January 16, 2024

Affirmations for Shifting your Mind – Become a Powerful version of yourself. Changing your life requires thinking and doing things in new ways, which means moving away from your comfort zone. Humans are creatures of habit. Changing your life requires forming new habits! This sounds easy but as such it is the most difficult part of the change that we must take.

You will need to be persistent and determined in the beginning. In order to become habituated to a new habit, your brain must create new neurological pathways through repetition after repetition. Affirmations help you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and create new neurological pathways. Creating them takes time, make sure you be persistent and devoted to your goal.

You can challenge yourself by doing affirmations for shifting. It is the conscious and the subconscious part of your being that control your way of thinking and acting. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs are limiting ways of thinking. With affirmations, you can harness the power of these beliefs to reprogram and shift them as needed.

What is an affirmation for shifting?

What’s all the fuss about? What’s the whole point? Well, basically you have limitations, as I like to call them. The truth is that we all have certain limitations that limit our abilities to do certain things, whatever boing in business, relationships or life in general. This will be a very personal question. Have you ever tried to do something you knew deep down that you were capable of doing, but suffered from the thought in your head that made you stop yourself from doing it? Well, more than likely you have limitations that prevent you from accomplishing certain goals. A limitation is thoughts you have and the voice inside of your head that makes you feel as though you cannot achieve anything in life or business. In short you are creating your own limitations, thus preventing you to grow to your fullest.


The fact that we are spiritual beings living in a physical body means that we have all the necessary resources we need to achieve and do whatever we want in life and business. What you believe and what you think are your beliefs. In my opinion, nothing is impossible for you to achieve in your life by simply using your thoughts and beliefs in a positive way. You are a magnificent human being, in order to unlock full potential you have to take good care of yourself.

An affirmation for shifting is a statement that describes the state of an already realized goal, for example, “I am joyful right here right now”. To achieve the best results with affirmations, it is very important to state them positively, so that the affirmations are for what you want, not something that you don’t want. When you say: “I am not tired anymore,” your mind will hear: “I am tired”. A better affirmation might be: “I feel restored and invigorated now!”. Your mind is quite literal, so be careful what affirmations you are creating because your mind will take them as such.

Choose the best version of yourself with affirmations for shifting

The new day has arrived and now you will have all the tools you need to create and have a more prosperous, joyful and harmonious business and personal life, so you can really say to yourself, I am going after my dreams and living the way I am supposed to live on Earth. Make sure you start your day with positive affirmations in order to feel even more pumped up for the upcoming day. Shifting your mind is the toughest part of change, but once you are able to do that you are already half way there.

Whenever you set your mind to achieving any business or personal goal, you will know you will achieve it because you are inspired, motivated and excited about achieving it. Once you get a feel of it to be real it will become easier for you to believe in it, thus speeding up the whole process of manifestation.


Your real intention is to say to your subconscious mind, “I’m in charge, I’m aware that I can change; I’m taking control of my life”. In a sense, I suggest you create affirmations for shifting by choosing specific words that will help you eliminate something you do not wish to create, so as to create what you DO want – something you REALLY want.

Why does this work?

In this instance, I recommend you start paying attention to your thoughts so you can eliminate any thoughts that do not assist you in your journey. You are attracting more poverty to your life every time you think “I don’t want to live in poverty,” for example. In the event that you think that “life does not support you,”, what you are actually saying – what you are actually doing – is that you are not living in the way you should be living. Again you mind is taking things and thoughts quite literally so you have to be careful with upcoming and prepared thoughts.

Changing your way of talking to yourself is something I would suggest you to do. What you need to do if you have negative or limiting thoughts in your mind is to change the way you talk to yourself in order to achieve your desired goals. It does not mean that you are not a good person or that you cannot accomplish your goals.

Although many people insist that affirmations don’t work, they’re also denying they are affirmations in and of themselves. It seems to me though that what they really mean by that is that they don’t know how to use them properly. A person may affirm to you that they are getting healthier while the voice inside their head might say “It will never work.” Which claim will win out in the end? Probably the most common one is the negative one since it has been ingrained into our minds in the past.

In this sense, affirmations can be compared to seeds planted in poor soil (a seed might not grow if it is planted in poor soil). As you begin to think positive thoughts that are also deeply emotional, you begin to feel good and the affirmation eventually begins to work faster and faster. If you truly believe in what you are affirming then more power to you, you are taking your affirmations in the right and most efficient way.

What to do with these affirmations for shifting?

I would like to say that you have the power right now to decide what thoughts you want to think. It will not be possible to completely eradicate your negative, limiting thoughts after a single day, but if you are consistent in thinking positive thoughts that make you feel good, and enlightened then you will surely start making positive changes in every sphere of your life.

