, you will be much more focused on the reasons why you are doing this, and the results will follow. 

Final Touch

The outcomes that you manifest will come from your creation of the best suitable affirmation and thoughts inside your head. Positive affirmations will guide you to be more in tune with yourself, and to respond positively in any circumstances. The more you use them the more you will be able to switch negativity around or inside you. The most valuable gift you can give yourself is to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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