There is a truth to this: we only have a single time we are in control of, we have only a single time we are in control of our feelings, and that time is NOW. As a matter of fact, we can only be realistic about the present and live in the moment. Why would it be possible for us to live happily in the future if we don’t live well now? The only moment we have control over is right now, we can’t control the past or the future, so we can only control the present. How can we create future moments in which we will be successful, abundant, and fun if we do not choose to feel good in the present moment?

Choosing to think positive thoughts is having the ability to consciously choose to create a lifestyle that will lead to positive outcomes. As you use the word ‘affirmative’ in the present moment, you are working to create the future for yourself by transcending the present moment.

Think of it like planting a seed in the soil

It is essential to affirm it, every time so that it takes root in your mind. When your mind is given the opportunity, it will do whatever it has to do for that seed to grow. Rich soils are much more likely to reproduce faster than poor soils because they are very fertile.

4 Simple Steps for to Shifting Affirmations  for Mindset for Success Inside and Out

Step 1: Be aware of your thoughts.

To successfully change your life, you must first become aware of your thoughts in order to become effective in shifting your mindset, both inside and out. Keeping up with the times begins with becoming aware of your thoughts. The best way to ward off negative thoughts or limits coming into your mind is to ignore them when they come up in your mind rather than trying to stop them and wasting time and effort.


As much as possible try to make the affirmations as true to yourself as possible. As much as possible don’t try to affirm what other people do or the way they behave. “Now that my husband is kind and loving towards me”, is not the same as: “I now live with a loving partner“.

Negative Thoughts are your enemy

Step 2: Shift your negative or limiting thought to an opposite, abundant thought.

In order to shift negative, limiting thoughts to positive, abundant thoughts it is crucial to become aware of your thoughts and consciously aware of them. In order to truly succeed, start thinking only thoughts aligned with your goals, dreams, passions, and purpose, feeling good about life, abundant, and successful within, as opposed to the limiting thoughts that make you feel anxious, worried, and frustrated.

Changing into positive thought requires great mental energy. Once you are comfortable shifting your thoughts into always positive ones your life will change for better.

Step 3: Use present tense, ALWAYS!

It is essential that you state your affirmations in the present tense. For instance, you could say, “I have,” or “I am,” or you could say, “I will have,” although that will mean it will stay in the future. Your words are taken very literally by the universe according to how you express your wishes. When expressing your wishes, use the present tense. Since you have a literal mind when it comes to this, do it as if it already happened. 

Step 4: Repeat the affirmation as often as possible.

Affirmations can be done at any time of the day. The best time to do them is just before you are about to go to bed at night so that your subconscious can make your affirmations come true as you sleep.

You attract good in life by thinking positively; you push away good by thinking negatively. Maybe you want to think of a prosperous, joyful, beautiful, lovely thought that makes you feel happy and good. It’s up to you and your choices.

Staying Focused with Affirmations for Shifting

The four simple steps listed here will help you become a success-oriented person inside and out so that you can have an abundant, prosperous, joyful and harmonious life and LOVE every moment. Begin taking action now.

In order to stay focused, make a scheduled note that you will be reminded of in a particular period of the day. This way you are constantly reaffirming your affirmations and creating a healthy habit the right way.


By changing your paradigm, you will be able to reprogram your subconscious mind with affirmations for shifting and visualizations. If you don’t reprogram your subconscious mind, any changes to the outer world will be temporary. This is because the subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls your paradigms. After you have developed your self-illustration and your major definite purpose, it is time for you to begin using positive affirmations as well as visualization to achieve what you have set your sights on.

What can Affirmations for Shifting do for you Now?

Affirmations for shifting are positive responses you tell yourself, preferably aloud, to encourage yourself to become the person you hope to be or to attain the goals you have set for yourself. In order to achieve effective affirmations, the importance of both repetition and intensity must be considered.

In order to have a more profound effect on you, the more intense and frequent your affirmations for shifting are, the more likely you are to be able to shift your mind into a beneficial mental state. Whenever possible, you should form positive images like imagining that you have already achieved your goals or that you already have become the person you intended to be. Visualization can be enhanced with emotion. As you visualize, the more emotions you can generate the faster changes will occur in your life.

Along with visualization you can include associations with color, feeling, sound whatever you choose to remember that affirmation even better. The more personalized the better it will be.

Remember that you have built and developed your paradigm over a long period of years, so you are not suddenly going to change it. You can change everything in your life by utilizing these powerful strategies in a rather short period of time. Once you cultivate these methods, you will experience rapid improvements in all of your life’s domains. I wish you all the best in your journey. Keep it up you will get there, I believe in you.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care

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